Unsurprisingly, just as he rushed into the forest, in the dark, he rushed out a strange ominous wolf full of flames. And not one, but dozens of ominous wolves, with pale flames in their eyes. In the dark, they look like a piece of phosphorous fire flying in the air, sending cold shivers down one’s spine.

“These are the ghost bone wolves of the 5th layer Martial Saint. Among them, the Wolf King can reach the seventh Martial Saint Peak, known as the nightmare of the Saint Court disciple!”


Ye Fei was sweating cold all over, and felt that the abandoned man was too bad luck. The Secret Realm treasure did not have his own share, and all kinds of dangers, but they kept moving towards him.

You should know that according to the information of King Gua, there are very few ghost bone wolves in Life and Death Valley, and the probability of encountering them is almost 1%. But with such a small probability, Ye Fei would encounter him.

Roar roar!

While Ye Fei was observing the ghost bone wolf, Wolf King, who was hiding in the dark, was also blinking cunning eyes, observing him, ominous beasts all Wisdom, as the leader of Wolf King, is even more extraordinary. But when he saw that Ye Fei was only one person, and only the 5th layer Martial Saint, Wolf King finally stopped being patient.

With a huge roar in the dark night.

In the dark night sky, dozens of ghost bone wolves surrounded Ye Fei, all drooling, rushing towards Ye Fei with sharp teeth and not crazy. Their sharp claws form wind blades, cutting the space with countless cracks.

A wind blade of a ghost bone wolf swept across the direction where Ye Fei was. The towering old trees in that direction were all cut off from the middle, and a piece of hong long long fell. If it was cut in humans It is possible to be cut directly on the body. Ye Fei has more cold sweat on his forehead.

In addition to cursing his own bad luck, he encountered the Netherworld Wolf pack as soon as he entered. All he can do is to dodge constantly. In the end there are too many wolves, and it is courting death to fight back the approaching ones. Two ghost bone wolves, Ye Fei pulled his legs and moved towards the distance and rushed towards the distance, wanting to leave this forest.


At this time, the Wolf King in the dark could no longer bear it. Its silver-gray hair released flashes and turned into a ball of silver lightning. The tree swooped down, the huge wolf’s mouth opened, and a silver light bullet burning with flames spewed out.


The silver bullet landed on the ground, setting off a terrifying wave of air, and even blowing Ye Fei caught off guard on the ground. Even if he was not injured, he made a covered in dirt.

When the surrounding wolves saw the cheap price, they all released the bloody rays of light in their eyes, howling moved towards Ye Fei and pounced.

“You courting death!” Ye Fei was completely irritated, knowing that Wolf King’s speed was faster than his hundred miles, and it was almost impossible to escape. For the rest, he can only fight to the end.

Fortunately, there are not many wolves this time. In a desperate battle, he may not have the chance to kill the wolves.


Ye Fei jumped up from the ground very neatly, Ye Fei touched the belt of space, the new Spirit Sword was already in his hand, and then strenuously waved forward, the head of the first ghost bone wolf, It had been cut in half, and the red and white sprayed out.


There was another loud noise. Ye Fei danced wildly with a sword, and rolled up a terrifying sword wind on the flat ground to form a Copper Wall Iron Bastion, blocking the sharp claw bite of the Nether Bone Wolf. Taking advantage of the chance of the wolves being slightly confused, Ye Fei strode forward again, eating Spirit Sword with magic light, and endless Death Aura, fiercely forward, sweeping out a bright sword light.

Profound Truth, Sword of Death!

While the howling sword energy swept forward and killed the closest three ghost bone wolves, Ye Fei’s murderous intention was revealed, and it actually killed the wolves surrounding him and devoured the Spirit Sword. Set off a terrifying storm of death, directly stab at the last Wolf King.

“shoot person first then shoot horse, to catch brigands, first catch their king! As long as you kill this Wolf King, I see these wolves, I can’t retreat.” Ye Fei’s eyes flashed Pass a touch of cold light. A ghost bone wolf tried to stop him from advancing, and he did not hesitate to bite the Spirit Sword with his body, while sharp claw with cold glow madly grabbed Ye Fei’s throat.

This bone wolf actually wants to be perish together with him. His wisdom is good, but it is a pity that the strength of the two sides is so different. The Sword of Death in his hand changed and suddenly became Tai Chi Profound Truth again.

The bright Taiji Sword picture is protected in front of Ye Fei. All the ghost bone wolves that are close to him are blocked by the Taiji Sword picture.

Ye Fei took the opportunity and strode forward. It was only 30 metres away from Wolf King. Wolf King’s cunning eyes flashed with deep fear.

The ominous beast’s instinct allows it to clearly feel the terrifying of the two swords of Ye Fei. Even if it is a Wolf King, it may not be able to resist Ye Fei’s sword of Profound Truth.

ao wu!

The silver Wolf King roared again, but it was no longer an attack, but a signal to lead the wolves to retreat. He found that Ye Fei was strong and Wolf King, who did not want to suffer any more losses, decided to retreat.

“Damn! We finally found this group of ghost bone wolves, so quickly, they were killed by the waste that day!”

On a mountain in the dark, Tyumen was so angry that he looked at the wolves that fled in a panic, his nostrils smoked. The plan to use the wolves to consume Ye Fei’s tactics also failed.

Looking at the yelling Tyumen Mountain, the second uncle next to him flashed a touch of disdain, and finally spoke, saying with a smile, “This Ye Fei is indeed a bit of a doorway, but since I can Attracting the Netherworld Wolf group, how can they let them retreat easily, go crazy, the wolf group!”

Speaking, the second uncle quickly took out a bottle of Danye from his body, the liquid melted into the air, It turned into a cloud of pink mist and drifted into the pack of wolves with the night breeze.

After absorbing the mist, Wolf King, who was planning to retreat, had dull eyes at first, then became crazy and bloodthirsty.


All the wolves suddenly went violent. Under the leadership of the head Wolf King, they quickly turned around, and then rushed towards Ye Fei without being ordered to move towards Ye Fei. .

Not only is the wolves going crazy, but wherever the pink mist spreads, all the ominous beasts hidden inside are furious, and then desperately, from all directions, crazy moved towards Ye Fei rushed come.

Ye Fei’s face could not help showing a touch of horror, two words subconsciously appeared in his mind: “Animal tide?”

But soon, he subconsciously denied this. Speculate.

“Impossible is a beast wave. This is Life and Death Valley. Saint Court holds the ominous beast. If a beast wave occurs here, all the disciplines that enter the Life and Death Valley will die. Saint Court is impossible to let This kind of thing happens. Since it is not a beast wave, there is only one possibility…”

This ominous beast’s rage is man-made, “Someone is in the dark and wants to deal with me!”


Chapter 1170 Happy Too Early

Chapter 1170 Happy Too Early

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