A moment ago, the two parties called brothers and brothers, and the next moment, both parties can stab each other in the back. This is also the reason why the blood ancestors killed the murky heavens dark earth with Ye Fei at the beginning, but now they are commensurate with Ye Fei senior and junior brothers.

The special environment of the Dragon Head Realm created this special group of demons.

Ye Fei can only go to the village to do what he has to do, accepting everyone from the Blood Demon Religion.

Only Gao Qiang has a very ugly face. Seeing the enemy who had just defeated him, he has now become the fourth blood ancestor, with a high position, and it is not happy for anyone to change.

Moreover, as the blood ancestor’s discipline, Blood Demon Religion Holy Son, the powerful within the body, there is no blood curse. This also makes him not particularly in awe of Ye Fei, but also a little disobedient. provocative.

Blood Ancestor discovered this, his eyes suddenly looked coldly at Gao Qiang, and then apologized to Ye Fei: “I’m spoiled by this discipline. What’s the offense? Junior Brother Ye just dispose of him. “

“Senior Brother Xue said, how can this Ye, as an elder, care about Junior, the high-strength child has a good nature and high talent. The future must be my Blood Demon Religion The talent of the pillar.” Ye Fei was full of admiration, looked towards Gao Qiang’s eyes, full of the expectations of the elders for Junior.

But Gao Qiang is over fifty years old, and Ye Fei is only in his early twenties, so he is ashamed to say Gao Qiang is still a child.

Don’t talk about the incomparable embarrassment of Blood Demon Religion disciple, there is not one around the Blood Demon Religion disciple, the complexion is not weird, the high strength is even more angry, the face is flushed, and the blood is spurted on the spot, helpless strength and status Not as good as Ye Fei. With this breath, Gao Qiang can only continue to hold back.

After some introduction, Ye Fei also knew that Blood Demon Religion currently has three blood ancestors, all of which are Martial Sovereign Realm. They are Blood Yin, Blood Chaos, and Blood Kill. The three of them are senior and junior brothers, and like Ye Fei, within the body, they have the blood of the Gorefiend, but none of them has the level of condensing Black Lotus.

This is also the reason why I heard that Ye Fei within the body has Black Lotus, and the blood kills crazy jealousy. Seeing that Ye Fei has been pulled into the Blood Demon Religion, the blood kills immediately began to inquire: “Junior Brother Ye, now we are all our own people, this is not the place to talk, you follow me back to the Blood Demon Religion, we will tell you what you want to know.”

“I think it’s what you want to know, Let me vomit it all out.”

Ye Fei sneered in his heart. He had already learned the strength of the blood ancestor. He would go to the Blood Demon Religion lair when he was stupid. After all, there are still two blood ancestors.

He has the confidence to retreat from the hands of the blood killer, but without confidence, he retreats from the joint hands of the three blood ancestors. He immediately threw away an excuse and said: “Senior Brother Xue, it’s not that I don’t want to meet the two elder brothers, but I’m busy in the breakthrough realm, and the magic of suppressing Black Lotus. Senior Brother, how do you see this, you tell, how to resolve Black Lotus, after I dissolve the Black Lotus and the breakthrough state, how about we return to the Blood Demon Religion together?”

Bloodkill heard this remark, so it was so risky that he turned his face on the spot and had a fight with Ye Fei , Such shameless words are said, if he agrees, it would be really stupid.

Vaguely understand that Ye Fei came to dissolve the magic of Black Lotus, but the blood kill was relieved, “To dissolve the magic of Black Lotus, only our three blood ancestors know, as long as this kid asks us, The deity doesn’t believe it, and can’t find out the origin of the devil’s blood.”

The blood kill smiled nodded and said: “It turns out that Junior Brother was in a hurry to break through, so he broke into this spirit vein. OK, that brother Yu just waited. You breakthrough realm, we return to the Blood Demon Religion together, this spirit vein, you can use it!”

For the blood killing so generous, Ye Fei is of course pleasantly surprised to thank you again and again: “Senior Brother Xue I’m very good, and I’m lucky to join the Blood Demon Religion. I want to use the spirit vein breakthrough now.”

Ye Fei is indeed very anxious. He killed the three defeated gold and got a lot of Spirit Stone. I just haven’t found a suitable cultivation for peace of mind. Hearing Ye Fei’s words, the blood kill naturally laughed loudly, “haha, Junior Brother Ye, since it is so anxious, I won’t disturb you, you can enter my Cave Mansion cultivation now, wait for your breakthrough, what are we? At that time, I will return to the Blood Demon Religion.”

After the blood kill, I really gave my Cave Mansion to Ye Fei cultivation. It seems that I have completely regarded Ye Fei as senior and junior brothers. .

Ye Fei did not refuse, but with his head up high, he walked into the blood-killed Cave Mansion and started cultivation directly, which shocked Gao Qiang and the others. This fourth blood ancestor, really Don’t think of yourself as an outsider.

“Master, this kid, is he really act recklessly, or is he dependent?” Seeing Ye Fei entering, Gao Qiang asked blood and murdered secretly.

The smiling face of the blood kill became stiff, and a murderous intention was faintly revealed: “The person who can kill the emperor of Sanyuan and retreat without a certain amount of support, he dares to speak to the deity like this ?”

“Master, do you really want to accept him as the fourth blood ancestor?” Gao Qiang suddenly became anxious, he didn’t want to, Ye Fei called him long and short every day.

The look of Blood Killing is also a bit hesitant. On the one hand, he definitely does not want the three blood ancestors of Blood Demon Religion to become the four blood ancestors, but Ye Fei will be able to condense once he obtains the demon blood. There is only one possibility to become Black Lotus, that is, Ye Fei obtains the blood that the blood demon personally bestows.

Such demon blood was once obtained by the ancestors of the three blood killers. The price paid is that the blood family ancestors have worked hard to rescue the blood demon for generations.

So, after discovering that Ye Fei possesses demon blood and turned it into a Black Lotus, the blood kill will change his attitude. Not only did he earn Ye Fei into the Blood Demon Religion, but he also admitted that Ye Fei was the No. Four blood ancestors.

“Everything the deity does is to stabilize this person and buy time! Gao Qiang, next you are watching him here, don’t let Ye Fei go. The deity will return to Blood Demon first Religion.”

When the blood kill commanded Gao Qiang, it was estimated that Ye Fei had already begun to cultivate, and he immediately arranged several sets of powerful formations around Cave Mansion, and then said with pride. a sneer: “hmph, if you don’t follow me back to the Blood Demon Religion, then I will invite the two Senior Brothers over together, when the time comes, no matter what your support is, we will want you to spit it out one by one.”

After finishing speaking, the blood kill quickly rushed to the sky, and rushed to the Blood Demon Religion at the fastest speed. Gao Qiang also took the people, and immediately surrounded Cave Mansion. Any disturbance in the Cave Mansion would arouse their alertness, but they were simply overwhelmed.

Enter Cave Mansion, Ye Fei simply didn’t plan to go out, “Calculate the time, the blood kill tricked me into Cave Mansion, it should be to trap me, and then go back and ask the other two blood ancestors to come. Deal with me together. It’s a pity that he still miscalculated.”

“Xiaocao, Dragon Tortoise, come out to work.”

Chapter 1252 The Heart of Resignation

Chapter 1252 The Heart of Disobedience

Following Ye Fei’s words, a pair of big shiny eyes appeared in the beast seal space soon. No way, Xiaocao’s sensitivity to Spiritual Qi is too strong. With such a big spirit vein in front of you, it won’t work if you don’t want to attract Xiaocao’s attention. He dragged the Dragon Tortoise and ran out, and Xiaocao looked left and right with anticipation.

“Xiaocao, don’t look at it, this spirit vein is ours, you can let it go and absorb it at will.” Ye Fei said with a smile.

Since the blood ancestor dared to plot against him, of course he would not be polite to the blood ancestor. He pretended to be tricked in before, but only to gain the trust of the blood ancestor, let the blood ancestor think that he could trap him That’s all, now that the blood kill has left, Ye Fei will certainly not have any concerns.

He pointed to the huge spirit vein in the distance, and instructed Dragon Tortoise: “The tortoise is best at digging holes, you are in the past, and secretly digging a channel under the spirit vein, can we? It’s up to you to hide it from outsiders.”

“roar roar!”

Dragon Tortoise was very dissatisfied when he heard Ye Fei treat it as an ordinary turtle. His face suddenly turned dark, and he also showed a look of contempt and unyielding.

Ye Fei was already prepared for this and pointed to the spirit vein and said: “You can eat the Spirit Stone dug out here, and you can eat it as you please. The premise is that the hole is dug, and the people outside cannot be disturbed.”


When Dragon Tortoise heard this, his contemptuous eyes suddenly turned into extreme confidence. He also claws and made a big hole in the spirit vein, indicating that they are turtles and are indeed very good at digging holes.

With the help of Dragon Tortoise, this hard spirit vein, like an iceberg, broke open rapidly and replaced it with Ye Fei. At this time, the spirit vein made a loud noise, mountains bursting and ground splitting.

And ominous beasts are different. Many ominous beasts are good at digging holes, not to mention that Dragon Tortoise is a fierce demon, a natural dragon claw, and it allows Dragon Tortoise to mine the spirit vein silently. may.

“As expected of Senior Brother Zhao, he knows all about evil spirits. Not only did he count the reaction of the blood ancestor, he could also think of using Dragon Tortoise to hollow out the spirit vein. In this way, let alone the blood ancestor. There are ten Formations arranged outside, which is a hundred. Don’t want to trap me.”

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