
Xiao Cao quickly sensed a familiar gaze, and fell on her little body. Xiao Cao suddenly became excited and yelled anxiously. Then, holding the vine whip, he was about to rush out of the beast seal space, looking for the gorefiend desperately.

Xiaocao clearly sensed Ye Fei’s situation at this time.

“Dragon Tortoise, hold down the grass, don’t come out!” Ye Fei yelled anxiously, regardless of whether he would be heard by the blood demons.

Dragon Tortoise couldn’t hear Ye Fei’s voice, but seeing Xiaocao’s reaction, Dragon Tortoise suddenly understood something, so he rushed over and quickly pulled Xiaocao back.

Ye Fei then discovered that Dragon Tortoise and Xiaocao couldn’t hear him. Fortunately, he communicated with Xiaocao, besides voice, there were eyes and gestures.

Relying on each other’s familiarity, after Dragon Tortoise pulled Xiaocao, Ye Fei immediately cast a strong questioning gaze and landed on Xiaocao.

Xiao Cao hurriedly held back her tears, and even made gestures to Ye Fei. Dragon Tortoise was also very smart. Although it couldn’t sense it, through Xiao Cao’s movements, she knew that Ye Fei must be with Xiao Cao. Communicate in a special way, but cannot speak.

Dragon Tortoise thought for a while, and immediately climbed over with a wooden token in his mouth, and wrote a paragraph on the wooden token with his paws, “I and Xiaocao are safe!”

“Safe, didn’t the Gorefiend find you?” Ye Fei brushed and blinked his eyes, a bit unfathomable mystery, regardless of whether the grass could understand.

Dragon Tortoise couldn’t sense Ye Fei’s gaze, and just scribbled another sentence, which came out: “The blood demon seems to be unable to sense the beast seal space. As long as we don’t go out, we are safe. Yes…”

Scratching his head, Dragon Tortoise claws again, and carved two slanted writings on the small wooden board: “Human Sovereign…”

“Human Sovereign? What does this broken tortoise mean? Okay, how did it get involved in Human Sovereign? Wait, I remember that when the blood demon controlled my body, it seemed to have said these two words too. Could it be that my beast print space was Human Sovereign is about?”


Ye Fei’s mind was chaotic and faint. He seemed to have guessed something, but because his eyes could only be felt by the grass, he talked to Dragon Tortoise couldn’t communicate specifically, he didn’t know how to ask, or how to convey to Dragon Tortoise the meaning of protecting the grass.

At this time, before his eyes, the beast print space suddenly shook, and then the dantian space also shook violently.

The Eye of Thunder Punishment was also forcibly interrupted during this violent shaking. With the instinct of fighting, Ye Fei was horrified to discover that the Gorefiend was in Self-destruction of his Primordial Spirit.

“Damn, that’s my Primordial Spirit, my body! Gorefiend, I’m never ending with you!” Ye Fei eyes immediately turned red, and hurriedly released divine sense to sense the battle outside.

Then, he found that his body had become Three Heads Six Arms under the urge of the Gorefiend, and he was fighting violently against Fengleita, but Fengleita was once Life and Death Palace Supreme Treasure, Hei Ming, these quasi-emperors, may not be the opponent of the Gorefiend in combination.

But once they enter the Wind Thunder Tower, the power of the Wind Thunder Tower can cause huge damage to the blood demons. After all, the blood demons today have just been resurrected, and the power he possesses is just a drop of demons. Blood is nothing more than 1% of the equivalent to Quansheng Gorefiend.

Chapter 1330 Crazy

Chapter 1330 Crazy

“The Heyday Blood Demon may have no problem dealing with Feng Leita, but now his demon blood power, The maximum recovery is less than 1%. It is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of Wind Leita!”

You know, Wind Leita, but in an instant, the flying ash annihilation of the quasi-emperor’s demonic beast, the blood demon is a force Using the demon blood, the Demon God Idol of Three Heads Six Arms was transformed into the Demon God Idol of Three Heads Six Arms.

Six arms, all destroyed by the hurricane, felt the huge consumption of magic blood, compelled by circumstances, the blood demon began to use Ye Fei’s desperate power, but this way, it is bound to cause. His power to imprison Ye Fei loosened.

But Ye Fei is not impulsive, and he actively communicates with the blood demon, yelling: “Blood demon, your cultivation tens of thousands of years, your brain was kicked by a donkey. If you can’t beat you, won’t you run Ah!”

The current appearance of the blood demon is indeed miserable. Hearing Ye Fei’s words, his heart is even more furious: “Ant, what are you talking about, run away? Your Human Race, but our Demon God captive It’s just a livestock, how can I be defeated by a group of livestock!”

“A few 10,000 years ago, you were also suppressed by a Buddhist expert. Since you can be suppressed once, you can be suppressed a second time. Don’t be willful , Run away!” Ye Fei resisted his anger and persuaded.

If it weren’t for his body, he wouldn’t care about the life and death of this blood demon.


Hearing Ye Fei’s words, the gorefiend roared angrily. He mobilized Ye Fei’s Primordial Spirit not enough. He even wanted to give Ye Fei’s golden body to Mobilize and continue to kill.

Ye Fei complexion changed, I just remembered that when this blood demon was suppressed by Buddhism, he had also learned eight dragons, and he almost deceived him with this hand.

“Blood demon, dare to resist. Even if we destroy Senluo Temple today, we will destroy you! The power of Human Race is inviolable! Wind Lei Tower, activate all!”

The quasi emperor, not only many people, but also very tenacious in battle awareness. Seeing that ordinary wind and thunder cannot destroy the blood demons, several quasi emperors with staunch personalities started to burn their lives and turned into a more terrifying force, and merged into the wind and thunder. In the tower.

Suddenly, in the eyes of Ye Fei, Fenglei Tower changed its appearance. It turned out that it was not a Little Pagoda, but a majestic tower of 18th Layer, just below the tower, all 17 layers were dim, only the tower At the tip, there are more than a dozen quasi emperors who turn into stars and provide power for Fenglei Tower.

“The strength of the Senluo Temple is so terrifying!” Ye Fei took a breath, and the Wind Lei Pagoda can only activate one layer, and it can instantly destroy the Emperor Zhun. If it is activated together with the 18th Layer, that formidable power , Could it be that even Martial God can be destroyed directly?

Seeing the appearance of the complete Wind Lei Pagoda, even the Gorefiend who is so proud that he looks down on Human Race, his face has changed, and his tone is rare with a touch of horror, “Damn, this is the ancient Divine Pagoda ! Such a lower world, how come there are such horrible weapons!”

“Human Race ants, count you luck, wait for the god to recover, and then come to you to settle accounts! Let’s go!”


Ye Fei felt that the Three Heads Six Arms had recovered and his body had returned to normal, and then he was controlled by the gorefiend, directly smashing the void and fleeing away.

“Quickly open the Eighteen Senluo Killing Formation!” Hei Ming waited for the quasi emperor to be furious, all Martial Sovereign in Senluo Temple, and even angry roar, the 18 long-prepared Killing Formation, went crazy.

These Killing Formations are the strongest defense of Senluo Temple. They have faced countless demonic beasts and have not been destroyed. Faced with these Killing Formations, the blood demon’s face has become extremely ugly again, and he shouts: “It turns out that it was banned by Sen Luo, but I didn’t expect that the remnants of the ancient Life and Death Palace will still exist!”

“Sooner or later, our Demon God army will bloodbath this lower world!”


The blood demon was cruel, and suddenly drew a force from the dantian space to form a terrifying blood light knife, which was swiped 18 times in a row, just in the blink of an eye , He smashed 18 Killing Formation and completely rushed out of the Sun Luo space.

“Catch up and kill this True Demon!” The quasi-emperors who suffered heavy losses, roared and wanted to chase them out, cut weeds and eliminate the roots.

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