ancient man’s face changed suddenly, and he shook his head unwillingly, “Damn it, I was still a step ahead of Ouyang Jie. It seems that I can’t keep my hands anymore. I must clear the level to prove that I am an ancient savage. It is the number one genius!”

Although there are countless spaces inside the demon spirit tower, they can’t see each other, but the stone gate on each level of the demon spirit tower is still the only one, who After pushing it away, the expert can see it at a glance.

Shortly after the ancient man pushed the door in, there was another silhouette, like walking in a leisurely courtyard, walking slowly and quickly, completely ignoring the obstacles of the surrounding group of demon spirits.

Finding that the stone gate has been pushed open, Ouyang Jie is not surprised, coldly snorted said: “hmph, it must be the barbarian of the ancient barbarian, who used the beast body to snatch it in front of me, why do you have a beast body? In this way, a brash man who only knows how to use brute force, the next four levels will be good for you.”

After all, after experiencing an assessment, Ouyang Jie obviously knows this demon spirit tower very well. In the first three levels, he didn’t waste even a trace of true energy, in order to save his energy, fortunately, he played his best in the next four most difficult levels.

In Ouyang Jie’s view, the ancient barbarian’s style of using brute force to rush and fight is simply a waste of true yuan, and there is simply no chance to clear the level.

“I just don’t know which level the boy named Zhou Guang has reached, but he will definitely not be able to pass the 5th Pass anyway. I’ll wait to get out and see if I don’t humiliate him well, huh hmph! “Ouyang Jie strode into the fourth test with his hands behind his back, as if he had already won.

At this time, Ye Fei was also standing in front of the stone gate of the 5th Pass with a sad face, looking at the densely packed demon spirit sighed.

“Hey, the assessment of Holy Land is really difficult. I have hidden so much strength before I reach the 5th Pass. If the strength of the ancient man and Ouyang Jie, they will all start to play sixth. Let’s test it.”

In the end, unlike Guman and Ouyang Jie, Ye Fei is a nobody who climbed up from a small place step by step. There is no famous teacher behind it, and there is no strong family to take care of at any time. He is not like Gu Man and Ouyang Jie, who knows the demon spirit tower well, and can even use clues to judge who entered in advance.

The same ancient barbarian and Ouyang Jie also killed will not think that when they were competing with each other, Ye Fei had already relied on the golden body of the war demon to come to the forefront of everyone, not only the most First passed the fourth test, and now it has reached the 5th Pass.

Only after the 5th Pass, Ye Fei’s war-figure golden body is a bit unusable. The demon spirits of this layer are all the strengths of Martial Sect.

Ye Fei’s battle demon body is still only 1st floor. He can not fear the attack of Martial Master Realm, but the attack of Martial Sect must be resisted by the battle demon body. It’s hard.

But thinking of Ouyang Jie’s vicious bet, Ye Fei couldn’t help but a cold light appeared in his eyes: “This bet, I only pass the 5th Pass to be considered a victory. Damn, even for Exhale, I have to fight it too!”

took a deep breath, Ye Fei raised his foot and walked in.

The demon spirits of Martial Ancestor wandered around inside, and immediately relied on their instincts to rush towards Ye Fei frantically. So many demon spirits swarmed up, even if the war demon’s golden body had a strong defense, Ye Fei was impossible to resist.

Just fifty steps forward, his golden body of war demon has been shattered, and his whole body is suffering from the shock of the demon spirit.

If this continues, even if he is not killed by the demon spirit, he will definitely lose the qualification to pass the assessment.

“Kill! Get out of my sight!”

In desperation, Ye Fei couldn’t take care of it, so he could only pull out the Spirit Sword and quickly approach the demon spirit. Fly, eat Spirit Sword, this low-level Treasure Item also helped Ye Fei a lot.

All the demon spirits who approached him were shot and flew out by the Spirit Sword one after another, but in return the demon spirits attacked more wildly.

The other characteristic of demon spirits is that they are not afraid of death. The more they kill, the faster they split. Ye Fei was already very careful, only shooting but not killing. There were still a few demon spirits. Cunning deliberately ran into the Spirit Sword and chose to commit suicide.

aaaaaah ……

The curious laughter of the demon spirit before his death echoed in the demon spirit tower, and then, the body after death split into two identical demon spirits, even more Pounced fiercely at Ye Fei.

“Fuck, these demon spirits still use this trick. If they let them continue to commit suicide, I’ll still pass it!” Ye Fei was very depressed.

He knew that blindly avoiding it would no longer work.

The ultimate goal of designing the Holy Land of this demon spirit tower is to force the discipline of assessment. In the end, we have to fight the demon spirit head-on, and only in this fight can we win Disciple, is the best disciple!

Looking at more demon spirits gathered around, Ye Fei complexion sank: “Is it necessary to use the swallowing sword intent now, but this is only the 5th Pass, if I use it now, then I will use the sixth test At that time, didn’t you want to force the immortal Sword Soul?”

The immortal Sword Soul, but Ye Fei’s biggest secret, he will not use it easily until he is forced into a desperate situation.

jié jié ……

For a moment of stupefaction, Ye Fei’s Sword Art had a weak spot, and a demon spirit took the opportunity to rush to him, and the dark claws were about Ye Fei’s lower abdomen.

If this is really caught, the intestines must be caught. Ye Fei complexion changed, quickly urged the Demon Sovereign Sutra and punched fiercely.

“get lost!”

The true essence with the breath of divine fire exploded with all strength.

The demon spirit was smashed and flew out, and white smoke appeared on his body. He was very frightened. He didn’t even dare to come closer again. Ye Fei’s eyes lit up when he was watching.

“Hey, these demon spirits seem to be afraid of my divine fire outside the sky, how can I not expect that the demon spirit will reach the yin, the sacred fire will reach the sun, the sacred fire outside the sky, maybe these demon spirits can be restrained!”


Ye Fei’s heart moved, and the true essence within the body had been mobilized, transformed into a raging divine fire from the outside world, and swung out with the Spirit Sword.

The effect was unexpected. The demon spirits who were not afraid of life and death just now felt the aura of the divine fire from the outside world, and they retreated in horror. They did not dare to attack Ye Fei easily, but kept on him. Circling around, making angry screams.

“The divine fire outside the sky is really the nemesis of the demon spirit. That is not to say, as long as I make good use of the divine fire within the body, I can pass this level unharmed!”

Ye Fei’s eyes are brighter, and now it is an opportunity to seize the opportunity to swipe the Spirit Sword and rush towards the stone gate of the sixth test in front of him while sullenly.

The surrounding demon spirits evaded one after another, except for the angry screams, there was no demon spirit that dared to approach Ye Fei’s side.

The same goes for the demon spirit of the sixth test!

Although they are already the strength of the Martial Sect 2nd layer, their fear of the instinct of the divine fire in the sky still makes them very reluctant to approach Ye Fei.

Ye Fei was surprised to find that, relying on the deterrence of the divine fire outside the sky, he could almost walk the unhindered path among the demon spirits.

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