“Shut up, the emperor doesn’t have the despicable discipline of sneak attack from behind, Zhou Wusu, from now on, you are not my discipline!”

Unexpectedly. The first star, Martial Sovereign, didn’t even speak for Zhou Busu at this time, but on the spot, he kicked Zhou Busu out of the door.

This remark, like Five Thunderbolts, made Zhou Busu stupid on the spot.

Ye Fei also looked towards Martial Sovereign in surprise.

Chapter 1199 Test

Chapter 1199 Test

“What do you think, do you think the emperor is the kind of person who does not distinguish between right and wrong? If you kill my discipline, you are wrong. My discipline is narrow-minded. Sneak attack you, and that is his fault!” Martial Sovereign made a loud noise. In the Earth Grade disciple, there are those who are familiar with the temper of Martial Sovereign, and they all look towards Zhou Busu with sympathetic eyes.

A few days after he became a Martial Sovereign disciple, he was immediately swept out again. Even if Zhou Busu was not dead this time, he would still face sweeping and unable to look up at Saint Court.

In the past, I tried my best to shoot the flattery’s discipline. At this time, without saying anything, I turned around and left. The other disciplines also hurriedly salute and retire. With the emergence of the emperor, there is no longer a discipline, dare Just stand here.

But Xingchen Martial Sovereign is still very dissatisfied with this. He stared at the mountain again. Shangluo was still there gnawing the spirit melon. Feeling Martial Sovereign’s gaze, Shangluo took out two more reluctantly. Linggua: “Two deans, do you guys eat too?”

“There is nothing to do with you here, leave quickly!” Martial Sovereign exclaimed.

Ye Fei suddenly took a step forward and looked at Martial Sovereign in a deep voice, “They are all my friends. They are where I am!”

“Yes , To be born and live together, to die and die together, we are not scumbags!” Xia Jun’s tone was trembling, and he was still supporting his way down the mountain.

Lin Heaven’s Chosen, Little Fatty, and the King of Gua are the same. Even though their bodies are shaking under the power of Martial Sovereign and Zhundi, they still haven’t flinched.

“Well, this is my friend, my brother!” Ye Fei smiled nodded, even if he was punished by Saint Court this time, he has no regrets.

Moreover, he did nothing wrong! Now, it’s up to the Third Dean, how to deal with it, Ye Fei turned his attention to the Third Dean.

“Ye Fei, these few of your friends are very good, they are at least ten times stronger than Zhou Doudou!”

The gaze of the Third Dean is full of appreciation. Then, he finally decided what, the huge imposing manner turned into an invisible shackle, firmly sealed in the depth of one’s soul in Zhou Doudou.

“Zhou Doudou, you are very talented, but narrow-minded. This time, you relied on the Martial Sovereign disciple identity, blatantly violated the Saint Court rules, sneak attack Ye Fei, to you, I am very Disappointed, Saint Court must be held accountable for you. From now on, I will seal your cultivation base. In your life, you will be a handyman in Saint Court!”



Hearing this punishment, Zhou Buyu’s angry forehead was blue, and the huge anger and suffocation made him faint on the spot.

“reap what you have sown!” Ye Fei shook his head. Although Zhou was not put to death, it made him a little regretful, but he let a bloodline martial artist who has boundless prospects and a cultivation base be blocked, and he has never been allowed For handyman, this punishment is definitely more uncomfortable than death, which makes Zhou Budou more uncomfortable.

The third dean looked at Ye Fei and said: “Ye Fei, Saint Court may resolve your grievances by doing this?”

“It is not too late to mend the situation!” Ye Fei moved towards the third hospital chief. This punishment is still acceptable.

The Third Dean was a little surprised: “Little Brat is covered with thorns, and he can actually say this remark. No wonder you can get Martial Dao in the temple, and you can own the realm! Unfortunately, you don’t. It’s time to embark on the path of despair.”

Ye Fei shook his head, “In the eyes of others, what I see is despair, but what I see is hope!”

“Hope? Do you know how many peerless genius died on that road. Do you want us Saint Court to train a dead person?” Martial Sovereign sarcastically said. I was also secretly shocked, this kid actually owns a domain? No wonder even the dean was alarmed.

The Third Dean nodded, and shook his head again: “The road to despair is indeed difficult, but once you have made your choice, Saint Court will not interfere. Look at this, if you can tell me that you are in the temple How to comprehend Martial Dao’s return to the truth, I can call the shots, accept you as a discipline, and give you personal advice, so that you can be less risky on the road of despair.”

“It turns out that the dean is a spy The information came.” Ye Fei couldn’t help but sneered, and she felt a little bit chilly, “I remember, Saint Court regulations don’t inquire about the privacy of the discipline. Could it be that Saint Court regulations are just furnishings?”

” , What are you talking about!” Xingchen Martial Sovereign was furious. He felt that Ye Fei is the hob meat of fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth. Even the Emperor Zhun dare to stand up?

disinclined to pay attention to Martial Sovereign, Ye Fei was only solemnly looking towards the Third Dean, and suddenly asked: “The heavenly punishment of the emperor in the past, how did you turn your back?”


“You!” Martial Sovereign stared at Ye Fei and was about to curse Ye Fei.

“Forget it, what Little Brat said is correct, it is true that the heavenly punishment cannot be repeated again, Saint Court, also can not withstand another internal consumption. But…”

Looking at Ye Fei deeply, the third chief said solemnly: “You don’t want to say that Saint Court will not force you, but you have obtained the Absolute Art, the core of my Saint Court. If you betray Saint Court, I I will kill you!”

Ye Fei did not flinch and said: “I still said that, Saint Court does not fail me, I do not fail Saint Court!”

“Good, good , If you can say that, I can rest assured, but you are in Saint Court, the noise is too great, Earth Grade, can not tolerate you! Heavenly Grade, after all, you are on the road of despair, we dare not Let go and train you.”

For the first time, the third dean felt that a small Martial Saint disciple could actually give him such a headache. If Ye Fei just embarked on a path of despair, let Ye Fei The stocking is fine, but Ye Fei has realized that Martial Dao has returned to the truth and has a domain.

This made the Emperor Zhun also had to be shocked, and he didn’t dare to stock Ye Fei casually. If this kid ran away soaring, Saint Court would suffer a great loss.

But it won’t work to cultivate it at once, if this kid dies on the road of despair, Saint Court will have nothing to do with it.

“I think so, Ye Fei, with your talent, I personally can agree to train you with all my strength, but you have to persuade the other two deans and the Supreme Dean, you must, return It has to pass a test.” The third dean thought for a while, but still came up with a compromise.

Ye Fei is very depressed about this. Compared to being focused on, he still likes the feeling of being herded. At least he is free.

But seeing Dean III’s very serious expression, Ye Fei didn’t have the guts to say that he refused Saint Court’s training. He could only ask with a wry smile: “Then dare to ask Dean, what do I want to pass? Can I get the full training of Saint Court?”

“It’s very simple, I will give you three months of preparation time, 3 months later, Saint Court will open the Transmission Great Array and send you into the dragon head world , As long as you can survive in it for three years, I can persuade the other two deans to train you as a Holy Son!”

The three deans finally made up their minds to be in Martial Saint Realm owns the field, and they are all out of the ordinary. Even if Ye Fei is not a peerless genius, for True Martial Saint Court, Ye Fei’s talent is already worthy of Saint Court’s high regard.

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