Lu Qingxiu’s hair is flying, her hands clasping the Thunderbolt War axe, the power of the bloodline forms a terrifying thunderbolt within the body, which bursts out, and merges into that world. In the battle axe of Ye Fei, he slashed towards Ye Fei’s mountain of blood knives.

“Tai Chi two swords!”

At this moment, in the brilliant golden light, suddenly there was another sword light, blood was like the ocean, cutting forward, the mountain of blood knives, unexpectedly at this moment , Condensed into the mountain of Blood Sword by Ye Fei.

The mighty Demon God, holding up this Blood Sword, teaching the world, shattering the sky, was actually cutting out a bloody and terrifying Taiji Sword picture.

“Thunder’s Fury!”

Lu Qingfei’s hair suddenly turned into tiny lightnings at this moment, and her whole body seemed to become a terrifying Thunderbolt, the battle axe has also turned into a star-like light of thunder.

This light illuminates the dawn, and fiercely tore the Taiji Sword group that Ye Fei cut down.


Finally, the Thunderbolt War axe collided with the huge Blood Sword released by Ye Fei, the lightning collapsed, and the blood light scattered.

Ye Fei suddenly felt the qi and blood surge, and couldn’t help but spurt a mouthful of blood. But he just held back the vibration of blood within the body.

Without waiting for the blood light to disperse completely, he has pushed the Demon God bloodline within the body to the limit. The howling Blood Sword carries the sword of the Tearing the Void, continuously with the present thunderbolt giant axe collided together.

bang! bang! bang!

The terrifying thunder from the sky, that thunder sound, is enough to shock Martial Saint Realm alive as a small martial artist, everyone is shocked Watching this battle, he dared not move his eyes.

“This is no longer the battle of Martial Saint Level. The battle strength of these two people is already close to the quasi emperor level! This is the Peak battle of peerless genius!” Martial Sovereign sighed.

In this kind of battle, even they have no way to intervene.

“Unexpectedly, True Martial Saint Court, there is such a terrifying Holy Son, no wonder he can kill Liu Rufeng!”

Several Shenwu Saint Court’s emperors are all scared witless.

Lu Fang’s expression suddenly became hideous, and he said evilly: “No matter how strong he is, he is a waste! Unless he is a peerless genius, otherwise, he is impossible to compare to Lu Qing!”


Suddenly there was an explosion in the sky, and Ye Fei’s muffled snort, continuous sword and axe collisions, Ye Fei’s Blood Sword, suddenly collapsed. In the end, it hasn’t been long since he obtained the Demon God bloodline, and he couldn’t freely use the blood control method like a bleeding demon.

Lu Qing’s thunderbolt bloodline has awakened to a very terrifying level. She is a true peerless genius. At this time, she is more like a furious electric mother holding a Thunderbolt War axe. The axe smashed the vast Blood Sword in the hands of Demon God.

Obviously in the bloodline competition, Ye Fei and peerless genius, there is still some distance in the end. Lu Qing also took advantage of this distance to crush his Blood Sword while flashing the thunderbolt tomahawk. Split open space, seeing, fiercely cut towards Ye Fei’s demon body.

“This battle should be over!” Lu Qing looked towards Ye Fei, limpid autumn water-like eyes, flashing the invincible belief, the belief of peerless genius.

“No, it’s not over yet. For me, now is just the beginning!” Ye Fei’s eyes flashed with a wild beast-like fierce light.

It is true that there is still a certain gap between him and peerless genius, but if they are of the same level, this gap is not irreparable!

“Tai Chi realm!”

Boom ka!

The whistling Thunderbolt War axe suddenly stopped for a moment, hindering the battle axe, not only There is the Blood Demon Realm, and there is an incomplete Tai Chi Realm that emerges from within the body of Ye Fei.

In the sky, a huge black-and-white Yin-Yang Symbol suddenly appeared, with a breath of despair, rushing to Lu Qing ruthlessly and coldly.

“Do you still have a realm?” Lu Qing’s eyes showed confusion for the first time, faintly with a strong shock, her body was covered with thunderbolt, forming countless Lightning Spear, Constantly stabbing the black and white Yin-Yang Symbol.

Black and white Tai Chi, suddenly shrinking rapidly, the rays of light became gloomy, but it never broke, Ye Fei’s mouth also showed a triumphant smile.

“Tai Chi, the strongest thing is defense! Now, it’s time to end!”


Black and white Tai Chi, in the end, all the thunderbolt was suppressed, and even Lu Qing’s Thunderbolt War was shattered by the Tai Chi realm.

Lu Qing’s eyes were horrified, and with a trace of strong stubbornness. When Tai Chi suppressed her god and turned it into a streamer, she did not retreat and rushed towards Ye. Fei, superb craftsmanship, also fiercely cut above Ye Fei’s Demon God.


The gods and Demon God collapsed almost indiscriminately. Lu Qing was suppressed by Tai Chi not at all. At the critical moment, a simple bronze shield appeared on her body, which stood in front of her and protected. She was not further harmed.

But Lu Qing’s battle axe did not hurt Ye Fei either.

Seeing the moment when the battle axe fell, it was almost instinctive. Ye Fei launched the battle demon golden body again, comparable to the fleshy body of the Emperor Artifact, just carrying the damage of the battle axe.

Then he single fist smashed out and smashed the weakened Thunderbolt War axe into a stream of light in the sky. Then strode forward and continued to kill Lu Qing.

He can’t give this Goddess any breathing time, better than bloodline, worse than her, then better than strength, better than domain, there is always a little bit that allows him to chase these peerless genius, and then surpass them, crush them !

“His fleshy body is comparable to Emperor Artifact!” For the first time, Lu Qing’s expression became dignified, she lost her deity incarnation, and she no longer struggled with Ye Fei meet force with force , But retreating dexterously, and at the same time, the palms of the thunderbolt were photographed by her, forming a thunder mountain, hindering Ye Fei’s approach.

But Ye Fei ignored these thunder and lightning. He was full of golden magic, like a violent war demon. Walking in the sky, he actually stepped on these thunder hills and continued to narrow the distance with Lu Qing.

Thunder hills, at the feet of Ye Fei, burst apart. Faces lifted the head, looking at this scene in horror and incredible.

Chapter 1380 Goddess is sad

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