The earth quaked, and behind Falun Dao, a heavy fate wheel appeared. It was more dazzling and brighter than the Martial Sovereign fate wheel that Ye Fei had seen. .

The legalist Martial Sovereign next to him brightened his eyes and happily said: “Congratulations, Young Master, bloodline breakthrough!”

“Wu Dao, your bloodline breakthrough again?” Chen Mengyao was also surprised. Full of a different kind of pride.

“What about the breakthrough, there is no way, no matter how good you pretend, you can’t hide the arrogance that radiates from your bones.” Ye Fei shook his head and suddenly backed away.

The enemy is very few, Ye Fei does not intend to fight Fawudao here, even if he wants to fight, he has to wait for him to rise to the tenth level of Martial Saint, so that he can be sure of winning.

“Go, where to go, you are a man who is abandoned by the sky. You can actually become the number one in the Heaven Ranking. You have defeated many young Sovereigns. You should be refining the Heaven and Earth Spirit Object. I know, that’s the treasure of my Fajia, do you know what a huge loss your actions have caused to my Fajia!”

Fa Wudao gave a cold drink, and suddenly he put his hand in his hand The life wheel was lifted high, released a streak of divine light, and smashed at Ye Fei. The Martial Sovereign beside him was also sneaked. The silhouette suddenly disappeared in place, and also appeared behind Ye Fei, blocking his way.

“Wu Dao, be careful, Ye Fei has won six Holy Sects, the inheritance of Asura Sacred Palace!” Chen Mengyao was completely free, and if she wanted to gain a status by Fa Wu Dao, she could only take Ye Fei , Betrayed completely.

Fa’s innocent eyes suddenly become bright, “The inheritance of the six Holy Sects, Fa Mou must learn and teach!”

“Sorry, I’m not free, play with you Game! Get out!”

Ye Fei instantly took out the Spirit Sword, the huge Taiji Sword picture, with a whistling, and slashed towards the Martial Sovereign who appeared in the rear, where he released the life wheel. At the moment when he was preparing to block hard, Ye Fei had already launched a hundred miles, and rushed to the distant open space quickly.

Fawudao did not chase, but with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, standing still, Ye Fei rushed forward smoothly, but there was no surprise in his heart. Instead, a great crisis emerged.


His feet quickly paused, and at the moment of forward thrust, his hands suddenly pushed forward. The bright Purple Gold Tai Chi quickly protected him. At the same time, in the sky, a huge battle axe suddenly appeared. The axe slashed on the Purple Gold Tai Chi with howling, and was bounced away by fiercely.

“Wonderful craftsmanship, you are the Holy Son of Shenwu Saint Court!”

Ye Fei was shocked to find that, but only withstood an axe, the rays of light of Purple Gold Tai Chi was actually weakened 2/3, this kind of attack is not something the emperor can use.

“Yes, this is the Holy Son of my Shenwu Saint Court, Liu Rufeng! Ye Fei, didn’t expect, shall we meet again?”

Liu Mingyin test Ye Fei came out and saw that Liu Ming was also here. Ye Fei was also surprised. This time he was in trouble. He had an enemy with Liu Ming. In the dragon head realm, he killed Jin Shapai and the others, this one in front of him. How can Holy Son of Shenwu Saint Court take a break?

Sure enough, after Liu Ming spoke, Liu Rufeng also looked towards Ye Fei coldly, but he still politely said, “Brother Ye is a good method. I can kill my dozens in the sea of ​​blood. Junior Brother, I’m not talented Liu Rufeng, and I want to have a discussion with Brother Ye.”

“It’s okay to learn, you can defeat the lawlessness, this Ye will accompany you for three days and three nights!” Ye Fei rolled his eyes and thought of a good note.



Liu Ming and Martial Sovereign of the Legalist, furious together, Chen Mengyao looked towards Ye Fei, and the eyes were also clear With contempt. Actually wanting to use this low-level method to provoke grievances between the two sides, it seems that he is really desperate.

Not only Chen Mengyao thinks this way, Liu Rufeng and Fawudao who came here are both laughing. Fawudao simply crossed Ye Fei and directly suggested to Liu Rufeng, “Brother Liu, otherwise we will kill this together. How about people?”

“No, kill him, I’m Liu Rufeng alone!” Liu Rufeng showed pride and directly rejected Fawudao’s proposal, which made Fawudao complexion changed.

Ye Fei is also an expression of anger, these two people, really treat him as the meat on the chopping board, cut it if you want? Immediately he wanted to let these two people go together, even if he couldn’t beat him, he still had the confidence to escape.

But before Ye Fei could speak, the Legalist Martial Sovereign not far away suddenly exclaimed: “Who is that person, he dare to walk in the sky!”

“What , Anyone dares to fly in the sky? He is not afraid, the demonic beast, aim the spear at him?” Ye Fei was a little shocked in his heart, faintly, he had the illusion of being trapped. He obviously dug it all the way according to the map given by Venerable Qingmu, and it was a coincidence that he first encountered the lawlessness.

As a result, I immediately met the Holy Son of Shenwu Saint Court, and now there is a white clothed youth who is bold enough to walk in the sky.

“Why do I feel like I was pitted by Venerable Aoki?” Ye Fei suddenly had this weird thought in his mind.

Liu Ming is even more whimsical, suddenly pointing at Ye Fei madly said with a smile: “Ye Fei, you demon, you have done all the bad things, now is the time to be robbed, not only for us and Young Master To kill you, even this white clothed Young Master will also kill you!”

Chapter 1301 Fighting Against

Chapter 1301 Fighting Against

“Ye Fei, at this time, you don’t have to quickly kneel down to death, and wait more!” Liu Ming was upright, and he also felt that this is the best opportunity to avenge Ye Fei.

Chen Mengyao looked at Ye Fei pityingly, and shook her head: “Being an ordinary person, what’s wrong, you shouldn’t leave the Northern Territory.”

Ye Fei ignored her .

Fawudao and Liu Rufeng also ignored Liu Ming’s clamor, which changed Chen Mengyao’s expression, and Liu Ming was also scornful. There was actually a shame of being a clown, but he did not dare to speak. Chen Mengyao did not dare to speak.

Ye Fei, the law has no way, Liu Rufeng, also raised his head vigilantly, for nothing else, because white clothed youth can walk in the sky.

Be aware that in the Ancestral Dragon abyss at this time, a quasi-emperor-level demonic beast is giving birth, and the entire sky is covered with the divine sense fluctuations of the quasi-emperor’s demonic beast. The reason why the three of Ye Fei dare not fly in the sky, because once they fly, they will be immediately perceived by the quasi emperor’s demonic beast, and with a roar, they are all over.

But the white clothed youth is different. He seems to have a special technique that can block the exploration of the demonic beast of the emperor, and he can walk in the sky. This also shows the strength of the people coming from the side.

Faced with a strong enemy, Fawudao and Liu Rufeng decisively chose to ignore Ye Fei. Together, they looked at the white clothed youth that was falling slowly like a big enemy, Liu Rufeng and Fawudao were both Haughty people, they faintly feel that this white clothed man, like their purpose, is here for the demonic beast.

As for Ye Fei, they do not exist at all.

Ye Fei is not angry when he feels the attitude of the two people. They are looking at white clothed youth and white clothed youth, and they are also looking at them, but when the eyes of white clothed youth fall on Ye Fei At the time, he was visibly stunned, “Are you an abandoned body?”

The white clothed youth was a little surprised. Ye Fei is not surprised, nodded and said: “Yes, I am, just laugh if you want to laugh.”

He has seen too many people and is not optimistic about his Tian Yizhi Body.

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