“Isn’t this delaying my cultivation? No, it’s less than half a year before the Holy Son challenge. During this time, I must breakthrough to Martial Saint Tenth. Be sure to kill the three blood ancestors.”

Ye Fei didn’t hesitate to see that the room could not be cultivated. He simply walked towards the spiritual river. Those who can cultivate on the spiritual river are the elite disciple of the Senluo Temple. If ordinary disciplines dared to come over, they would have been beaten away long ago. Since the room could not be cultivation, Ye Fei had no choice but to come over, planning to find a Cave Mansion cultivation on the spiritual river.

But before he enters the spiritual river, one and a half Elder Huang has walked over, said solemnly: “Stop, you can’t go in!”

“Why can’t I go in? “Ye Fei is a bit hot. The room does not allow cultivation, and the spiritual river does not allow cultivation. Then where is he going for cultivation?

Elder of course knew Ye Fei, and seeing Ye Fei get angry, he was also taken aback, but thinking of the orders of the people behind, he still sternly said: “hmph, why, don’t you even enter the spiritual river, Don’t you know if you need a contribution point?”

“Why, but also a contribution point, how did I get in last time.” Ye Fei hearing this was very depressed. Then Elder was even more depressed. Last time he also thought that Ye Fei was here to apologize to the blood ancestors, and this allowed Ye Fei to walk in. This time the nature of Xing was different.

“Master Demon Sage, you still don’t make us little Elder embarrassed, so you might as well go to the merit point and redeem some contribution points. With the contribution points, you can enter the spiritual river cultivated. “Then Elder didn’t dare to offend Ye Fei, so he could only help with an idea.

This person did not offend himself, and Ye Fei was not easy to do it, so he could only ask the merit points in a depressed manner. He turned around and planned to go to the merit points and asked how to redeem the contribution points.

However, the Life and Death Palace, which represents the evil, has actually created a Buddhist merit hall. This name is really strange enough.

Standing at the door of the Gongde Hall, Ye Fei murmured, and then walked in, but soon, he darkened his face again and walked out, “Fuck, the Martial Sovereign who exchanged the contribution point is not there. I won’t be able to return until a month later. How could it be so coincidental. My room was cut off Spiritual Qi. Outside the spiritual river, Elder immediately stood there to prevent me from entering the spiritual river. The Martial Sovereign of the Merit Palace also happened to have something to go out. No return in January?”

Is someone targeting me again? As for whether or not, keep trying, and you will know.

Chapter 1281 Transactions

Chapter 1281 Transactions

Since the spirit vein is not good, the spiritual river is not good, Ye Fei’s only way left is to seek some Mountain peak with Spiritual Qi. There is also a place for some Elder cultivation. Some powerful spirit veins and Martial Sovereign are occupied separately. Spiritual Qi is very suitable for Ye Fei’s breakthrough.

“Junior Sister over there, where does Venerable Yu Zhijiang’s mountain go?” Ye Fei stopped a passing female disciple and asked.

“I don’t know, don’t ask me, don’t get close to me!” Unexpectedly, seeing the appearance of Ye Fei, the female disciple complexion greatly changed, like a god of plague, hiding his face and running wildly Go, there are countless disciplines around, glaring at him.

Ye Fei is very wronged. He obviously didn’t do anything. He can only say that the discipline of Senluodian is really imaginative. However, after this trial, Ye Fei has determined that 80% of him has been targeted, otherwise, many people who saw him a few days ago and greeted him with smiles would not immediately become so indifferent.

“This matter must be inseparable from the three old dogs of the blood ancestors. It seems that they want to deliberately not give me a chance to break through.” Ye Fei is a little serious, after all, he is here. Martial Saint 9th Layer suffers from the both sides of the blood ancestor. If it breaks through Martial Saint tenth layer, he will have the confidence to kill the blood ancestor.

Therefore, the blood ancestors changed to secretly attack after the frontal invalidation of him, aiming at him everywhere, clearly and clearly, Ye Fei’s heart was still filled with anger.

“The blood ancestors are only the Venerable, I don’t believe that they can really hide the sky with one hand!” Ye Fei quickly cheered up again. Since the disciples, I dare not offend the Venerable. Then he finds a familiar venerable to borrow a place for cultivation, which can still resolve the blood ancestor’s insidious trick.

In Senluodian, Ye Fei is most familiar with, of course, the Venerable Yu Zhijiang. So Ye Fei hurried to the mountain where Yu Zhijiang was.

“What, Yu Lao also went out, and will be back in a month?” Outside the palace, Ye Fei was blocked by several of Yu Zhijiang’s disciplines. They told Ye Fei that Yu Zhijiang was already ready not in the palace, but went out to work. Therefore, Ye Fei wants to borrow spirit vein cultivation, but they cannot be the master.

“Young Master Ye, how about this? When the Master comes back, we will inform you again?” A disciple polite arched hand, showing that it was a posture of seeing off the guests.

Ye Fei squinted his eyes and took a look at the discipline, and suddenly shouted coldly, “What is Elder Yu going out to do, how long will it take him to come back?”

“This… “The disciple was immediately stunned by Ye Fei’s quick questioning.

“Young Master Ye, it’s like this, my sire, he, he went out to inspect the bone wasteland.” Another discipline reacted fairly quickly, and hurried to cover.

Ye Fei has already understood that 80% of these are excuses. Yu Zhijiang is definitely still in the palace, but he just doesn’t want to see himself.

It’s another person, Ye Fei forbearance and forbearance, but this time is different, the blood ancestor made it clear that he united many people against him, Yu Zhijiang as a force to pull him into the group The instigator, who was also his leader, was hiding in hiding at this time, which was too much.

“Lao Yu, do you remember what I said, Ye Fei was originally a low-key person, if anyone does not let me keep low-key, what major event I will make can only hurt you as a leader , Accompany me to bear the anger of the Emperor Zhun.” Ye Fei shouted at the palace loudly, then turned and left.

He believes that even if Yu Zhijiang deliberately hides from him and really no longer has the palace, these disciplines will definitely pass this remark to Yu Zhijiang immediately.

Sure enough, Ye Fei turned around and walked ten steps. The gate of the palace has been opened. It is Ye Fei’s guide. If Ye Fei really does anything to offend the Emperor Zhun in Senluo Hall, not only Ye Fei If you suffer, the leader will suffer even.

Yu Zhijiang could only smile bitterly, invited Ye Fei back to the palace, and sent away a few disciplines, and sighed: “Brother Ye, it’s not that you don’t help you as a big brother, but you The opponent is too strong.” Then he said what he had heard.

Ye Fei only then realized that this time it was not only the blood ancestor targeting him that was so simple, but even the ten Great Saints were all involved.

And the status and power of Holy Son, in any force, is very huge, three Venerables, ten Great Saint sons joined forces at the same time, it is no wonder that his room, the spiritual vein is immediately cut off, spiritual river He couldn’t enter, even Yu Zhijiang, who had always been better with him, hid.

“Brother Ye, now you understand my difficulties, spirit vein, I categorically dare not lend you cultivation, but I just helped you think of a solution…” Zhijiang said hesitantly.

Ye Fei sneered and interrupted him: “I don’t have the habit of bowing to the enemy! Since the Ten Great Saints are targeting me, they must be prepared to be avenged by me! Lao Yu, I know you are embarrassed, and I don’t ask you to borrow my spirit vein, but we can make a deal!”

“Deal?” Yu Zhijiang looked at Ye Fei strangely.

“Yes, it’s a deal! Thanks to the blood ancestors and the ten Great Saints, I don’t want to get any spirit vein cultivated in the Senluo Temple. Therefore, I want to leave Senluo Temple and go outside to practice. You can do me this favor, and the price is easy!” Ye Fei said solemnly, the enemy is too few, so I should avoid it.

Stay in the Senluo Temple, he can only be suppressed to death, it is better to go out to experience, with his strength, and Xiaocao’s sensitivity to Spiritual Qi, he doesn’t believe it and can’t find a wild spirit vein , Used for cultivation.

Of course, if you can use this excuse to take the opportunity to get out of Senluo Temple and return to your free body, that would be even better. This is why Ye Fei wants to trade with Yu Zhijiang. Yu Zhijiang is a Martial Sovereign, but Ye Fei sees that Yu Zhijiang in the bones is actually a businessman.

Ye Fei didn’t expect it. Hearing this, Yu Zhijiang was shaken very quickly, saying solemnly: “Brother Ye, you are right, I am your leader, you are bad Luck, I follow my heart, it is not happy, the transaction is OK, but I don’t want treasure, I only want your guarantee!”

“What guarantee?” Ye Fei said solemnly.

“You must ensure that you go out to experience, not to take the opportunity to leave the Senluo Temple!” Yu Zhijiang said.

Ye Fei scolded old fox secretly. With this guarantee, even if he went out, he would be impossible to turn back. But thinking of the blood ancestor and the ten Great Saint sons, the unfathomable mystery against him, even if he could not leave Senluodian, he is going to have this bad breath too.

“Okay, I promise you!”

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