Ye Fei’s singing made the void of the real Martial God Palace sway slightly. Then, his silhouette was swallowed by the void, leaving only Shangluo standing in place, his eyes a little blurred. Somewhat speechless, “Well, this Fairy admits that this guy looks really good at boasting, he is still handsome.”

Speaking, Shangluo also stepped into the real Martial God Palace.

At this point, the top ten Earth Grades have all entered the real Martial God Palace and started ten years of penance. Of course, it is ten years, that is the space inside the temple.

True Martial manual has long said that the temple is equivalent to one year to the outside world for ten years. The True Martial Saint Court that year was able to dominate the top of the four Saint Courts, and the Martial God Palace is a real contribution. .

The internal space of the True Martial God Palace is also very large, there are hundreds of palaces, each palace has the ability to accelerate time, but because of the decline of True Martial Saint Court, it has been impossible to support a hundred people The disciple worked hard in it.

So every time the temple is opened, only ten people enter the discipline. This time Ye Fei was able to get in, thanks to Saint Court’s compensation for him.

“That many palaces here, don’t know which palace I should choose?” Walking along the magnificent promenade, Ye Fei stared at the palaces on both sides,


At this time, Xiaocao seemed to have discovered something. She ran out of the beast seal space in a hurry, spread her feet, and ran towards the innermost palace.

Ye Fei was taken aback. It was the first time he saw Xiaocao so excited, “But if Xiaocao can run out, it means there is no danger here.”

After ten years of cultivation, it must be very boring in the middle. Since there is no danger here, Ye Fei decided to put the grass outside. Of course, Dragon Tortoise must always be protected.

After that, Ye Fei followed the grass and walked quickly to the entrance of a black palace. The palace was very simple, without gorgeous statues and gilt buildings. There is only a green bamboo forest.

In front of the bamboo forest, there is another special stream formed by Spiritual Qi. At this time, the grass jumps into the stream, holding the Dragon Tortoise and swimming in it happily.

Seeing Xiaocao’s happy appearance, Ye Fei didn’t interfere. He just told Xiaocao not to be seen by others, so he let him run around in the bamboo forest.

Then Ye Fei came to a hut in the middle of the bamboo forest. In the hut, there was nothing but a large bluestone.

The ground is full of dust, only the large bluestone, spotless, simple and natural. Ye Fei fell in love with this natural breath at a glance.

“Since I practiced martial arts, I have been whole journey of slaughter. I have seen bones become mountains and human hearts are treacherous, but I rarely come into contact with this kind of environment that is not dangerous and completely relaxed. Here, it is suitable for me to sharpen my sword. Practice the sword! Raise the sword!”

From the distant stream, I took out a bucket of spiritual water, sprinkled the hut, and wiped the big bluestone myself.

After that, Ye Fei took out the Spirit Sword, placed it on the big bluestone, and slowly polished it up. I don’t know if it was an illusion. When he wore the Spirit Sword, the spirit of the sword, it turned out to be It exudes a kind of jubilation, even the immortal Sword Soul moved a little, seeming to affirm Ye Fei.

Ye Fei felt even more joyful in his heart, “Sword Soul is never extinguished. It is always lazy and can make him send out a positive mood swing, which proves that I am determined to choose Ten Years To Sharpen A Sword. These ten In 2016, I must fight for the sword technique to bring it up a level! It is best to comprehend the third Profound Truth, Profound Truth of Sword!”

chi chi! chi chi!

While sharpening his sword, Ye Fei secretly set a goal for himself. His eyes gradually became focused, and the concentration was terrifying.

Unconsciously, when Ye Fei woke up from the sharpening sword, time, one year had passed, and Spirit Sword in his hand. Instead of being worn out by him, he has become even sharper.

“The impurities that ate Spirit Sword have been completely wiped away. It has changed from ordinary Quasi-Emperor Artifact to top grade Quasi-Emperor Artifact!” Ye Fei looked surprised.

Sharpening the sword is just grinding the heart. Sharpening the sword is only a form. Through the sharpening of the sword, he recalls the fights in his life, and finding the shortcomings is the key.

He is not at all refiner, how can he eat Spirit Sword’s level, but he will automatically upgrade? Ye Fei fell into deep thought, and finally, his eyes fell on the big blue stone in front of him.

“This large bluestone is very out of the ordinary! I sharpen the sword for a year, and it is a mountain, and it may be smoothed, but this large bluestone does not even have a stone chip missing!” Ye Fei’s face was full of surprises. He thought that Xiaocao ran into this palace only when he discovered that there were mountains and waters here. It now appears that Xiaocao discovered this large bluestone out of the ordinary.

“I just don’t know if this big bluestone can be ground into an Emperor Artifact from Quasi-Emperor Artifact?” Ye Fei stared at the big bluestone with fiery eyes, wondering if it was an illusion. Listen When Ye Fei was so greedy, the stone seemed to tremble slightly.

Fortunately, Ye Fei just said casually, not at all, pay attention to the big bluestone. Besides, if the stone remains in the temple, he is also impossible to take it out.

“Since the sharpening of the sword has been accomplished, the hostility in my heart has been calmed down, and the murderous heart has been extinguished! Next, I should practice the sword, and only the sword can be the best!”


Ye Fei’s mind again remembered the explanation of his sword dao in the Northern Territory, the sword idiot Elder, and immediately, Ye Fei’s eyes became pure, he forgot everything, time, space, He even forgot about himself. In his eyes, there was only a sword.

This world has become only able to hold swords.

He started to swing his sword!

Chapter 1187 Liangyi Taiji Sword

Chapter 1187 Liangyi Taiji Sword


Ye Fei waved the first sword, which is impressively 13 sword styles!

This is the first sect sword he has mastered. It was once in Blackstone City. He grew up relying on this Sword Art. Now, he re-exhibits this Sword Art.

Memory also flooded into Ye Fei’s mind, and then merged into the sword in his hand. At this moment, Ye Fei’s sword suddenly had emotions, and had its own emotions.


Thirteen consecutive attacks, slashed out, Ye Fei’s imposing manner suddenly changed, and his cultivation sword suddenly became a murderous-looking sword.

At this moment, Ye Fei seems to have experienced the foul wind and bloody rain from Blackstone City from then on. It is an enemy in the world, fighting hard!

The killing sword raised high, billowing people’s heads, and falling dust.

The funeral!

Ye Fei’s mouth suddenly made a clear voice. At this moment, he seemed to think of the years in Taixuan Holy Land. The sword in his hand suddenly disappeared and turned into another sky. Heaven, suppressed the real heaven.

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