“It’s not that my martial arts is not strong enough, but the realm of the two sides, the gap is too big!” Ye Fei’s eyes flashed with a touch of bitterness and unwillingness.

When in the dragon head realm, Di Fan once told him that even if he merged with the power of the fifth despair, facing peerless genius, he still could only be regarded as half an opponent. At that time, he was still a little dissatisfied. For peerless genius, There is no intuitive feeling either.

Until he saw the illusory shadow of the True Martial Divine Emperor, he didn’t know how terrifying the true peerless genius was. Only half the Divine Emperor illusory shadow of the peerless genius, it was impossible to fight him. If he is facing the real peerless genius this time.

The consequence is definitely crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood!

“Ye Fei, what are you waiting for? Give up quickly. This adjustment is too difficult. The challenger must take the initiative to admit defeat before I can send you out. Otherwise, you will die!” At this time, suddenly became nervous.

It just wants to drive Ye Fei out of the temple, not to kill Ye Fei.

Hearing this, Ye Fei nodded, shook his head again, secretly thought: “Even if the big bluestone does not harm my heart, how can I easily shrink back from such a hearty battle? The Martial Dao of Martial Dao, there is no retreat, there is death but no life, one step back, the bones become ashes, and then I can become stronger! Immortal Sword Soul, cut it for me!”

bang !

Seeing that even the last Purple Gold Tai Chi was ruthlessly destroyed by the Divine Emperor illusory shadow, Ye Fei no longer hesitated, his eyes became crazy and determined, and at the same time it was terrifying destruction aura, emerges from his within the body.

That aura, the big bluestone, felt shock and fear, and then he saw Ye Fei’s hand, a dark golden Destruction Sword appeared.

That sword shadow can be Heaven Destroying and destroy the earth.

Only ten 1/10000th power, but also instantly, beheaded Azure Dragon, smashed White Tiger, destroyed Black Tortoise armor, and shattered Vermilion Bird fire wings.

Immediately, the expression of Divine Emperor illusory shadow became stunned, with a trace of shock and a trace of daze.

The head of the Divine Emperor rolled down to Ye Fei’s feet.

“How is it possible?”

The tone of the big bluestone was full of shock. When it didn’t notice it, the tone was already trembling, “Ye Fei, you It’s not a human being, that’s the Divine Emperor, you actually cut the god Imperial Capital with a single sword!”

This kid is deceiving masters extinguishing ancestors!

Chapter 1367 The market is bullish

Chapter 1367 The market is bullish

“I even cut the Divine Emperor?” Ye Fei also looked at the ground with shocked expression. The head that rolled down, although it was only the illusory shadow of the Divine Emperor, it was reminded by the large bluestone. Ye Fei only discovered with horror that True Martial Divine Emperor, that is the general existence of Ancestral Master of Saint Court.

And he, in a rage, cut the Ancestral Master’s illusory shadow, because Ye Fei was bold enough, and his face twitched.

But his heart is still relieved,

“This big bluestone is not only cheap, it is clearly a scam, and it almost got smashed by it.” The Divine Emperor illusory shadow of the quasi-emperor class, that terrifying power, even now, Ye Fei still has lingering fears.

Then, there was a strong sense of weakness, which made Ye Fei feel a little bit soft. He first fought a battle with Divine Emperor illusory shadow, and the true energy consumption was very terrifying. Later, the Indestructible Sword Soul was mobilized, and the consumption was even more terrifying. When the two phases were superimposed, even if there were eight Primordial Spirits, Ye Fei’s face could not help showing a trace of exhaustion.

“The immortal Sword Soul formidable power is horrible, but at my current state, once I use it, it takes at least one month or even longer to cultivate. This will damage Divine Soul too much.”

Ye Fei has decided that unless it is a critical moment, Sword Soul can not be used, it is best not to use it.

“Although I can control the Indestructible Sword Soul, the influence of the Immortal Sword Soul is too great. Once discovered by enemies above the quasi emperor, it will definitely cause me great trouble!”


Ye Fei’s heart is full of vigilance.

Why did the Gorefiend at the time prefer to face Heavenly Tribulation rather than leave his body, even when he was overwhelmed? The Gorefiend also stakes all on one throw, wanting body possession of his body. The reason is that the Gorefiend wants to get the immortal Sword Soul too much.

In the end, this is a Sword Dao Soul handed down from the mainstream of Nine Heavens Sword.

And nine days, that is a world higher than Heavenly Martial Continent, I don’t know how many levels.

“It seems that I want just and honourable to use Sword Soul, unless I break through to Heavenly Venerable Realm. Before that, I still need to keep the secret of Sword Soul strictly confidential.”

Thinking of this, Ye Fei glanced horizontally, looking towards the void.

In the sky, there is no sound, but where Ye Fei can’t see, the big bluestone is silent, guilty, and depressed.

Long time.

Daqingshi said bitterly, with a hint of crying in his tone: “Ye Xiaozi, no, Ye Fei, let’s discuss it…”

“Talk about Mao, a thousand times, Otherwise you are finished!” Ye Fei’s stomach is full of fire. If he hadn’t happened to master the Sword Soul of Immortality, he had also accumulated enough power during this period of time. Facing the Divine Emperor illusory shadow just now, he might have been beaten.

Except for asking for mercy, that is a dead end. But once he asked for mercy, Da Qingshi didn’t grab the handle and kicked him.

When I heard Ye Fei’s words, the whole stone of the big bluestone was full of billowing black smoke, and immediately jumped out of the hiding in the sky.

At the same time, he turned a hand out, pointed at Ye Fei’s nose and cursed: “Ye Fei, you are too cruel, do you know what I am, Dao Comprehension Stone! between Heaven and Earth, can you find the second piece? Even the True Martial Divine Emperor needed enlightenment at the beginning. It also requires me to do it. You, what do you think of our Dao Comprehension Stone, the broken stones on the ground, just pick them up, whatever Do you want to play?”

The big bluestone said with grief and anger, and pointed at Ye Fei with abhorrence and yelled: “I was in the real Martial God Palace. I eat well and live well. Since you are like bandits I didn’t have a birthday when I broke in. You even dare to kill the illusory shadow of the Divine Emperor, believing or not me.”

“If there is a kind, you can go out and say! “Ye Fei raised his head, not particularly afraid. If the big bluestone can get out, how about waiting until now?

“You…” Daqingshi did not dare to go out, but had no choice but to compromise: “A thousand times, you are killing me. You can enlighten you ten times at most. More!”

“500 times, no less!” Ye Fei is no longer lion’s big mouth, but a giant dragon’s big mouth, “Only in this way can I calm my anger.”

Daqingshi furiously: “Your anger? Don’t forget, if it wasn’t for me, would you be lucky enough to pass the Divine Emperor test?”

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