paused, heavenly punishment In the depths of Zhundi ’s eyes, a flash of fire suddenly flashed, and there was also a look of expectation: “Your main purpose is to test this person, to test his Martial Dao, His martial arts, and then you come back and tell me!”


Lu Qing is even more confused. In her eyes, True Martial Saint Court is a declining Saint Court. Even if Holy Son appeared, she was confident to defeat it. It’s just why, grandfather’s tone will show a trace of jealousy?

But Lu Qing was still nodded and retired respectfully.

Leaving Lú Family’s Small World, her goal is True Martial Saint Court!

Ye Fei didn’t know at all that becoming a Holy Son would be such a troublesome thing, and it needed the emperor to tell the world.

“This is to attract hatred to me. I am obviously a low-key person. I only need to cultivation with peace of mind and stay with the brothers and sisters with peace of mind.” Ye Fei felt very depressed.

Especially, when he has unfathomable mystery around him, there will be a large group of followers. Although the number of followers also represents the influence of this Holy Son.

But Ye Fei doesn’t want to follow too many people around him, so that many of his secrets are easy to be discovered.

“By the way, there is that matter. It’s almost time to solve it.” Ye Fei suddenly remembered another thing.

After simply settling the followers of Gong Zhi, Ye Fei left the mountain and headed down to the area of ​​Heavenly Grade disciple.

This immediately attracted the attention of countless disciplines.

“It’s only been a few days since the head of Ye Devil went down the mountain again.”

“Every time the head of Ye Devil went down the mountain, he was destined to sweep one area. He went down the mountain twice and swept people. Level and Earth Grade, this time, I must sweep Heavenly Grade!”

Chapter 1357 Anzi

Chapter 1357 Anzi


The descent of Ye Fei caused many disciples to jump. This is also one of the reasons why Ye Fei is depressed. He is obviously such a good person, but his Ye Demon’s name actually overshadows the title of Ye Holy Son.

“But this is good, Martial Dao world is cruel in the end, if you can’t make others respect, then make others afraid, and you can avoid a lot of trouble.”

Ye Fei came to Heavenly Grade Area, there are ten high mountains, and on each high mountain, there is a palace of gold and jade in glorious splendor.

At this time, the owners of these palaces are very nervous hiding in the palace. They are all old disciplines. They have also heard that every time Ye Fei goes down the mountain, he will inevitably sweep the first level of brutality.

“Strange, I am clearly Holy Son, and not Old Hu. Why do I feel that these emperors are very afraid of me.” Ye Fei shook his head and withdrew his gaze from the other mountains. Finally, he His eyes fell on Cui Yongxuan’s palace.

“Cui Yongxuan, did you get out by yourself, or did I go in?” Ye Fei shouted indifferently.

In the palace, Cui Yongxuan’s face flushed with anger, but he thought that Ye Fei was in the Dragon Head Realm, but even the Holy Son of the Three Saint Court and Young Master of the Legalist were all killed in one go. His face It suddenly became pale again.

At this time, Cui Yongxuan, deep in one’s heart, has already regretted it very much. He once wanted to assassinate Ye Fei according to the order of the Legalist.

Now Ye Fei becomes Saint son, even more fierce. Cui Yongxuan has ten guts, and he dare not confront Ye Fei head-on. Knowing that he could not hide, Cui Yongxuan quickly opened the palace door, and walked out sullenly, saying sadly: “Heavenly Grade disciple Cui Yongxuan, I have met Holy Son Senior Brother…”


The answer to Cui Yongxuan was Ye Fei’s resounding slap in the face. Cui Yongxuan couldn’t resist at all, and the whole person had already been pumped and rotated.

“Why hit me!”

He screamed, clutching his red face, and staring at Ye Fei with bitter eyes.


Ye Fei did not speak, only hands-on, another slap in the face, despite Cui Yongxuan’s full resistance, still, another slap, turned Cui Yongxuan over on the ground. At this time, he said coldly, “Do you know why I beat you?”

“Because I have offended you!” Cui Yongxuan covered his face, his eyes were bloodshot, he was It’s Heavenly Grade disciple, who is openly slapped in the face by Ye Fei. How can he gain a foothold in Saint Court in the future?


Then Cui Yongxuan screamed again, Ye Fei slapped Cui Yongxuan’s face heavily, and asked again: “Do you know why I beat you?”

“Why?” Cui Yongxuan’s heart was filled with spiteful anger, but his tone was with a trace of panic, a trace of grief and anger, and a trace of crying.

“I don’t know.” Ye Fei replied confidently.

I also spurted Cui Yongxuan on the spot with a mouthful of blood, Ye Fei hit him for no reason? In this way, how can he still be complacent, how can he get into Ye Fei’s team and explore more Ye Fei’s secrets?

“You…” Cui Yongxuan exploded in anger, pointing to Ye Fei.

But without waiting for him to speak, there was another crisp slap. Cui Yongxuan smoked badly with many teeth knocked out, just half kneeling on the ground and shouting: “Why, are you Holy Son, you can Feel free to bully people!”

“No, anyone who is bullied by me is definitely not a True Martial Saint Court person. Give you ten breaths. Go away. From now on, don’t let me see you again! “Ye Fei’s voice is cold, like a bully taking advantage of one’s position to bully people.

But when he heard this, Cui Yongxuan no longer had a grudge expression, but an expression of shock and fear. He suddenly understood why Ye Fei hit him as soon as they met.

As the Holy Son, Saint Court is the guardian, and Cui Yongxuan is a spy who betrays Saint Court, and on this basis, he should be beaten!

“Strange, Ye Fei seems to have discovered that I am a rape, but why didn’t he expose me and just kick me out of Saint Court?” Cui Yongxuan stood up from the ground in despair, he said nothing. Turn around and leave.

Ye Fei did not fight Cui Yongxuan again this time, but suddenly sound transmission coldly: “You have murdered me before, and I also beat you. Everyone is clear. No matter who you are, you You owe me a life, return to the Human Demon Hall, what you should say, what should not be said, you better know in your heart! Otherwise, I can beat you today, and I can kill you at any time in the future!”

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