think of the two Heavenly Tribulations I have ever spent, both of which are nine deaths and still alive. If the formidable power of Heavenly Tribulation is increased tenfold, it is no longer despair, but a complete death.

“This Martial Dao is really comfortable, it can directly reduce the formidable power of Heavenly Tribulation by half. In other words, if I work harder, there are ten Profound Truths of cultivation success, and what I will face in the future is not ten times Heavenly Tribulation, it’s five times Heavenly Tribulation!”

For ten times Heavenly Tribulation, Ye Fei may not have confidence, but if it is only five times Heavenly Tribulation, Ye Fei is still refreshed and his eyes are bright. He stared at the big bluestone again, and the big bluestone was shocked, and quickly moved his nest.

“Boy. You can’t abandon one’s benefactor after achieving one’s goal. There is only one chance to listen to Martial God’s preaching. Even if you let a little girl eat me, I can’t give anything. It’s good.”

Ye Fei hearing this, with a bright smile, touched the chin and said: “So, you are useless to me. You know so many secrets from us, what should I do? How about doing it?”

In the end, this big bluestone has followed the True Martial Divine Emperor. Now that we have encountered it, Ye Fei must of course try his best to squeeze some oil and water from this stone.

Faced with the threat of Ye Fei’s red fruit, thick smoke billowed from the lapis lazuli stone, and he cried out, “This day is completely impossible, young man Don’t be impulsive, we have something to say, so let me point you again, and I swear that I won’t tell anyone about you, so we are even more balanced?”


Knowing that this is already the bottom line of the big bluestone, besides, as long as the stone is forced to make a promise, he will not worry. The secret between him and Xiaocao was discovered by Saint Court.

“Hey, Saint Court’s discipline is really fierce from generation to generation. Last time the discipline wanted to catch me, but this time it was even more ruthless, even eating stones!” Big bluestone chattered. Ye Fei was startled, and he suddenly remembered the confession made by Daqingshi.

“Big Stone, you said that before me, you have seen a second person? Is there anyone who has obtained the inheritance of the True Martial Divine Emperor?”

The big bluestone said with disdain: “Bah, if you are like this, you can also be considered as inheritance? Tell you, True Martial Divine Emperor, there are three inheritance, divided into the true chapter, the heavenly punishment chapter, and the strongest True Martial chapter! Boy, you are unlucky, get It’s just the most basic Guizhen chapter!”

“The kid was lucky last time. What he got was Martial Sovereign Realm’s heavenly punishment chapter. Unfortunately, that kid is a thankless wretch. I say he was heavenly punishment. After the article, he actually wanted to catch me and forcibly obtain the most precious True Martial article. Fortunately, I ran fast enough. From now on, I think everyone is not pleasing to the eye!”

Big The bluestone is foul-mouthed there.

Hearing this news, Ye Fei’s heart is even more overflowing heaven stormy seas: “True Martial three, heavenly punishment? Is it the first to obtain inheritance, is the heavenly punishment Zhundi?”

But without waiting for him to ask in detail, Da Qingshi suddenly bypassed the topic, and his tone became very serious: “Boy, listen carefully, this Uncle only points you once. Can you understand it? It depends on your own destiny.”

Ye Fei hearing this is very depressed, “Why do these stones always like to call themselves uncle?” Fortunately, the big bluestone is just a broken mouth, which is more reliable than the stone puppets in the Asura Palace. too much.

In order to send away the little ancestor Xiaocao early, the big bluestone came up and delivered dry goods: “Boy, you know how to realize Martial Dao return to the true Martial Saint, why is it called the strongest Martial in Ancient Era? Saint?”

Rather than waiting for Ye Fei’s answer, Daqingshi has said solemnly: “Because Martial Dao has returned to the truth, it can condense all the Profound Truth that Martial Saint has comprehended, forming what only the Martial Emperor can have. Realm!”


The words of the big bluestone are undoubtedly a thunder, shaking Ye Fei’s heart roaring, he didn’t expect all his dreams, he is in the Martial Saint stage , Just came into contact with the realm that Martial Emperor could possess?

Dragon Tortoise and Xiaocao both stared with wide-eyed eyes, as if they had met Big Bluestone for the first time.

“It’s only the domain, what makes a fuss about nothing! In fact, Profound Truth, domain, and law are all extensions of Martial Dao, except that the realm is enough to master, the perception is strong, plus Certain opportunities can also be grasped in advance. For example, the True Martial Divine Emperor once mastered half of the realm in Martial Saint Realm!”

Reminiscence of the large bluestone tone: “But True Martial Divine Emperor, It’s not the strongest yet. The true peerless genius is said to be able to form a complete field in Martial Saint Realm! Those people are the strongest geniuses in ancient times, and only they are qualified to break through Martial God and pursue the mysterious. Heaven and Earth Supreme!”


Ye Fei’s heart was shocked by Fiercely again, “I thought I was in Martial Saint Realm. It would be great to master the Profound Truth. Now, there is an ancient genius who can master a field stronger than Profound Truth in Martial Saint Realm?”

“haha, kid, you are hit, don’t be afraid to tell you that peerless genius Not only in ancient times, there should be a few in Zhong Prefecture now, but you are not qualified to see it! Okay, gossip, you brat aptitude is a scum, but at any rate it also comprehended the three Profound Truths, and even completed Martial Dao return to the truth, even if you can’t control half of the domain, a little bit of domain is enough to make you the strongest Martial Saint! Ordinary half-emperor abuses casually. When you encounter Martial Sovereign with weak battle strength, you can also use the domain to resist them.”

Listening to a stone chirping there, I just refused to tell him how to form a realm. Ye Fei endured and endured and said that many. Anyway, you told me how to form a realm!

Ye Fei’s heart is roaring, maybe because he feels that Ye Fei’s face is not good, but the lapis lazuli found it in his conscience and taught Ye Fei: “Open your heart, release all your Profound Truth, and then try Integrating this world……”

Speaking, on the big bluestone, the rays of light of azure formed a mass of air flow, madly pouring into Ye Fei’s within the body, and I felt that the air flow did not Maliciously, Ye Fei is the one who immediately releases the three Profound Truths.

Profound Truth of Sword!

Profound Truth of life and death!

Tai Chi Profound Truth!

It’s just that these three kinds of Profound Truths are no longer integrated into martial arts, but thoroughly integrated into this world. Originally, with Ye Fei’s little knowledge, even if he understood the method of Profound Truth into the field, it was impossible. Time forms the field.

But I can’t hold back there is a refined big bluestone around me.

Under the azure light released by the big bluestone, Ye Fei’s thoughts are just a move, and the world he is in has already roared.

A peculiar energy, centered on Ye Fei, spreads to all directions. At the same time, a mysterious Yin-Yang Symbol case appeared at Ye Fei’s feet.

“This is my realm? My realm is the Taiji realm. By the way, what is the use of this realm?”

Chapter 1192 is out of the palace

Chapter 1192 Going out of the temple

Having worked hard to help Ye Fei form a domain, Ye Fei didn’t even know what the domain was, and black smoke appeared on the large bluestone stone: “The disciple of Saint Court” , Are you so ignorant now? You are walking sword dao, your martial arts is the hilt, and Profound Truth is the sword body, the domain is the strongest blade! Now, do you understand?”

Ye Fei suddenly realized, “So, in the past, my sword could only be regarded as a sword of cultivation, without sharpness. Only by gaining the domain and cutting the edge of the sword, my sword can be regarded as a real killing sword!”

The tone of Daqingshi turned to comfort: “Not too stupid! But remember, owning domains is just the beginning of Martial Dao! But with this domain, you don’t even need to be afraid of ordinary Martial Sovereign, because a sword without a blade cannot kill people.”

“I see, thanks to Senior’s advice.” Ye Fei is very happy. Now he is most afraid of Saint Court. Several Heavenly Grade half kings. Now that he has the domain, he has the confidence to defeat the half emperor!

“The domain is really powerful. I will encounter Martial Sovereign in the future. I can’t beat it, and I can remain undefeated.” Ye Fei closed his eyes and began to experience the wonder of the domain.

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