This is an extremely heavy mission.

glare like a tiger watching his prey’s legalist!

The mystery of Xiaocao’s life experience!

This is a responsibility he cannot shirk.


In the end of Ye Fei’s heart, only this word emerged, fighting for the common people of the world, fighting for the brother, fighting for the grass, too, for Fight for yourself.

“These battles, I can’t bring back to the Northern Territory. I can’t let younger sister and Uncle Sword be harmed. Then, let me kill a Heaven and Earth turning upside down in Zhong Prefecture and fight a heaven. -shaking, earth-shattering! I want to fight the gods and demons, I want to smash the world!”


Suddenly, the raging war turned into a thunder, The sky in the Martial God space exploded, “Human Demon, you can’t help me!” Ye Fei suddenly raised the ice bow and shot the last dozen golden giant swords on his body into the sky. After experiencing this hearty battle, Ye Fei finally understood that he was caught in the trap of Human Demon at first. Why did Human Demon give him a complete battle demonic path? Human Demon knows that battle demonic path can affect a person. His mentality eventually made that person sink into complete darkness.

The War God Dao, on the contrary, can ignite the fire of Ye Fei deep in one’s heart, allowing him to bloom again from the heart that was gradually consumed by darkness.

After seven or eight seconds.

A dozen golden giant swords exploded in the sky, forming a dozen terrifying vortex of Tearing the Void, as if to completely destroy the Martial God space.

At this time.

In the sky smashed, a giant white hand covering the sky appeared. With a light grasp, the rays of light of the golden giant sword Self-destruction instantly disappear without a trace.

Seeing that he could not use the demonic path to lure Ye Fei into the eternal darkness, Human Demon, in another way, warned Ye Fei not to say his existence. Once Ye Fei speaks, Human Demon is very likely to crush Ye Fei easily like a golden giant sword.

“hmph! Wait, within 100 years, I, Ye Fei, will become Martial God, and then I will cut off your head personally to avenge the six Holy Sects and the seven dead Martial Gods!”

With determination and faith, Ye Fei laughed, stepping on the strong wind, carrying an ice bow, and slowly disappearing outside the Martial Spirit city. What he left was the Martial Spirit in ruins. The city, as well as the city, the immortal fire.

Chapter 1120 The world changes because of him

Chapter 1120 The world changes because of him

Until Ye Fei leaves, the children of the Aristocratic Family gathered together , And failed to summon the courage to attack Ye Fei. They just stared at the sky blankly, at the giant hand that slowly disappeared.

“What is that, is it a god, a demon? Or an immortal king?”

Not only these children of the Aristocratic Family are shocked, when they see in the sky, the disappearing magic hand At that time, Master Zhu’s whole body could not help but tremble, “The legend is true, the legend is true!”

“13th Uncle, what legend?” Little sister Zhu turned her head and found that Master Zhu was actually there. Trembling.

“I can’t say, I can’t say, that’s a taboo, as long as you confide a word, it will lead to an extinction! It seems that the Fa School has provoked a great enemy, this world, it will definitely change because of him. !” I wish the master a long sigh. Originally, he was still interested in investigating Ye Fei’s identity.

But seeing the giant hand of white bones in the sky, I wish the master has decided to be tight-lipped and must not confide half a word to anyone, not even Zhu Family.

“What is that, is it the ultimate restriction of Martial God space? That lunatic, that desperate lunatic, he dared to shoot a sword to the sky and despise it Heavenly Dao, despise Martial God! What’s more unforgivable is that he actually cut my true spirit of the Dharma ancestor!”

There is no way to escape from the law. As a Young Master, he has many treasures. He took out a rare treasure at random, and he hid his breath. Hide in the distance and observe Ye Fei’s actions.

When I saw Ye Fei raising his bow to the sky, Fawudao was really shocked, and it shocked him even more. It was the giant hand of bones that suddenly appeared in the sky. The Aristocratic Family guarded Martial God. Space tens of thousands of years, this giant hand of bones, this is the first time it has appeared.

Then Fawudao thought of his fiasco and the humiliation of his escape. His eyes were suddenly full of humiliation and resentment, “Damn it, if it wasn’t for that ice bow, How can I lose to him? I want to kill him, I want to use his blood to wash away my humiliation!”


Under jealousy, he was seriously injured by lawlessness, and he spits out several mouthfuls of black blood. In his eyes, the hatred for Ye Fei has reached a boiling point.

The giant white hand in the sky appeared quickly and disappeared quickly. In fact, in just one breath, the Martial God space has recovered calm. But no one knew that through the void shattered by Ye Fei, there were ten Bone Dragons roaring.

The demarcation line is the golden war chariot. One on the left and the other on the right, stood two confronting silhouettes.

“You can’t shoot him, don’t forget our promise, a hundred years, he has a hundred years to grow, you dare to break the promise, hurt my brother a hair, I will perish with you “

Wang Bai raised his hand and suppressed the roaring Bone Emperor Dragon. He clothes whiter than snow, and his body was filled with a fierce power of destroying heaven extinguishing earth, and then he turned into A Demon God with seven faces, a thousand hands, and a compassionate face, slowly walked towards the unknown void.

Human Demon didn’t stop it, he just slowly retracted his giant hand with bones that quickly became smaller. There was a deep and hideous look in his eyes, “Funny kid, who was led into the darkness by the deity, he actually He didn’t completely degenerate, but walked out of the darkness. However, he has cultivated a complete demonic path. The darkness will be everywhere. One day, he will be enchanted, and one day, he will become another Human Demon!”

“Wang Bai, you can’t stop him, you are training him, just creating another Human Demon, roar!”

The void is broken, Human Demon roars.

His body of white bones suddenly became full of flesh and blood, and his god robe was added to his body, rays of light ten thousand zhang, like an Eternal Inextinguishable Divine King, but Divine King’s face is extremely hideous and faint Flashed the desire for killing.

“I want Human Demon, but the sky cannot be left! If the sky does not give, even if this world is destroyed, I will get it!” Set foot on the golden war chariot again.

The twelve bone dragons roared in unison, they dragged the golden war chariot, silhouette, and gradually dragged the huge chains deep in the void back a little bit.

At the same time.

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