
Cui Yongxuan had just finished his cultivation and returned to his palace. He heard an incredible news. His angry nose was crooked, and he dropped a precious spiritual orb on the spot, and he was scared to come over to inform Wang Hao. trembling with fear.

“Senior brother Cui, it’s true. I saw with my own eyes that Zhou Budou, Senior Brother Zhou, in front of Ye Fei, couldn’t stop a move. Even the star Martial Sovereign couldn’t do it himself. After taking Ye Fei, the incident also shocked the Third Dean!”

“What, even the Third Dean was alarmed. He is such a strong man who is abandoned by the dead. Is it a family legend? The news that came is true, this waste is so bold. Refining the spiritual object?” Cui Yongxuan was shocked.

Wang Hao looked up very suspiciously, the family, didn’t everyone say that Cui Yongxuan was an orphan, and he was later fostered in an empire and was discovered by Saint Court’s mentor himself?

Cui Yongxuan only realized that he was jealous for a while, and he actually missed his mouth. He glared fiercely at Wang Hao and said: “By the way, what happened to the Qiuming Mountain, how about Saint Court’s investigation?”

“Still investigating, but the instructors have no clues. I heard that Tyumen Mountain was missing in Saint Court. Everyone’s reports are very strange.” Wang Hao said more carefully.

“hmph, of course, weird, 80% of Tyumen Mountain was destroyed the corpse and evidence by Fayihai, but I couldn’t find it on my head, and this Wang Hao, absolutely can’t stay .” In Cui Yongxuan’s eyes, a cold light flashed, but there was a cordial smile on his face.

“You are very good and you are quite loyal to me! This is the bloodline Dan I promised you. You can go further and awaken your bloodline after you eat it! But you’d better leave Saint Court again Awaken and avoid being discovered, it is difficult to explain.” Cui Yongxuan kindly took out a Spiritual Pill.

Wang Hao was also ecstatic and hurriedly took it, and said with excitement, “Don’t worry, senior brother Cui, I am absolutely loyal to you, and I will pay more attention to Ye Fei’s every move in the future.”

“Well, let’s go.” Cui Yongxuan waved his hand and personally sent Wang Hao out of the palace. Wang Hao, who was excited, didn’t even notice, Cui Yongxuan’s look at the dead. Leaving the Heavenly Grade disciple area, Wang Hao immediately found an excuse to leave Saint Court.


Three days later.

In the cave where Wang Hao retreats, among a pile of clothes transformed into Corpse Water, an insect with a strange face coldly flew out of Corpse Water and sank into the void.

Three more days have passed.

This human face monster insect has flown into a mysterious space deep in the Fajia, and quickly fell into the hands of the Fajia Patriarch.

“The information sent by Fa Yongxuan? What’s the matter, Ye Fei didn’t die, he even swept the True Martial Saint Court human ranks and Earth Grade, and he could even attack Martial Sovereign Resist?” The face of the teenager of the Fajia Patriarch couldn’t help showing a touch of shock.

This kind of talent is already comparable to several Young Masters in his Fa school.

“Kill, kill the old man fiercely! Old man’s life-long spiritual object, he dares to spoil him, the old man wants his life!” In the depths of the mysterious space, a voice of anger was faintly heard Roar.

Finally, the ancestor of the Fajia learned that Ye Fei was “refining” Xiaocao, and was losing his temper. The Patriarch of the Fa family didn’t dare to neglect, and he stared fiercely at the sitting Elder and cursed: “Did you hear what the ancestor said? What happened to the Fa Yihai you recommended? For two years, he even had one. It’s impossible to kill the waste, so this child got the attention of Saint Court? Where is Fa Yihai, he abolished his cultivation base for me, drag me over to see the owner!”

“Patriarch, The major event is not good, Fa Yihai is seriously injured and dying, and is begging to see you outside!” Following the words of the Fajia Patriarch, suddenly another Elder ran in very hastily.

Frowned, the Patriarch of the Fa Family, still resisted his anger and said: “Let him in.”

Soon, the two and a half emperors quickly carried Fa Yihai in, Fa Yihai Hai’s appearance was very miserable, his legs were bloody and bloody, his body was constantly billowing black air, and he also exuded a peculiar smell of corpses, which immediately made the Fajia Elders incredulous.

“Impossible, who is it, dare to hurt the half-emperor of our Fajia so severely?”

The head of the Fajia suddenly facial expression grave and rushed over, Zhundi The powerful true essence of the realm, continuously transported to Fa Yihai within the body, allows Fa Yihai to barely stabilize his injury, “Say, who hurt you?”

“Patriarch, it is Life And Death Palace, the remnant of Life and Death Palace!” Fa Yihai’s face was frightened, it was real terror, not a disguise, and his face was filled with the joy of escaping from death.

Originally, Fa Yihai followed Ye Fei’s order and took the corpse to prepare to go to the Aristocratic Family site of a quasi-emperor who had an antagonism with the Fajia. It made waves and attracted the attention of the Fajia and gave Ye Fei too. Fight for more growth time.

The tragedy is that as soon as he entered the territory of the quasi-emperor Aristocratic Family, before Fa Yihai had time to let out the sound of corpse puppets, he suddenly rushed out a few black clothed persons. They seemed strange. The technique can determine the position of the corpse puppet.

I surrounded the corpses on the spot, and tried to kill Fa Yihai, which is also Fa Yihai’s Qi. Knowing that Fa Yihai is a follower of Ye Fei, the corpses tried desperately to block those black clothed persons. Fa Yihai was given time to escape, and then Fa Yihai escaped from the dead, and quickly fled back to Fa’s family to seek shelter.

After listening to Fa Yihai’s narrative, the mysterious space of the Fajia school became deadly silent, and some Elder’s face turned pale as paper.

The calm complexion of the Fajia Patriarch also added a layer of dignity, as well as a thick suspicion. Suddenly he shouted loudly: “Fa Yihai, you never want to lie to me, Ji Shi is like my Fajia , Are the main forces that destroy the Life and Death Palace. Even if they have some friction with us, they are still impossible to collude with the Life and Death Palace!”

“cough cough, Patriarch, your subordinates can swear to heaven, I The place where the corpse puppets were found was in the Ji’s Royal City. There were indeed three dead black clothed person sneak attacks. I, the master doesn’t believe me, you see!”

Fa Yihai simply tore off his clothes. Suddenly, something shocked the Fa Yihai Patriarch. I saw Fa Yihai’s chest with a bloody corpse claw mark, and the infinite corpse Qi, even when Fa Yihai was still alive, the fleshy body Quickly transformed into a corpse.

If Fa Yihai itself is also a half-emperor expert, and is familiar with the martial arts of Life and Death Palace, even if he is blocked by a corpse official, he would be impossible to escape from the hands of those black clothed persons.

Seeing Fa Yihai’s corpse body gradually, the face of the young Fa’s Patriarch couldn’t help showing a deep fear, and he cried out: “This is the corpse of Life and Death Palace. Underworld!”

“What, corpse accumulated underworld? Is the Life and Death Palace really resurrected?”

“Bold Jishi. Did it destroy Life and Death Palace that year, It is Ji, who has covered the remnants of Life and Death Palace, Patriarch, so to speak, the Martial God space, Fu Renjie who opposes our legal school, must be some super genius hidden by Ji!”

“Patriarch, Ji’s collusion with Life and Death Palace, this is the enemy of our quasi-emperor Aristocratic Family. The old man suggested that we immediately join the rest of the Aristocratic Family to destroy Ji’s! Also quickly eradicate the last group of Life and Death Palace Remnants!”

Chapter 1202 Disturbance

Chapter 1202 Disturbance


Deep fear appeared on the face of every Elder of the Faculty. Although at their age, they did not participate in the battle that destroyed the Life and Death Palace in the Dark Age at all, but in the end, they are Descendants of Legalists.

Somewhere in the core of the Legalist school, there was an old and firm roar at this time: “Send the order, summon all the quasi-emperor Aristocratic families, and re-form the Aristocratic Family Alliance! Conquest of Life and Death Palace! , This time, no matter what method is used, we must completely eradicate Life and Death Palace! They are the biggest threat to me in Zhong Prefecture, a thousand times greater than the threat of Saint Court!”

“Yes, Old ancestor! Did you hear that? Now concentrate all your efforts to deal with the Ji family. As for the abandoned man, let the people lurking in the four Saint Courts, no matter what they use, must kill this Ye Fei.”

The Patriarch of the Fa family is very sensible. While feeling the fear of Life and Death Palace, he has not forgotten that he wants to eradicate Ye Fei. Intuitively, the Fajia Patriarch faintly felt that if Ye Fei was allowed to continue to grow, it might become a huge disaster.

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