Feeling Ye Fei’s murderous intention, within the Black Lotus, a terrifying spirit screamed suddenly, “trifling ants, also equipped with this Supreme Treasure! Only us Gods and demons can control this Sword Dao Soul!”

The words fall.

Black Lotus blooms again, sitting on top, a three-faced, six-armed evil Demon God, this Demon God is excited, and at the same time, with his hideous eyes, he smiles at Ye Fei.” Ants, do you really think that trifling Heavenly Tribulation can completely destroy me? Demon God is so strong that you cannot imagine the ants. For the sake of your immortal Sword Soul host, I give you the glory of death !”

On the Black Lotus, the six arms turned into chains, violently wrapped around Ye Fei’s consciousness, Ye Fei hadn’t reacted yet. He had already discovered with horror that his consciousness was shrinking rapidly, and then he stood on the Black Lotus, surrounded by countless chains, besieging him.

The blood demon appeared outside the Black Lotus, aloof and remote, looking down at him like a god, and then solemnly ordered: “Black Lotus, swallow this ant for me!”


The dark lotus flower suddenly turned into a dark black mouth. Ye Fei’s consciousness was to be shattered in one bite. Ye Fei was really scared this time, but he did not give up hope because he found that he Still connected with the consciousness of the immortal Sword Soul.

“As long as there is still contact, I still have hope, the immortal Sword Soul, release it all for me, destroy this dantian space, destroy, everything, everything!”

Ye Fei’s consciousness roared, his eyes staring at the blood demon even more frantically, angrily roared: “Blood demon, what about your resurrection, today I will die with you, at worst, it will be over! The immortal Sword Soul, what are you still hesitating about? Cut!”

“The ants, you dare!”

The blood demon was angry. For the first time, he had an inexplicable attitude towards the ants that he had never looked down upon. Fear, it is that the formidable power of the immortal Sword Soul is too big. Once it is completely cut out, not only Ye Fei and the Gorefiend will be destroyed instantly, but the entire Heavenly Martial Continent will be destroyed instantly.

The blood demon finally used the plot against and preparations tens of thousands of years ago, and the infighting between Ye Fei and the three blood ancestors was resurrected. He didn’t want to accompany Ye Fei to annihilation.

So what the Gorefiend can do is to use 90% of his own power to turn into a mysterious rune before launching the Sword Soul of the Immortal, and seal the Soul of the Immortal as it is. After all this, the blood demon immediately rushed out of the dantian space and controlled Ye Fei’s body.

“Blood Demon, what are you going to do!” Ye Fei had a huge fear in his heart. He was not afraid of death, but he was afraid that the blood demon would harm the grass and Dragon Tortoise in the beast seal space.

“Trash, it’s trash! Unexpectedly, such a great Demon God like me, one day, I will borrow the body of the abandoned man!”

Sun Luo hell, Ye Fei opened I opened my eyes, but it was not Ye Fei’s voice, but the voice of the blood demon. The blood demon separated part of consciousness. In the dantian, Ye Fei was suppressed and Sword Soul was immortal, and the other part of consciousness was simply controlled. Ye Fei’s body.

When he discovered that Ye Fei was actually a waste body abandoned by the sky, the blood demon was disdainful, but when he saw the beast mark space on Ye Fei’s shoulder, the blood demon suddenly became extremely shocked, “Human Sovereign , How could it be Human Sovereign……”

“Who emperor, Ye Fei, you brat what happened, did you kill the blood chaos, or the blood chaos controlling your body!”

” p>

Shen Luo Hell, suddenly rushed in more than a dozen powerful silhouettes. Under the circumstances of uncertainty, Black Moon Zhundi took the lead. Grab to Ye Fei, want to control Ye Fei first.

After all, they just saw the chaos of blood turning into blood mist and rushing into Ye Fei within the body, and seeing the palm of the hand grabbed by Black Moon Zhundi, Ye Fei looked furious and suddenly roared: “Humble Human Race, ants, dare to touch the god?”

Chapter 1328 Trample

Chapter 1328 Trample

It’s just a palm of your hand , Black Moon Zhundi, already like a kite with a broken line, was shot and flew upside down, spurt a mouthful of blood in his mouth.

The other quasi-emperors of the Senluo Temple who came in were all shocked, “Master Black Moon, was severely injured by a Martial Saint?”

This is simply For fantasy story general things, you must know that even if Ye Fei’s fleshy body is strong, it is only the Emperor Artifact, and the power of the quasi-emperor can break the Emperor Artifact!

After that, many quasi emperors were furious again: “Ye Fei, you are so brave, do you still want to betray my Senluodian!”

Some quasi emperors have already taken action with anger, Ready to surrender Ye Fei.

At this time, Black Moon Zhundi, who flew upside down, suddenly shouted: “Everyone is careful, he is not Ye Fei, he is not the blood ancestor…”

“Human Race’s ants, listen carefully, this god is a great gorefiend, your Human Race is destined to crawl under the feet of our Demon God, be the slave, and be a beast!”

Ye Fei suddenly stretched out With a hand, moved towards the quasi-emperor who shot, the quasi-emperor, immediately within the body’s blood flowing backward, Life Source Blood Essence, suddenly burned uncontrollably.

“Ah, my blood is burning, he is not a human, he is a demon!” The Emperor Zhun roared in terror. He had never gone through such a horrible thing, unguarded, within the blood of the body , Is controlled by others.

This is also the scariest part of the Gorefiend. He does not need a body or even a soul. He just retains a trace of consciousness, and he can control the infinite blood and use blood to kill the enemy.

Blood is the source of power of the Gorefiend.

Ye Fei didn’t know that the reason why the blood demon used his demon blood to create the blood ancestor, in fact, never expected to rely on the power of the blood ancestor to save him.

The blood demon was in the layout. When he was crushed to death by the Sealed Demon Tower on a certain day, he was able to resurrect with the demon blood remaining in the blood ancestor within the body.

So, when Ye Fei was using Heavenly Tribulation to yin him, the blood demon also took the opportunity to turn his consciousness into a Black Lotus at the last moment and rushed into Ye Fei within the body, just The Gorefiend did not expect that Ye Fei within the body actually had the immortal Sword Soul. He was seriously injured by Heavenly Tribulation. He was caught off guard. He was injured by the sword energy of the immortal Sword Soul, and his consciousness fell into a deep sleep.

Later, Ye Fei used the magic pool to completely dissolve the magic of Black Lotus. According to this situation, the Black Lotus transformed by the blood demon consciousness will sooner or later be refining by Ye Fei.

But unfortunately, in order to deal with Ye Fei, the blood chaos ventured into the hell space that suppressed the blood demons. There, the blood chaos was discovered, and the blood demons turned the door in advance to pit the blood ancestors. A few treasures left. A drop of demon blood containing part of the blood demon’s power, twelve pieces of Demon God’s nails enough to pierce Emperor Artifact’s nails.

There is also a cultivation technique deliberately prepared to deceive the blood ancestors, swallowing other blood ancestors, and transformed into a new blood demon.

Although the blood chaos is very clever, it is not as cunning as the blood monster who has planned tens of thousands of years, so he can’t stand the greedy blood chaos, without the slightest hesitation, and learned this magic skill , Not only swallowed his two elder brothers, blood killing and blood yin, but finally stake all on one throw, with that drop of devil blood, rushed into Ye Fei within the body, thus reactivating the blood demon in Black Lotus His consciousness also gave the blood demon a chance to rebirth.

“From now on, this land is governed by me, you and the others. If you want to survive, you have only two choices. One is resistance. The god turns your bones into another piece of blood. The sea, and the second is the acknowledge allegiance. I swear to be the livestock of our Demon God, offering sacrifices year after year, and offering sacrifices year after year!”

Ye Fei’s demon light in his eyes, the sound that uttered, but there was a solemn killing , A hideous. His words have a peculiar magical nature. Many Martial Sovereign souls are trembling, and there is an urge to kneel down and immediately acknowledge allegiance.

And the many quasi emperors in the Senluo Temple who heard this remark were all angry.

“Impudent, whether you are a true Demon God, or you are completely enchanted, but this is the Senluo Temple, even the gods and demons, you must not be wild here!”

hong long!

The Palace Lord Hei Ming has taken a shot. He spread his fingers apart, and what he shot was not a huge magic hand, but five black mountains.

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