In order to prevent the three of them from going in and making ghosts, Ye Fei also stepped into this space at the same time, and Hei Ming joined several Zhun emperors to close the space again.

“Tianyue Water Mirror!”

The old Heiyue Zhundi made another move, using a strange magic mirror to communicate with Senluo Temple and the hellish execution ground.

All Holy Son, all the disciplines of Senluo Temple, Elder, all heard the news, gathered in front of the magic mirror, looking forward to it, watching the battle in hell.

“You said, who will win this battle? Is it the demon saint or the blood ancestor?” This is not only a question of the discipline, but also a question of many Martial Sovereign and the quasi emperor.

“I hope to be the demon saint, I lost to Ye Fei, I am convinced!” Unexpectedly, a Holy Son actually praised Ye Fei very much.

This is not difficult to understand. Sen Luodian always speaks with strength. If Ye Fei is only a little stronger than them, many wait for Holy Son, they will still look down on Ye Fei and despise humiliation, but when Ye Fei is one enemy nine , Completely defeated them, these Holy Sons, there is no reason, not convinced by Ye Fei.

“The old man may not be the case. The three blood ancestors know Ye Fei fleshy body Great Accomplishment and dare to take the initiative to provoke them. They must rely on it!” A cold light flashed in the eyes of Emperor Zhun Hei Yue, he I am also very optimistic about Ye Fei, “I am about to die of old age, and I don鈥檛 need to care about the face of Emperor Zhun. Only!”

Obviously, Black Moon Zhundi didn’t think Ye Fei could defeat the blood ancestor. Hei Ming and the others, his expression also reveals a solemn expression.

“Big brother, second brother! Ye Fei has already received the attention of the Emperor Zhun. It is difficult to guarantee the final moment. The Emperor Zhun will not break his promise. This time we must do it quickly. We must not save the people. Chance!” As soon as the blood chaos entered the hell, he whispered the blood kill and bloodyin to discuss something.

They use a peculiar Demon Race language, Ye Fei simply don’t want to understand, he doesn’t bother to listen to what the three blood ancestors are discussing.

“This is Martial Artists World, everything, strength is respected! No matter how big a plot these people are, they are not big enough to punch! Today, I must take these three blood ancestors and kill them!”

hong long long!

Without giving the three blood ancestors a chance to discuss, Ye Fei has taken the lead and rushed forward. The three blood ancestors鈥?combined magic skills still make him more jealous. If the three of them can pay back Without a chance to fit together, beheading one person will undoubtedly help him defeat the blood ancestor.

Chapter 1322 Swallowing

Chapter 1322 Swallowing


The three blood ancestors spoke at the same time, They spit out magic sounds, holding three bright red blood cups, and saw three long rivers of blood energy floating in the blood cups.

In the next second, these three bloody rivers, already roaring with billowing waves, moved towards Ye Fei, and Sun Luo Hell, all the space dumped down.


Blood splashed out of the blood cup, and the magic sounds in the mouths of the three blood ancestors became more and more mysterious, even carrying a chant of Ancient Devil Clan, following them The chant of, the blood cup burst suddenly, just like in the sky, there is a troll with three blood holes in his body.

The infinite blood spewed out along these three gaps, and in an instant, it had covered the entire Sun Luo Hell. In an instant, Ye Fei was shocked to see that the space where the four were located had become a sea of 鈥嬧€媌lood, which was the real sea of 鈥嬧€媌lood.

Such a method is also beyond Ye Fei’s expectation. He has fought against the blood ancestor twice, but he has never seen that blood ancestor has such a method.

“Blood chaos, this is what you are looking for to deal with me when you leave the Senluo Temple. If that is the case, it is really disappointing!”

Ye Fei is very disappointed. He thought that the blood chaos disappeared for so long, he would definitely prepare some powerful methods, but these three blood seas, except for the terrifying momentum, he did not feel any threat.


The howling sword light, in this bloody ocean, forms a terrifying vortex of blood. Above the vortex, Ye Fei stands on a bunch of blood, In his hand, Spirit Sword is blooming dazzling rays of light.


With a wave of his hand, what appeared in his hand was no longer a sword, but a surging river of sword energy. The billowing sword energy also formed a river. It went up against the blood flow, and in one breath, Ye Fei The sword light shrouded the three blood ancestors at the same time.

“courting death!”

“Kill this evil little demon!”

“Damn, he grew up too fast!”

The three blood ancestors were all furious. Ye Fei was able to tie them at Martial Saint 9th Layer. Now, Ye Fei has entered the Martial Saint tenth layer. His attack power is no less than that of ordinary Martial. Sovereign is late.

Blood killing and blood chaos did not dare to neglect, they released the blood cup and immediately rushed to blood chaos at the fastest speed: “The little demon is powerful, blood chaos, we listen to you, Let鈥檚 merge quickly and kill this kid!”

“hahaha, big brother, second brother, come on, our three blood ancestors join forces, plus this ocean of blood, below the quasi-emperor, We will be invincible!” In the bloody eyes, there was a flash of fire, and there was greed and fierce light hidden inside.

“Don’t want to fit together! Tai Chi and Liangyi sword!” Ye Fei stepped on the blood wave, rolling sword light, tearing the sea of 鈥嬧€媌lood into two halves, and then slashed at two of the blood ancestors, but Not only are Blood Kill and Blood Yin not afraid, they haha 鈥嬧€媑rinned together, “The law of the blood demon, Samoyed, don鈥檛 stop him!”


With the blood ancestors In the tumbling sea of 鈥嬧€媌lood, countless blood people rushed out, not blood people, but blood slaves condensed with blood.

Ye Fei was shocked to discover that what was released from the blood cup was not actually a sea of 鈥嬧€媌lood, but a film of terrifying blood slaves.

“What kind of method is it to transform slaves with blood? The blood ancestor gave us a record of not at all!”

In front of the magic mirror, two The black clothed quasi emperors were furious. They found out in anger that the Blood Demon Sutra presented to them by the blood ancestors dared to hide something!

“No, it’s not like concealment, but it’s more like a new method obtained during the blood chaos leaving Senluo Temple. Where did this person go and how did he obtain such a method?” Hei Ming, Hei Yue , His complexion became serious, they were all powerful quasi emperors, from the sudden hand of blood chaos, they felt an inexplicable danger.

Ye Fei also felt the danger in the sea of 鈥嬧€媌lood, because now, he was in the sea of 鈥嬧€媌lood, equivalent to being surrounded by countless blood slaves.

His sword light, whistled past, destroyed all the blood slaves that were close to him, but these destroyed blood slaves will soon use this sea of 鈥嬧€媌lood to resurrect and kill Ye Fei again.

“This method is so familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere…” Ye Fei became more frightened as he killed him, and he had a vaguely unpleasant feeling.

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