But unfortunately , this island appeared.

The copper key also flew in.

Suddenly, Ye Fei was in a dilemma. This island suddenly appeared, and it was triggered by the copper key. This is probably some kind of ancient vestige hidden in the dragon head world, and there will be a big opportunity when you enter.

“Unfortunately, the mad dog chasing after Jin Rui is too anxious, if I go in, if he also rushes in, am I blocked in it?” Ye Fei hesitated.

But without waiting for him to hesitate, in the distant sky, Jin’s broken and exasperated roar was heard: “Ye Fei, you dare to go in, I want you to die!”

“get lost! I found this ruin, I want to enter! If you have the ability, you can chase in!” Ye Fei looked angry, he was also the invincible supreme who swept Heaven, Earth and Human Tier 3 at any rate. True Martial Saint Court, he never lost. In the Dragon Head Realm, he was hunted down for three consecutive days.

Ye Fei was completely angry. He simply didn’t do it, and he rushed into the island in front of Jin’s ruined face.

Of course, this is also Ye Fei’s lack of energy to run, so he can only hide in the island, hoping to delay some time. He didn’t know that even if he chased for three days in a row, even if he was a half-emperor, the chasing throat of Jin Shaopai was full of smoke, obviously reaching the limit.

But seeing that Ye Fei dared to rush into the mysterious island despite his threats, the huge anger still made Jin’s defeat another breakthrough.


Jin Shaopai directly launched Shenwu to come to the world. Behind him, a huge god appeared with fist like a mountain, madly smashing into the mysterious island in front of him. Ye Fei backlashed out. But when the god’s Fist Mountain approached the island, it encountered huge resistance. A layer of golden rays of light enveloped the entire island and shook the god’s fist back.

“Damn it, this ruin actually has a strong restriction and protection, I am not willing to, this is clearly my opportunity!” Jin Shaopai was very unwilling.

He simply took out the copper key again. Hope that a miracle can happen, but the copper key has long been drilled and destroyed by Zhao Qianjun. Of course, a miracle will happen.


The golden roar of ruined air, he smashed the copper key to pieces, and pointed to the mysterious island, loudly roared: “Ye Fei, you are fine , Very good. If there is a kind, you can hide inside and don’t come out, otherwise, I want you to die very miserably!”

Said. Jin Shaopai really sits on the outside of the island, gnashing teeth while recovering his true essence, waiting for Ye Fei to appear on his own initiative.

For the emperor of Saint Court of Shenwu, Ye Fei finally knows what it means to be difficult, fight it, can’t fight, escape, it seems that he is not very sure.

“Now I can only see, this mysterious island, what can I do to avoid the ruined Jin and go out quietly, eh, no, this is…”

Ye Fei remembers clearly that he landed on a mysterious island, but when he landed on the ground, the island turned into a temple.

Yes, what appeared before his eyes was a very old temple. The copper key that had guided him over before, at this moment, quietly fell on a bronze brazier, accompanied by When the copper key fell, there was a thud, and the brazier was full of ashes, and it burned with azure fire.

The wick is the copper key that sucked a lot of his blood. It turns out that it is not a copper key, but a wick in a bronze brazier!

Ye Fei’s complexion could not help but become very weird: “The ancient temple of the blue lantern, there is no golden Buddha in it, right?”

Then he was careful Walking up the steps, with the help of the light from the brazier, gently pushed open the ancient temple door covered with cobwebs.

Chapter 1219 Meat Buddha Golden Body

Chapter 1219 Meat Buddha Golden Body

In the ancient temple of blue lantern, Buddha sculptured a golden body.

Pushing away from this ancient temple, Ye Fei’s eyes are filled with rows of golden Buddhas, with upturned laughter, bowed head meditating, lying on the belly, stunned and surprised… all kinds of forms, It’s all different.

In a trance, Ye Fei has a feeling, he seems to have entered the Buddha Country, his expression is also full of surprise, Buddha! There is a Buddha here?

“Does the ancient Heavenly Martial Continent also have Buddha dao sect? Just why I have never heard a similar record?” Ye Fei carefully looked at the sculptures, the golden Buddhas, in the precipitation of the years, Without a trace of dust, another layer of indifferent but dazzling rays of light appeared behind the head of the Golden Buddha.

Ye Fei feels that it may be Buddha’s radiance, but these all are sculptures can manifest Buddha’s radiance, which is very strange. Generally speaking, although there are fortuitous encounters in ancient ruins, there are also great risks. There are many people who have not found the treasure but died in it.

Ye Fei didn’t want to be such a person. He pushed open the temple door, he stopped decisively, divine sense communicated with Xiaocao: “Xiaocao, help me feel whether there is treasure here. “

Xiaocao was nodded very seriously, and then rounded his eyes, as if it were a fierce appearance, looking around the ancient temple through the beast print space.


Xiaocao suddenly yelled nervously. She pointed at the golden Buddhas and made a very dangerous gesture, but Xiaocao’s reminder was still One step too late.

Ye Fei’s feet just walked into the ancient temple.

With a touch, the door of the ancient temple was suddenly closed. No matter how Ye Fei attacked, the entire ancient temple was completely motionless. Ye Fei’s face suddenly became gloomy, and he realized that whether it was mysterious islands or ancient temples, perhaps, they were just appearances.

“It is very likely that what I entered is a special time and space! Everything I see is illusory, islands are not islands, ancient temples are not ancient temples, golden Buddhas, nor gold Buddha!”


Following Xiaocao’s warning, Ye Fei not even think, has taken out the Spirit Sword, facing the nearest golden Buddha, stabbed a sword.


The golden Buddha, which looks like a dead thing, actually started to move at this time. The golden Buddha’s fingers are like a flower, and the lotus-shaped Buddha’s radiance appears on the fingertips, gently grabbing the Spirit Sword and blocking it out. .

“Sure enough, it’s weird!” Ye Fei was secretly startled, but his retreat was broken, and he fell into this strange temple somehow. All he could do was to keep moving forward and figure out the origin of these golden Buddhas.

Tai Chi field!

The simple sword light cannot hurt the golden Buddha. Ye Fei decisively displays the field, a Tai Chi that contains the field, fiercely’s moved towards the golden Buddha with a wave, the golden Buddha actually emits Hong Zhong Da Lu A sound like that, but the golden-bright and dazzling Buddha’s body still showed a trace of cracks, and the wounded flesh was rolled up, revealing more golden flesh and blood inside.

Xiaocao’s eyes have been rounded in shock.

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