huge shadow of the axe disappeared, and the golden ruined and incarnation of a golden Deity, his body is extremely tall, shaped like a mountain, and his fist is like a millstone with 7-Layer, mysterious brilliance.

I once communicated with Zhao Qianjun about his injuries, Ye Fei could see at a glance that Jin Dilapidated was the Saint Court of Shenwu, another kind of genius, Shenwu came to the world! It is said that this kind of bloodlessness can borrow the power of heaven and earth gods and demons to become terrifying like gods and demons.

“Purple Gold Tai Chi!” Ye Fei roared wildly. Knowing the horror of this attack, he immediately gave up the attack and launched a comprehensive defense. Besides, Tai Chi’s strongest is not an offense, but a defense. The defense, the perfect defense.

“Does defense work? Divine Martial Realm, Divine Demon punches!” Jin broke out and roared, 7-Layer rays of light overlapped with each other on his grinding disc-like fists, and suddenly emitted a wave A more terrifying imposing manner, that is, the imposing manner of the domain.

With this imposing manner, Jin was completely incarnation of Demon God, he punched out, the void where Ye Fei was, collapsed instantly, like a giant punch like a god Above Purple Gold Tai Chi, the Purple Gold Tai Chi with a full range of 20 meters also instantly shrunk to only two meters, and then there was a bang, all split up and in pieces.


This is the first time that Ye Fei has failed so miserably. Not only is the domain shattered, but even the proud Purple Gold Tai Chi cannot stop the broken god of gold Demon Fist.

However, he was not discouraged. His eyes were still firm. Although he was defeated in a fight, it was not that his martial arts was not good, but that his realm and domain were too low.

In the end, Jin’s ruined field, but integrated seven kinds of Profound Truth, and Ye Fei’s Tai Chi field, only integrated three kinds of Profound Truth.

“The gap in the realm, the gap in the field, this is the reason why I lost, no, I did not lose, at least, I can still fight!”


The raging fighting intent turned into a fire and burned on the body. Knowing that it was not an opponent, Ye Fei rushed forward again. The purple-golden sword light gave this world a luxurious color. , This is Ye Fei’s strongest sword, and also the last sword, the magnificent sword light, which made Jin ruined, was a little moved, and then, it was thick disdain.

“mantis trying to stop a chariot, three kinds of Profound Truth, Martial Saint 6th Layer, even if you have the domain, in front of me, it is a complete waste! The last punch, cut off your way! “

Jin broke coldly snorted, the god in the sky, and immediately became taller. The fist he threw was no longer a millstone, but a terrifying mountain of fists, breaking the sky. Kill Ye Fei mercilessly.

“Tai Chi Sheng, Liang Yi Xian! Positive and negative Liang Yi sword!”

Ye Fei muttered, his eyes burst out with a wild beast-like fierce gaze,” Even if I can’t beat it, I will bite a piece of meat on you!”


The cut out sword light suddenly separated from the middle, like a flexible fish. After flying in the sky and avoiding Jin’s ruined boxing mountain, he flashed past the two sides of Jin’s ruined deity’s golden body. The target, surprisingly, was behind Jin’s ruined, and watch the lively Shenwu Saint Court disciple.

Especially the severely injured white dust is Ye Fei’s key attack target; the white dust that is not in the right situation, the blood spurts out three meters high: “Ye Fei, I and you two cannot coexist, Senior Brother Jin, help!”

Bai Chen asked for help from Jin Diluo in horror, but she didn’t even look at Bai Chen’s life and death, Jin Diluo ignored, and instead took advantage of Ye Fei’s full control of the Tai Chi Liang Yi Sword Yes, the opportunity of the empty door was exposed, the huge mountain of fists, fiercely hit Ye Fei’s body.

War Demon Golden Body!

Ye Fei roared, his eyes were red, like a wild beast, doing the final struggle, but the golden ruined Quanshan was too terrifying. This is a half-emperor’s lore, and it also contains power Domain power.

The dazzling golden body only blocked half of the breathing time. The huge mountain of Fist had completely submerged Ye Fei. One arm was smashed by the mountain of Fist on the spot.

However, Ye Fei still won the bet. Within half a breath, he launched another hundred miles and moved out quickly from the side, although he did not complete it successfully.

“However, at the cost of an arm, killing a Heavenly Grade disciple, I still earned it!” Wiped the blood spurting out of his mouth.

Ye Fei retreated madly while awakening the sleeping immortal Sword Soul, and the death power rolled into the limbs like a tide, causing Ye Fei to instantly change from a serious injury to a minor injury. Even the shattered arm is growing rapidly.

On the other side of Shenwu Saint Court, it is not so optimistic. Jin Shaopai is also a fierce person. He is very confident. While killing Ye Fei, he can still pull back to block Ye Fei’s Tai Chi Liang Yi sword.

But what Jin Shaanxi never expected is that Ye Fei’s Tai Chi sword can not only separate the pros and cons, but also has the offensive effect of depriving the opponent’s defense.

So, in the face of Ye Fei’s peculiar Tai Chi swords, Bai Chen couldn’t even defend himself. He was instantly swallowed by the sword light. The same was swallowed, and there were more than a dozen Saints standing beside him. Court disciple.

Only azure-clothed Li, who led people to hunt down Dragon Tortoise, survived the disaster. Of course, with Dragon Tortoise running faster than the thief, azure-clothed Li, that’s never going to catch up.

All of this speaking of which is long, in fact, it is half a breath of time. Ye Fei wields the Tai Chi two ritual swords, releases the golden body of the war demon, and launches for a moment, which is completely in one go. In terms of realm and Profound Truth, Ye Fei is inferior to Jin’s defeat, but when it comes to combat experience, Ye Fei, who has been killed all the way from the Northern Territory, is definitely more decisive than Jin’s defeat.

Successfully killed, Ye Fei was immediately injured and far away. Simply did not have the chance to be mad at Jin Rui. Only Jin Rui who turned around was left. He watched Bai Chen and four Saint Court disciples. The bones torn apart by sword light, angry roar, suddenly made Jin ruined and crazy.

Chapter 1217 mutation

Chapter 1217 mutation

Blood sea and sky, a God, in the roar of anger, the golden hair is broken Standing up, a mouthful of blood, dyed the sky red, he was so angry.

Originally, Jin was ruined and planned to kill Ye Fei first, and then turned his head to rescue the white dust and the others, but what made Jin ruined didn’t expect is that Ye Fei’s fleshy body would actually be so Strong, forcibly withstood his fist mountain, only to abolish one arm.

Instead, Bai Chen and the others, in front of him, were beheaded by Ye Fei. If this is passed back to Shenwu Saint Court, he will immediately become a joke for other emperors, “I can’t kill even the declining True Martial Saint Court’s discipline, my gold is ruined, what kind of face is there, return to Saint Court, Ye Fei, no matter you Wherever I fled, I must kill you too, aaaaaah!”

The roar, like thunder, blasted above the sea of ​​blood. The speed of the half emperor is very fast, and the gold that bursts out with all its strength is as fast as the meteor. He chased him and wanted to end Ye Fei’s life when Ye Fei was seriously injured.

On the sky, a huge shadow of axe appeared again. Splitting Heaven and Earth Apart were normal. They cut to the front, spanning a distance of nearly a thousand miles, and cut towards Ye Fei.

“you think you can kill me, you didn’t have a chance just now, and now you won’t have this chance.” Ye Fei grinned when he felt the cold light behind him. Without looking back, he activated the Tai Chi domain again, a huge Supreme Ultimate Yin-Yang Diagram, from front to back, crashing into the magical work of chopping.

“Shenwu Realm!”

Jin’s face was gloomy, he controlled the shadow of the axe, and quickly emerged the aura of the realm. It was Saint Court, the unique Shenwu realm. Under the influence of the domain, the shadow of the sky completely turned into substance. A simple and heavy battle axe was formed, and with a thud, the Tai Chi in front of him was cut off.

In the end, Ye Fei’s Tai Chi field only integrates three Profound Truths, which are simply incomparable with the seven Profound Truths of Jin Shao, but Ye Fei’s purpose is simply not to fight Jin Shao. . When using Tai Chi field to block Jin Shafei’s rage.

The eight Primordial Spirits of Ye Fei within the body exploded at the same time, and at the moment of a brief collision in this field, they once again rushed a distance of thousands of miles.

After that, Ye Fei felt that the true essence within the body was exhausted and felt weak. Fortunately, Xiaocao threw out a large number of fairy crystals very intimately, and quickly refining these fairy crystals, Ye Fei Suddenly I felt like I became a lively dragon and animated tiger. It was the distance from Jin’s run-down, which was nearly two thousand miles away.

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