“Since the truth doesn’t make sense, then you can only talk about fists!” Ye Fei secretly slammed. In the eyes, a thick fighting intent also gradually emerged.

After all, this is the real Martial God Palace. Knowing that Daqing Shi just wants to drive him out, not to hurt him, Ye Fei is certainly not afraid.

Until the True Martial Divine Emperor’s illusory shadow gradually becomes clear, Ye Fei has already rushed over, intending to make the first move.

Chapter 1363 battle Divinity Emperor illusory shadow

Chapter 1363 battle Divinity Emperor illusory shadow

“Life and death fight!”

Ye Fei has the heart to try the formidable power of this illusory shadow. As soon as he shoots, he uses all his power. The terrifying fist turns into a billowing Death Aura, slamming on the body of the illusory shadow.

The body of the illusory shadow suddenly appeared a layer of hard Black Tortoise armor, which not only withstood the fight of life and death intact, but also had a huge counter-shock force that brought Ye Fei Flew out in shock.

“True Martial Four Phases?” Ye Fei was shocked.

He originally thought that the four aspects of True Martial turned into gods in the end. Didn’t expect, True Martial Divine Emperor, could turn the four aspects into armor and form defense.

“I just don’t know this kind of defense. Compared to my Purple Gold Tai Chi, War Demon Golden Body, who is more powerful?” Ye Fei be eager to have a try, this failure did not disappoint him , But further strengthened his fighting intent. Feeling the fighting intent emanating from Ye Fei, the shape of illusory shadow quickly became clear.

Form a young man of uncommon martial heroism. This is the True Martial Divine Emperor, the ancient Martial God, but at this time, the cultivation base of the True Martial Divine Emperor, like Ye Fei, is the tenth realm of Martial Saint.

“Boy, let alone stone grandfather bullying you, what realm are you, what realm is the illusory shadow of the Divine Emperor, if you win the Divine Emperor, you can get his inheritance, but if you fail, then you Waiting to be abused, of course, the uncle is a kindhearted person, and there is one less good grandson beside him, you know.” The big bluestone smiled terribly, he had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

In the end, the inheritance of True Martial Divine Emperor is not ordinary. It must be tested by layers. In fact, the last time Ye Fei obtained the Guizhen chapter, he had to pass the test.

Helplessly, the big bluestone was gnawed twice by the grass, and the shadow of my heart has already been gnawed. In order to quickly dismiss this little ancestor, the big bluestone can only be given away in tears, almost in vain, Passed the Guizhen chapter to Ye Fei. I don’t know, Ye Fei is not “greedy” enough, and ran in again to start another chapter, but Daqingshi couldn’t tolerate it.

Ye Fei also simply did not explain the opportunity. At the moment he was shaken off, the illusory shadow of the True Martial Divine Emperor has rushed over, in the sky, and there is a terrifying dragon roar. , It was a divine spear formed by Azure Dragon. The spear glow was dazzling, with the power to crush the void, it suddenly pierced Ye Fei’s body.

“Purple Gold Tai Chi! It depends on which one of us has stronger defense!” Ye Fei deliberately compares with True Martial Divine Emperor, and also see how far he is from the Divine Emperor when he was young.

He exploded with all his strength, forming a purple-golden Tai Chi ball, protecting himself perfectly. At this time, the terrifying Azure Dragon spear glow also stabbed fiercely in an imposing manner that swept all the wasteland.


The spear glow collided fiercely with Purple Gold Tai Chi, then separated, collided again and again, continuously, splashing out a terrifying azure dragon light and a large purple-golden light spot.

Dangdang’s voice shook the void.

The fighting intent in Ye Fei’s eyes is boiling, and the whole body is burning with endless purple-golden flames. These flames constantly replenish the consumption of Purple Gold Tai Chi, making his Purple Gold Tai Chi range from five steps to ten steps quickly.

Within ten steps, I Am Invincible!


Divine Emperor has hundreds of Azure Dragon spear shadows in succession, but failed to break the Purple Gold Tai Chi defense, the entire illusory shadow, suddenly and then back, Divine Emperor’s brows are slightly frowned Tight, but soon became stretched again, a more terrifying fighting intent emerged from the young Divine Emperor.

Then it became a billowing killing intent.


tiger roaring at mountains and forests!

The Divine Emperor rushed up again. This time, he displayed the White Tiger fist of the True Martial four phases. The horrible fist was enough to smash the continuous mountain range. This is the power of White Tiger. , Is also the power of Fleshy body.

The fist hasn’t come over yet, Purple Gold Tai Chi has already been rolled up a layer of terrifying ripples, becoming on the verge of collapse.

Ye Fei’s face changed on the spot. Purple Gold Tai Chi is invincible, but it is not without a weak spot. Tai Chi can only resist martial arts attacks. Facing pure fleshly body strength, Will appear very weak.

He didn’t expect, True Martial Divine Emperor’s illusory shadow battle awareness is so terrifying, and in such a short time, he found this weak spot.

“War Demon Golden Body!”

Ye Fei roared, when he put the Purple Gold Tai Chi away, his whole body was already blooming with dazzling golden magic light, within the body Every piece of flesh and blood, every cell, is full of endless explosive power, like a war demon, Ye Fei punches and fists together with the Divine Emperor’s White Tiger god.


The roar of the White Tiger, countless killing intents, at this moment, turned into a twisting and spinning Twisting Power, with infinite killing aura. In an instant, Shattered Ye Fei’s golden body of war demon, Ye Fei vomited blood and retreated.

“This battle, I won’t lose!” After being injured, Ye Fei’s expression became more and more crazy. He was like a furious war demon, with a fearless imposing manner, ignoring him. Everything rushed over again. The illusory shadow of the Divine Emperor was shocked.

It seems that Ye Fei didn’t expect. Ye Fei hit a White Tiger fist. Not only was he not seriously injured, but he could immediately launch the most fierce counterattack.


This time turned into the illusory shadow of the Divine Emperor, and it was flew out by Ye Fei’s explosive punch, especially Ye Fei’s battle demonic path, which has entered 8-Layer, and its hardness is already comparable. Than Emperor Artifact. He hit this fist, only pure strength, has penetrated the void, True Martial’s four-phase condensed armor, no matter how hard, can finally resist Ye Fei, which is comparable to the fist strength of Emperor Artifact.


The Black Tortoise armor was shattered, but at the same time, behind the Divine Emperor, a pair of fiery wings suddenly appeared. It was the wings of Vermilion Bird, forming two flame-like wings, and rushed to the sky with the Divine Emperor, and then swooped down toward Ye Fei.

At the same time, there was a terrifying fire, which made Divine Emperor’s whole person as if incarnation had become a terrifying Flame Giant, turning this space into a terrifying sea of ​​flames.

“Fist of life and death!”

Ye Fei roared again, his fists, and a hurricane of death at the same time, suddenly split the flames from the sky, splitting from the middle, Then the whole person stomped and rushed into the air, raising his foot, just hit the whip leg, it was still pure fleshly body strength, but it kicked the flames in the sky and exploded.

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