In other words, those killed by Illusory Beast are the most common Martial Sovereign. Ye Fei can only put away these repeated Profound Truth spirits and plan to take them back and give them away. .

These spirits are useless to him, but to Xia Jun and the others, they are priceless treasures.

“Dragon Tortoise, you did a good job. Seeing that you don’t have a black mouth this time, let’s say, what do you want?” Ye Fei was satisfied.

Dragon Tortoise also waited for this sentence. Dragon Tortoise didn’t say anything, but stared at Ye Fei with the eyes of a deep-seated woman. That look made Ye Fei hairy and embarrassed for a while. Quietly, he threw the last half of the beast’s heart to Dragon Tortoise.

After all, this thing has demonic energy. Ye Fei dare not absorb it casually. Since Dragon Tortoise is not afraid of death, it should be thrown out to feed the dog.

Roar roar!

Ye Fei dislikes the heart of the beast that is contaminated with demonic energy, and Dragon Tortoise will not dislike it. Putting half of the heart of the beast on the side, Dragon Tortoise Like a dog gnawing on a bone, it bites slowly. Of course, Dragon Tortoise gnawed very carefully this time, but after just biting off a piece, Dragon Tortoise still rolled his eyes and was directly overturned by the demonic energy on the ground while vomiting. Foam, twitching.

Xiao Cao looked at Ye Fei eagerly. Ye Fei was immediately depressed. It was clear that White Dragon Turtle was able to absorb demonic energy if he touched it correctly, and he started to eat again.

What else can he say?

I can only walk over and start the Black Lotus carefully to suck away the demonic energy that invaded Dragon Tortoise. Without demonic energy, Dragon Tortoise suddenly becomes a lively dragon and animated tiger, and monster qi soars into the sky. , Hidden Turtle’s shells are beginning to emit light, and Xiaocao’s eyes are straight. Holding Dragon Tortoise and refused to let go.

In the next few days, Ye Fei did not intend to leave the cave, but stayed in the cave. Refining Five Elements Profound Truth, Dragon Tortoise also used the demonized heart of the beast to succeed. Completed Martial Dao’s return. At this time, the realm of Dragon Tortoise has not improved, it is still Martial Saint tenth, but the imposing manner of Dragon Tortoise is already more terrifying than many demonic beasts of half-emperor realm.

Only Xiaocao is still the same, showing no signs of growing up. Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise both felt very confused about this. At this time, Xiaocao sensed something and suddenly caught The tail of Dragon Tortoise rushed into the beast seal space.

“Someone is coming, and there is the breath of Martial Sovereign. Could it be that the Ten Great Saints and Blood Ancestors have caught up?” A cold color flashed in Ye Fei’s eyes.

He knew that since the blood ancestors united with these Holy Sons to target him, even if they were stopped by Venerable Aoki, there would definitely be people who were unwilling to sneak in the Ancestral Dragon abyss and wanted to count him.

At exactly this time, he won the Five Elements Profound Truth again, and his strength was further improved. Even if the ten Great Saints once again joined forces to besiege him, he would not be afraid.

“I can’t beat it, just run away. If you encounter someone who is single, then don’t blame me and start ruthlessly.” Ye Fei slowly retracted the divine sense without leaving, but directly Standing outside the cave, waiting for these Holy Sons to come over.

Soon, over the swamp not far away, a blood-stained silhouette came over. Ye Fei recognized that silhouette, which happened to be the Holy Son who had besieged him.

Behind Holy Son, what followed was not the blood ancestor, but an unfamiliar Martial Sovereign. The Martial Sovereign was very powerful, and he held a moon-shaped weapon in his hand. After a while, the circular weapon blade will cut out a terrifying blade energy, splitting the void.

“It is the life wheel of the Fajia, this person is actually the Martial Sovereign of the Fajia!” Ye Fei startled, dreaming also didn’t expect, in the abyss of Ancestral Dragon, there is even the Martial of the Fajia Sovereign appears.

His voice was very small, and it actually attracted the attention of the escaped Holy Son. He looked at Ye Fei standing at the entrance of the cave with a little astonishment, and said in shock: “Why, there should be some kind of How could he appear here in the territory of the powerful demonic beast, could it be said…”

The astonishment was only a moment, and the Holy Son suddenly showed ecstasy, accelerated the moved towards Ye Fei and rushed forward, still struggling Yelled: “Ye Fei Senior Brother, help, help me!”

“These Holy Sons are more sinister than one!” Ye Fei’s face became ugly, seeing the legalist Martial Sovereign When he appeared, he wanted to retreat, but the person actually called out his name loudly. This is not clear, he wanted to murder a person with a borrowed knife.

Chapter 1293 Battle of Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1293 Battle of Martial Sovereign

“hahaha, I should not be dead today, Zhang Hao, I wanted to use this The Illusory Beast blocked the Martial Sovereign behind the legalist, but he actually encountered Ye Fei here, a waste of heaven. Seeing his appearance, he also killed Illusory Beast. Damn it, if this continues, we Holy Son, can it? Do you really want to be stepped on your head by a waste person?”

Zhang Hao felt very uncomfortable.

Martial artists of special bloodline are destined to be geniuses from birth, but in Senluodian, these geniuses may be surpassed by an ordinary person and a waste body. Zhang Hao is very dissatisfied and looks down on An ordinary martial artist like Ye Fei.

So in the blood ancestor united with other Holy Sons, against Ye Fei, Zhang Hao is definitely the main force among them. When the other Holy Sons were afraid of Venerable Aoki and returned to the Senluo Temple, Zhang Hao chose to take advantage of his familiarity with the Ancestral Dragon Abyss and decided to take the risk to stay. Maybe he could still take the opportunity to die of Ye Fei.

The only thing that made Zhang Hao depressed was that he wandered around in the Ancestral Dragon abyss, but failed to find Ye Fei, and unexpectedly ran into Martial Sovereign who sneaked in. After a battle, Zhang Hao, who was unable to release the domain, was almost killed by the powerful fate of the Fajia and had to flee.

He is also very familiar with the monster distribution of the Ancestral Dragon Abyss. He clearly remembers that there is a very powerful demonic beast here, who is good at using the Illusion Technique and has killed several ordinary Martial Sovereigns in the Senluo Temple. .

So, Zhang Hao tried his best to take the risk of bringing Martial Sovereign here, but what made Zhang Hao angry and jealous was that Ye Fei actually got from the lair of the demonic beast Walking out, a thick jealous fire suddenly made Zhang Hao think of an insidious idea.

That is to use Ye Fei to block the Martial Sovereign behind. Maybe it is possible for him to use the Martial Sovereign behind to murder a person with a borrowed knife to kill Ye Fei.

Thinking of this idea, Zhang Hao suddenly felt very proud. His hope of survival also made him exhaust his strength and rushed towards Ye Fei frantically. While rushing, he also deliberately yelled, “Ye Fei Senior Brother, you are the strongest among us. As long as you help me kill the chasers behind, I am willing to send Heavenly Dao Oath, acknowledge allegiance to you.” /p>

“Ye Fei, that kid is Ye Fei!” The legalist Martial Sovereign was about to catch up with Zhang Hao and killed the killer. As a result, Zhang Hao shouted, his eyes suddenly passed Zhang Hao and Sen Staring coldly at Ye Fei, cold said with a sneer: “It is indeed Ye Fei, the ant that bad my legalist major event!”

“Fuck, this is really bad luck for me.” Ye Fei is very depressed, knowing that he has been recognized by the legalist Martial Sovereign and it is unnecessary to escape. Besides, being used in this way, if he doesn’t say a word, do these Holy Sons really think he is so bullied?

“Okay, you wait, I save you, you acknowledge allegiance me!” Ye Fei shouted to Zhang Hao, and immediately rushed in Zhang Hao’s direction.

Zhang Hao was overjoyed in his heart, said with a sneer: “haha, this stupid pig, I am a special bloodline, super genius, Zhang Hao, just because you give me a waste, you are not worthy to carry shoes, hmph ! “

However, in order to make better use of Ye Fei and achieve the purpose of murder a person with a borrowed knife, Zhang Hao shouted in a very grateful voice: “Senior Brother, Ye Fei, you From now on will be my Senior Brother. Everything about me and my life belong to you.”

“Very well, since your life belongs to me, then I’m not welcome.”



The howling sword energy rushed straight into the sky, Ye Fei made no secret of his terrifying murderous aura, directly launched a hundred miles and rushed in front of Zhang Hao.

In the end, it is also Holy Son. Although not the strongest, Zhang Hao still feels wrong. Ye Fei’s murderous aura does not seem to be directed at the Martial Sovereign behind, but at him.

How is it possible?

Until Ye Fei’s sword light slashed towards his body, Zhang Hao reacted fiercely, and a huge anger appeared on his face: “Trash, my Zhang Hao is Holy Son, you dare to kill me?”

“I dare to kill you, so what?”

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