“Ye Fei is dead now. Senior Brother Zhou was only defeated by him just a moment ago. This time Senior Brother Zhou used all his strength!”

More than all, for Defeating Ye Fei, Zhou Budou also swallowed a medicine pill for a short-term increase in strength, which Linghong saw with his own eyes.

It was just that Ye Fei was thrown out as a sandbag and hit people. Ling Hong looked towards Ye Fei as if she could breathe fire, and then she discovered that Ye Fei had shot again.

Ye Fei did not retreat half a step, but was still moving forward, step by step, towards the sky. At this time, the sky had collapsed, and only the four-phase sacred mountain that crashed down was ruthlessly suppressed.

He didn’t blink, knowing that this might be Zhou Wusu’s full strength attack, Ye Fei also took out Spirit Sword, the infinite sword light, and destroyed everything. The brilliance of Purple Gold illuminates this world.

“Tai Chi two ritual sword!”

hong long long!

Ye Fei waved Spirit Sword, grandiose, like billowing waves, like lightning in the clouds, this lightning will soon tear the sky and tear everything.

Tai Chi Profound Truth, like the sun, conceals all the rays of light in the world. The roaring Azure Dragon, the dragon head broke. The Tiger’s White Tiger, split in two!

Vermilion Bird died and Black Tortoise crashed!

The sacred mountain that crashed down suddenly stopped in mid-air under the attack of the Taiji Liangyi Sword. No matter how Zhou Wusu used all one’s strength, he could not continue to suppress it downward.

“How could this happen, this is impossible. One year ago, he barely managed to beat me. One year later, how could he become so strong? I am not convinced. I am a bloodline martial artist, absolutely Can’t lose to a waste body!”

bloodline, is Zhou Buyu’s pride.

In order to redeem the lost honor, he even used the Martial Sovereign Master to bestow his second treasure, the violent pill, which instantly made his bloodline violent, and also made him go from level six to becoming A true genius who can fight across seven levels.

Such strength is enough to sweep under Martial Sovereign Realm! This is also the reason why the Earth Grade disciple who retired after seeing Zhou Busu’s move was so scared. It is a pity that this time Zhou Busu encountered Ye Fei, the two swords of Tai Chi condensed in the Tai Chi field!

Even if Zhou Budou had the ability to fight across seven levels at this time, he would just let Shenshan hold on for an extra breath. Then with a bang, Ye Fei’s Spirit Sword had once again smashed the sacred mountain, and also shattered Zhou Busu’s final confidence.

“Zhou Doudou, you are defeated!” Ye Fei took the sword and stood, like a sword, able to support both heaven and earth.

“pu, I lost, no, I didn’t lose, I won’t lose! I know, you are not Ye Fei, you are a fake! Heaven abandoned waste body, impossible so strong, say, Who are you? What is your purpose in joining our Saint Court!”

Zhou did not doubt that he was hysterical. His defeat this time was too miserable, too painful, too embarrassing, and too humiliating. He desperately made excuses, not willing to admit this fact, and even his eyes were faintly mad.

Ye Fei sighed, “No doubt Zhou, you are very talented, but your temperament is too bad. Apart from the inherent advantage of the special bloodline, you and those second generation ancestors who rely on ancestors are useless! “

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left. Such an opponent could not hone his martial arts at all.

Ye Fei, who just turned around, didn’t pay attention. When he turned around, Zhou Busu, who seemed crazy, flashed a light of resentment in his eyes.


A dagger of crystal and emerald green slipped out of the sleeve. This is the third treasure that Zhou Wusu’s Martial Sovereign Master gave him, the dragon slaying dagger, which can be killed True Dragon, of course, can also kill Ye Fei!

“A genius is like me. I must not allow it. I will be trampled on my head by a scrapped body!” He roared in his heart, Zhou Busu turned into a cold light, and the people and the daggers became one, impressively, to Ye again Fei shot, or Ye Fei’s most unprepared sneak attack.

“Zhou Budou, it was extremely shameless!”

Everyone was shocked. Absolutely didn’t expect. After Ye Fei let him go, Zhou Busu returned Unwilling to give up, he directly sneaked an attack on Ye Fei.

“Be careful!” Shangluo, Zhou Xiaoyu, and even Linghong, who was very hostile to Ye Fei, couldn’t help shouting nervously.

Hearing their voices, Ye Fei not even think, Purple Gold Tai Chi, which includes the Tai Chi area, opened up instantly, and only heard a loud noise. The range of Purple Gold Tai Chi was actually reduced by half. The amazing formidable power of that dagger, Ye Fei’s eyes, finally couldn’t help but flashed through a thick murderous intention.

“Don’t mess with me, if you don’t listen, then die! Kill!”

Boom ka!

When the sword comes out, the world moves! The terrifying sword light, turned into an arc light, was circled from front to back by Ye Fei, and cut directly to Zhou Doudou’s head.

“No, this is not true. His attack is strong, his defense is stronger, and a waste body is unassailable!” Zhou Buyu the soul flew away and scattered, and finally realized that the force of despair The despair came, he didn’t want to die, and backed madly, but could only watch Ye Fei’s Spirit Sword, getting closer and closer to his throat.

Fear, Zhou Buyu screamed desperately, “Help, who will save me!”

“Stop! What is your identity, join me Saint Court, what is the purpose!”

In the sky, a purple clothed middle-aged man hurriedly rushed out. The man’s breath was very strong, and his forehead had a star mark.

This person is the star Martial Sovereign, and also Zhou Buyu’s Master. He rushed over in time when he noticed the fragmentation of Zhou Buyu’s life-saving jade pendant, and even shot it instantly, blocking Ye Fei Ye Fei’s face suddenly became a little ugly, said solemnly: “I am Ye Fei, and also a man abandoned by the sky, but I am invincible!”

Chapter 1198 is the strongest The Road

Chapter 1198 The Strongest Road

“I, invincible!”

Ye Fei’s tone is very flat, his eyes are full With the invincible belief, this belief allows others to remain calm when facing Martial Sovereign and scared witless, and strive for reasons!

This remark naturally caused everyone’s shock.

“This Ye Fei is crazy, he dared to speak the same way to Martial Sovereign?” Martial Sovereign is the world of Saint Court. It is the god of countless disciplines and in mind.

Now, there are people who question God! In front of God, saying he is invincible?

Martial Sovereign smiled angrily. He waved out a mask to protect Zhou Busu. At the same time, his eyes were like stars, staring at Ye Fei: “Little Brat, I know you left. That road is very strong, but your tone is too mad and too big. I heard that you still said that you want to flatten my True Martial Saint Court, is there such a thing?”

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