The violent shaking suddenly subsided, Ye Fei suddenly opened his eyes and muttered to himself: “The palace is not shaking. It seems that the demonic beast’s attack should be repelled. The strength of Senluodian Sure enough, it seems that I need to think of a safe way to not become a tool used by the Senluodian, and at the same time can not engage with Senluodian.”

This is obviously not an easy task, Ye Fei feels very distressed.

But now is not the time to think about this. I feel that 80% of the outside is finished. Ye Fei doesn’t hesitate to release eight Primordial Spirits immediately and begin to fully absorb the remaining Spirit Stone.

At this time, half of the billions of Spirit Stones Ye Fei obtained in the Ancestral Dragon Abyss were swallowed by the cells within the body. This also turned his left hand and foot completely into The color of gold, which is somewhat similar to the golden body of Buddhism. But it is completely different from the golden body.

For those of you who have read the notes, Ye Fei already knows that Heavenly Martial Continent’s Martial Dao can be roughly divided into three types, Divine Soul, Fleshy Body, and Nian Li Jin.

Most martial arts and cultivation are Divine Soul, as long as Divine Soul is strong enough, even if there is only one Primordial Spirit or even a trace of Remnant Soul left, it can be reborn with blood, or Seize Body For Rebirth.

The remaining part is the martial arts dedicated to body refinement. These martial arts can make the fleshy body stronger. Such a fleshy body, Indestructible Diamond, and powerful gods and demons, even if they are beaten to ashes, As long as there is a piece of flesh and blood, a cell, and activity, it is possible to reorganize the flesh and blood and regenerate.

The last Buddhist Golden Body is somewhere in between, but Heavenly Martial Continent Buddhism rarely has inheritance. In that notebook, there is no record, and it only mentions a legend. It is said that the powerful Buddha Even if he dies, as long as there are enough believers in this world to believe in him and chant his Buddha’s name, then this Buddha can use the power of sentient beings to reincarnate and be born and immortal.

“My battle demonic path belongs to the second, Supreme Demon Art specializing in fleshy body! If you want to thoroughly practice battle demonic path 8th floor, I will let one third cell within the body, To become golden, 9th floor, you need 2/3, 10th floor, and you need to turn all the cells of the whole body into golden. In this way, I can be regarded as embarking on the real path of war!”

Ye Fei’s mind kept recalling the contents of the notes, and then he suddenly divided his mind into three uses, and began to spur the immortal Sword Soul, trying to comprehend the cultivation technique of the 8th floor of the War God Dao and how to cultivation.

“Anyway, my cells within the body are now actively absorbing the Spiritual Qi around me. I don’t need to worry about it at all. I still have to take advantage of the fact that I didn’t turn my face with Senluodian. Life-saving ability.”

Of course, Ye Fei didn’t think about it. He stayed in the Senluo Temple. He just considered that once he betrayed Saint Court, he would still stay in Saint Court’s Xia Jun and the Others will definitely be affected by him, and it is very likely that the cultivation base will be abolished and expelled from Saint Court. He still dispelled the thoughts in his mind.

“Xia Jun, Lin Heaven’s Chosen, Little Fatty, they are not only my friends, but also my brother. I don’t want to get them involved.”

Ye Fei shook his head , Continue to comprehend, and at the same time when he didn’t notice, the Spirit Stone on the ground had all disappeared, and the rolling Spiritual Qi had turned into countless rushing Spiritual Qi rivers, whizzing within the body, and gradually merged into it. In every tiny cell.

I have absorbed enough Spiritual Qi, one after another cell, suddenly like a piece of golden star sand, gradually shining, so I don’t know that today’s time has passed, Ye Fei is comprehending the Tao of War God The key point was that suddenly, within the body, there was a roar like mountains bursting and ground splitting.

His flesh and blood, his skeleton, and his skin all emit a golden rays of light full of infinite coercion, which makes Ye Fei look like a humanoid Emperor Artifact, full of breathtaking depressive breath.

War demonic path 8th floor, breakthrough.

Ye Fei’s fleshy body is also metamorphosing at this time, the real fleshy body Great Accomplishment!

Chapter 1316 Holy Son Challenge

Chapter 1316 Holy Son Challenge

“Fighting the demonic path 8th floor, I finally broke through.” Ye Fei felt With the explosive power of his own body, he felt that with his current power, perhaps, without using martial arts, he would be able to punch ordinary Martial Sovereign to death.

After all, the demonic path of 8-Layer has made his fleshy body comparable to the Emperor Artifact, and the lethality of his fleshy body has naturally increased.

“However, the current me, which is the fleshy body, is a peerless genius like God Fan, speaking of martial arts, there must be a big gap between me and them, unless I cultivation success again War God said on the 8th floor, I don’t know if I can fight peerless genius at that time?” Ye Fei secretly looked forward to it.

But with this expectation, Ye Fei’s face still twitched fiercely after seeing that the ground was empty and half of the Spirit Stone could not be found.

“Only the breakthrough and the demonic path 8th floor, I actually consumed a full 100,000,000,000 high grade Spirit Stone, which is equivalent to ten complete spirit veins.”

Then, Ye Fei subconsciously let go of the divine sense, and felt the number of spirit veins in the Senluo Temple. He sensed only more than 20 items, and he had already sucked up one of them by accident, unless Senluo Temple could be generous. Give him ten directly, otherwise he will not be able to say in the breakthrough War God.

“The road to despair, it really is not so desperate!” Ye Fei exclaimed incomparably; the beast print space, Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise, looking at the empty space, they are also nodded, feeling Ye Fei It’s so “eat”, 99% of the Spirit Stone is full of Ye Fei’s body.

Ye Fei is also helpless.

He also didn’t know that the Spirit Stone resources needed after the path of despair cultivation would be so terrifying.

“I have to find a way to earn Spirit Stone, and it has to be more, fast! Or, I sold the eggshell of the dragon?”

Ye Fei subconsciously Yes, he aimed at the eggshells placed in the beast print space. As a result, Ye Fei almost didn’t vomit blood. Except for the eggshells stained with cord blood, none of the ordinary eggshells were found.

“Dragon Tortoise, it’s your black mouth again!” Ye Fei’s eyes are red. Those eggshells are also spiritual objects, and they can be sold for money.

Roar roar!

The answer to Ye Fei was Dragon Tortoise’s grievance roar, and then pointed his paw at the grass, and the grass screamed, and pointed his little finger to Dragon Tortoise. , And blinked a pair of innocent big eyes.

Ye Fei doesn’t have to guess. It must be Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise, who have divided the spoils together again. However, thinking that Xiaocao can even eat eggshells, Ye Fei is speechless.

“By the way, the Holy Son challenge seems to be about to begin. I don’t know if I can scratch the oil and water from these Holy Sons. I don’t want more. Nine Holy Sons, each with 10,000,000,000 Spirit Stone. The rest is from the blood ancestor!” Ye Fei gritted his teeth, looking at the same empty space belt, a green light flashed in his eyes.

Then Ye Fei started to be familiar with his fleshy body in the palace. He first tried to punch the open space, and the invisible air exploded.


Just a simple punch, Ye Fei has already smashed the palace out of a big hole, rustling tiles, and smashed Yu Zhijiang who had just entered Full of face.

Yu Zhijiang stood there blankly, watching the palace where he had lived in several decades, breaking a big hole, and feeling that there was no spiritual Qi inside, his forehead, The blue veins came out, but they had to squeeze a smile that was more ugly than crying.

“Oh, Brother Ye, big brother, I’m really scared of you. The Holy Son challenge is about to begin. You still have the mood to practice boxing here, go, hurry up…” Yu Zhijiang pulls I live in Ye Fei and walk outside. I don’t want Ye Fei to come back.

Ye Fei is actually quite embarrassed, but since Yu Zhijiang didn’t say to pay, Ye Fei certainly can’t speak up by himself, “hmph, this Old Guy betrayed me, this time I smashed his palace , Sucking up his spirit vein, it can be regarded as two cleansing.

“This little bastard, on the surface, does not care, but secretly, it is so ruthless. Not to mention the destruction of my palace, but also the spirit vein, If it weren’t for can’t afford to offend, the old man would have to fight him hard! “Yu Zhijiang smiled with gnashing teeth as he walked.

The laughing Ye Fei blames sorry. After thinking about it, he took out a few pieces of Myriad Cold Iron and handed it over, “Lao Yu, Excuse me, these pieces of cold iron are my thanks. “

“Myriad Cold Iron, this is the material for building the Emperor Artifact! “Yu Zhijiang’s eyes are straight, and after receiving Hantie, Ye Fei is finally a little pleasing to the eye.

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