“Okay, okay, the dean did not misunderstand you, it is worthwhile for the dean to take risks to save you.” Xi Ying praised Ye Fei with joy.

Ye Fei is also speechless for the dean’s face change speed, but thinking of these Thunder Tribulation fluids can indirectly improve Saint Court’s strength, and he is happy again.

“The Third Dean, how are my brothers?” Ye Fei asked again.

“Okay, they are all good, even Xia Jun, although he is not talented, but also very hardworking. The old man is very optimistic about him.” The Third Dean laughed and held the lightning in his hands, with a faint expression. With a kind of excitement, with these Thunder Tribulation fluids, their old quasi emperors can sustain and protect the True Martial Saint Court for a longer time!

“Ye Fei, this time you made a great contribution to my Saint Court, now I will go back with the old man. I want to report to the dean of Ming Tai and reward you heavily!”

Xi Yingqing put away the lightning solemnly, and suddenly he grabbed Ye Fei’s shoulder and teleported directly away from this place of right and wrong.

Not long after, the two have appeared in a desolate black land. Seeing this land, Ye Fei was very embarrassed. Three years ago, he entered the dragon head realm from here. nine deaths and still alive, even experienced the Crusade by Heavenly Dao.

Now, he can finally leave the Dragon Head Realm from here, return to the True Martial Saint Court, and see the former brother and friends again.

“This time, I must make True Martial Saint Court stronger!” In Ye Fei’s eyes, a strong confidence flashed, and then, the huge transmission rays of light had already surrounded him.

Chapter 1354 Gathering

Chapter 1354 Gathering

It is still this land! People have not changed, and the environment has not changed at all!

Ordinary disciplines are struggling to survive, and disciplines above the human level are also constantly climbing in mutual struggle. Some people are constantly dimming and then retreating, and some people are constantly moving forward.

This is True Martial Saint Court. A cruel Saint Court is also the kind Saint Court that Ye Fei feels. Only after experiencing the cruelty of the dragon head world can he understand better that behind the cruel competition of Saint Court, the good intentions of several deans.

“If you don’t experience wind and rain, you will never grow up! What we Old Guy can do for the discipline is to let them adapt in advance!”

This is the third dean Ye Fei understood what he said before leaving.

“I, finally came back!” The first thing Ye Fei enters Saint Court is to shout with joy. In his opinion, he has done so many things for Saint Court, Saint Court Even if there is no welcome, there should be many Senior Brother Junior Brothers who welcome him warmly.

But what makes Ye Fei depressed is that when I heard his voice, Saint Court was as quiet as usual, not at all, the lively scene of welcome in the road, but many people’s discipline, I heard Ye Fei’s voice , Suddenly the complexion greatly changed.

“How do I feel this sound is so familiar?”

“What familiar, this is the voice of Demon Ye! No, the rumors are true. That Demon Ye has already Returned to True Martial Saint Court!”

“Who is the head of Ye Fei, is it the demon saint Ye Fei who sweeps the first-order discipline every time he goes down the mountain, he is coming back this time, is it coming to sweep ……Heavenly Grade?”

There was no welcome as imagined, but the entire True Martial Saint Court, there was a flurry of jumps, there was no way, Ye Fei made too much noise in the dragon head world.

Whether it’s killing Jin Rufeng and the others, or being controlled by the Gorefiend, killing Liu Rufeng and these Holy Sons, every one of them comes back, enough to make True Martial Saint Court’s discipline, terrifying.

As the name of Ye Fei Demon Saint spread in the Dragon Head Realm, gradually in True Martial Saint Court, Ye Fei also gained a nickname, that is Ye Demon Head.

Ye Fei feels embarrassed when hearing these disciples’ discussions vaguely. He is obviously a low-key person, a kind person. There is no contact with the devil.

“Maybe I am too good. Many opponents dare not attack me face to face. They can only slander me secretly. This must be the case. Everything is because I am too good!”

Ye Fei comforts herself like this, and she believes it in her heart. Since he couldn’t wait for everyone to greet him, he had no choice but to return to his mountain alone.

Mountains are as familiar as always, familiar mountains, familiar people, the difference is that they are all excited faces.

“Big brother, you are finally back, you want to kill me!” The most touching thing was Xia Jun. Seeing Ye Fei, Xia Jun shed tears in excitement, and then, without saying anything, he just rushed over Embrace Ye Fei.

Ye Fei was also moved, standing still, waiting for Xia Jun to hug him, but soon he realized that it was not him that Xia Jun was hugging, but behind him, smelling The mentor Zhou Xiaoyu who came to the news.

“get lost!” Zhou Xiaoyu was embarrassed. Of course, he was impossible to let Xia Jun embrace, kick Xia Jun directly, and kick Xia Jun away.

“Why am I always the one who is injured! I just need to give a hug, what did I do wrong!” Xia Jun hung on the tree branch, swaying in the wind.

“Deserve it!”

Ye Fei cursed with a dark face, but couldn’t help but laugh. Then everyone laughed.

Shangluo came up and said with a smile: “Ye Fei, I knew that you would definitely come back.”

“Ye Fei, if you don’t come back, we will go to the dragon The first world is looking for you.” Lin Heaven’s Chosen also played said with a smile.

But Ye Fei knows that Lin Heaven’s Chosen never makes a joke. He can do it if he says it. This is a man who is very proud of being in the bones.

“I saw Fu Renjie!” Ye Fei took a deep look at Lin Heaven’s Chosen. Lin Heaven’s Chosen’s expression suddenly became serious, but at the same time relaxed.

His friendship with Fu Renjie is also very deep.

“Wu wu, elder brother, you finally came back, I won’t have to suffer anymore…” Little Fatty saw that Ye Fei was really coming back, and he suddenly cried with excitement.

“Fatty, why did you lose weight?” Ye Fei was shocked. Pompeii was originally very fat. I haven’t seen him in the past three years. He actually lost a whole circle, but his strength is already Among the people, the strongest.

Pompeii actually broke through half the emperor!

What is going on here?

Ye Fei glanced at Lin Heaven’s Chosen, then at Xia Jun, but they all looked at Shangluo with a guilty conscience. Shangluo’s pink face was slightly red, and said confidently: “This Fairy didn’t bully him. It’s just a special training for fatty.”

Later, Ye Fei learned that after he left, with the strange temper of Eldest Miss in Shangluo, he asked Little Fatty to pass in the name of special training. I force Little Fatty to become a monkey every day. I don’t know where I found this monkey boxing for Little Fatty to practice every day.

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