The big bluestone, which heard Xiaocao swallowing saliva and was about to quietly roll out from Dragon Tortoise, suddenly rolled back in fright, and rolled directly to Ye Fei’s feet and cursed: “Boy, Be kind! If you don’t have me, you can have a sudden enlightenment for four or five years, and you will be able to understand the Tai Chi Two Ritual Swords better?”

“So you also know the Tai Chi Two Ritual Swords, it seems you are monitoring me. “Ye Fei’s tone fell cold. Whether it was Tai Chi’s secret or Xiaocao’s secret, he didn’t want others to know.

I heard Ye Fei’s bad tone. On the rock scared by the big bluestone, a layer of transparent green sweat came down, and then he yelled at Ye Fei with resentment: “I’m monitoring my ass! I! It is the treasure of the inheritance appointed by the Divine Emperor. If I monitor you, will you be able to enlighten you for so many years?”

This remark of Daqingshi is very true. After careful analysis, Ye Fei really discovered that Qingshi really didn’t need to lie to him.

“If this stone was really sent by Saint Court to watch me, it found the grass and told Saint Court a long time ago. The quasi-emperors of Saint Court would definitely come in immediately. How could it let me? Here, calmly cultivation for so many years?”

Holding the grass up again and placing it directly next to the big bluestone, Ye Fei frightened: “Okay, I believe you are not monitoring me, but since you are right I’m not malicious, so why do you want to run?”

“Boy, you are ashamed to say that as soon as you find out of the ordinary, your eyes are like cannibalism. This female doll is even more cruel, but Just open your mouth and chew, I don’t rush to run, do I still stay here to die?” The big bluestone complained with tears.

Ye Fei’s old face couldn’t help but blush, and he hurriedly broke the topic: “Since you are the treasure of Saint Court’s inheritance, why did you never hear anyone say before I came in?”


“hmph Hmph, Saint Court certainly wouldn’t know. Back then, the Divine Emperor left me here just to wait for a destined person, which means to give some geniuses privately, to open a small stove. Don’t talk about you, just The past principals of Saint Court didn’t know my existence. Only the destined person recognized by the Divine Emperor could pass me and get personal guidance from the True Martial Divine Emperor.” Da Qingshi hummed.

Ye Fei listened to startled, “Martial God’s personal guidance? Isn’t the True Martial Divine Emperor still dead?”

“Who can live? Martial God, after all, It’s just a powerful person. Of course, the Divine Emperor will die. However, even though the old bastard is dead, his preaching is imprinted on my within the body. The purpose of my stay here is to spread his Tao Give to the destined person of Saint Court so that he can continue to carry forward his martial arts. This old bastard will not let me live in peace. My life is so terrible!”

The big bluestone keeps complaining, but his The tone was deep and sad.

Ye Fei knows that it is complaining like this on purpose. It can be seen that the relationship between Daqingshi and the Divine Emperor is not ordinary. Through a forced questioning of Daqingshi, Ye Fei also understands this true Martial God. The true origin of Palace.

Obviously, the true Martial God Palace is the True Martial Divine Emperor, which is used to enshrine the large bluestone. At the same time, the True Martial Divine Emperor passed all the martial arts to the large bluestone as Saint Court inheritance items, waiting for the destined person of Saint Court to come and get it.

Just judging from the fact that Saint Court didn’t know anything about the big bluestone, the True Martial Divine Emperor seemed to have not waited until the destined person until his appearance.

“Could it be that I am the destined person?” Ye Fei thought of this and couldn’t help feeling a little surprise on his face. What if Saint Court didn’t train him to obtain the inheritance of the True Martial Divine Emperor? It is a big gain.

I seem to understand what Ye Fei is thinking, but Daqing Shi is not polite, and pours cold water on Ye Fei: “Young man, you think too much. To get the inheritance of the Divine Emperor, you must first get the approval of the Divine Emperor. , Secondly, I just want to be pleasing to my eyes, especially the previous point, as your identity as a person who has been abandoned by heaven, it is simply impossible to get the recognition of the Divine Emperor.”

At the same time, he was eaten by Xiaocao as a steamed bun. After two mouthfuls of big bluestone, Ye Fei is also quite unpleasant.

Ye Fei suddenly slumped, “So, I can’t help but get the inheritance of the Divine Emperor? Can’t it be accommodating?”

“Accommodation is impossible, young People, you have to die of this heart!” Da Qingshi is not letting go, and almost has to open his mouth to drive people.


Seeing Ye Fei seems very disappointed, Xiaocao became angry, pointed at the big bluestone, and did several consecutive teeth grinding actions. The big bluestone originally The tone was still very strong, and he immediately began to soften, and said in a low voice: “Little girl, don’t you be angry, let’s a gentleman uses his mouth and not his fist, no, it’s the wise person uses his tongue but not his fists, originally Well, this kid definitely has no chance to become a destined person, but Divine Emperor already not in, the temple is my own decision, so let’s…”

Thinking about it, I found that it was still unremarkable before this little ancestor , Daqingshi finally made a difficult decision. Compromise: “Let’s see if you are the second one who can find the discipline of my existence. It is also considered a half-destined person. I will make an exception and let you see the inheritance of the Divine Emperor once. As for how much you can understand, then see. Your luck.”

“Little grass, well done!” Ye Fei was pleasantly surprised, and hurriedly praised Xiaocao, knowing that he has done a great job, and Xiaocao raised his head happily, as if proud Little peacock.

The big bluestone suddenly felt green, but the grass was on the side glare like a tiger watching his prey, facing this little ancestor who specializes in eating stones, the big bluestone obviously didn’t have much courage to refute.

I can only bring Ye Fei back to the thatched hut and say, “Boy, this is the place where the Divine Emperor preached in his later years. All his preaching is contained in my heart. Happy God, listen carefully!”


The azure brilliance of the big bluestone blooms. Under the shroud of brilliance, not only space distortion, but also time has begun to be distorted. In the distortion, Ye Fei seems to have spanned tens of thousands of years and returned to the most glorious era of the true Martial God Palace. In this era, Martial Emperor is like a cloud, and Martial God is like a hundred flowers contending.

While Ye Fei was eyeing the temple, a magnificent figure suddenly appeared in the temple. The figure was like the world, sitting on top of the temple. At his feet, there were countless mountains and rivers. He On top of his head, there are bright Sun, Moon and Stars.

“What is Tao? Heaven and earth are Tao, human heart is Tao! The sun and the moon are Tao, mountains and rivers are also Tao…” Then, from the back, he began to preach, not facing the discipline, but Turn your back to the discipline.

But it is just a back figure. In Ye Fei’s eyes, it is more majestic than mountains and noble than heaven and earth. This is Martial God, and this is True Martial Divine Emperor.

“Unfortunately, True Martial Divine Emperor is still inferior to Monster God. Monster God can talk to me in future generations and teach Little Fatty after countless years of time and space, but True Martial Divine Emperor, but I can only leave a shadow in time and space, and explain his way to the future of the discipline.”

But even so, this is a real Martial God, even if the True Martial Divine Emperor is not as good as Monster. God, but his preaching also made Ye Fei listen to it as if drunk and stupefied.


In listening to this sermon, Ye Fei unconsciously used the immortal Sword Soul, and began to frantically improve his perception, as his perception improved . The Dao Yin of the True Martial Divine Emperor began to form a series of wonderful words that appeared in his mind.

Chapter 1190 Martial Dao Returning to True

Chapter 1190 Martial Dao Returning to True

In the twisted time and space, True Martial Divine Emperor, in constant preaching, there is His way is the way of the enemy that he beheaded. The Divine Emperor explained everything meticulously without reservation.

Outside the temple, there are already many people seated. There are Martial Emperors, Martial Sovereigns, and the real Martial Saints, Ancient Era. There is no Tilted Martial Monarch, there is no full power, only Martial. Saint! Ancient Martial Saint!

Titled Martial Monarch, whether it is truly powerful, spiritual Qi is thin, and after the catastrophe of Human Demon, later martial artists have no choice but to forcibly extend it to two levels.

So, at the stage of Martial Saint 12-layer, the current martial artist, breakthrough, will appear so difficult.

“In fact, the real Martial Saint only has a 12-layer realm, and a single realm 1 Heavenly Layer! My cultivation has gone wrong, and later martial artists and cultivation have gone wrong!”

Why is breakthrough Martial Sovereign so difficult now? The decline of Martial Dao is part of the reason. The most important reason is that the current martial artist has lost the correct method of cultivation Martial Saint Realm, but has gone astray!


The preaching of the Divine Emperor is still going on, in time and space, everyone listens as if drunk and stupefied, Ye Fei also listens as if drunk and stupefied . The look in his eyes suddenly brightened, his mind became broadened, and everything in front of him became different.

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