“Tell me the reason. From your wanton killing of ordinary persons in the market, I clearly feel that your heart is full of darkness. Why can you not be tempted by the magic of the shadow token !”

Liu Ruyan and Liu Morning Sun were shocked, and then they knew that the Forbidden Spirit gave them tokens, simply because they were uneasy and kind, and they even made tricks on them.

It’s just that they are preconceived. Seeing that the Forbidden Spirit is for a special bloodline and promises the Martial Emperor to be unique, they subconsciously ignore the particularity of the token in their hands.

Only Ye Fei, from beginning to end, simply did not have the idea of ​​joining the Hell, whether it was a special bloodline, or Martial Emperor’s unique knowledge, they are all dispensable for him at present Something, of course impossible is tempted by the forbidden spirit.

Faced with the forbidden spirit’s questioning, Ye Fei shook his head indifferently, “Want to know the reason? Don’t you think you have given too much benefit? It’s also a special bloodline and a Martial Emperor’s unique knowledge. In case someone pretends to join the black prison and escapes in order to get treasure, aren’t you at a loss?”

“The black prison is so powerful in your mouth, and impossible is a fool! There is only one possibility, you have If you have enough confidence, you can control the killer who joins the black prison. If it is not through the special bloodline, it is very likely that it will be through the token you gave us.”

After all, ordinary people have checked special There is no problem with bloodline, and will form inertial thinking, thinking that the next token will definitely be no problem, coupled with the temptation of the Martial Emperor’s unique learning, and the magical invasion hidden in the token. Of the ten martial artists, nine and a half of them will be selected immediately, and they will enter the token with a drop of blood.

When Liu Ruyan heard this, she couldn’t help showing a touch of shame. Hearing that she could get the Martial Emperor’s unique knowledge, she also lost her mind for a moment, and was instantly attacked by the devil.

“Ye Fei, thank you.” Liu Ruyan said sincerely.

“Fortunately, the Brother Ye we invited this time, otherwise I would be miserable this time.” Liu morning sun was also lingering, and then curiously asked, “By the way, Brother Ye, how did you find the token? There is a problem?”

“Guess it.”

Ye Fei blinked. At any rate, he had also fought with the blood demon for a while. For this thing of the devil, his feelings The most acute.

After checking that the special bloodline was okay, immediately, he used the magic blood within the body to sense those tokens. Sure enough, he found the problem and understood the promise of the forbidden spirit. Simply yes Uneasy and kind.

After listening to Ye Fei’s analysis, the Forbidden Spirit was not only not angry, but also clapped his hands to say with a smile: “Very good! It seems that the old man has become the Forbidden Spirit for too long, and it has been a long time since I have not bothered to think. I forgot the complexity of the human heart, but I still admire you very much. The killer needs not only strength, but also wisdom. In the future, you will have a great possibility to become the king of killers…”

“Now, the old man stands for the black prison. I solemnly invite you to join. If you have any conditions, please mention it. Even if you allow you to break through the Martial Emperor, I can do it in the black prison!” The Forbidden Spirit threw one more Great temptation.

Become a Martial Emperor!

This temptation made Liu Morning Sun’s eyes widened.

Ye Fei was also taken aback, secretly frightened, if the Forbidden Spirit did not lie, it would be extremely terrifying to cultivate the Martial Emperor organization.

For an instant, Ye Fei was also a little moved, but thinking of the cruel assassin test in the black prison, Ye Fei’s expression became solemn again, said solemnly: “I want to know, the killing in the market just now It’s not just that simple assessment, right?”

It’s really that illusion, too real. For this reason, he even stabbed Liu morning sun with a sword, and found that the illusion, the real terrifying, so much Until now, thinking of those who were killed by him, his heart is still heavy.

The Forbidden Spirit was taken aback again, and he couldn’t help but glanced at Ye Fei deeply, said solemnly: “The old man has seen countless geniuses who came for the assessment, but he can find that the illusion is inappropriate, less than 100 So, in the end, a small part of them all became the king of killers. That’s right, it’s not just an illusion. When you become a killer, the first task is to go to the market in the illusion and kill everyone in it!”

“A qualified assassin must have his hands full of blood! His own blood, the blood of the enemy, the blood of innocent people!” The forbidden spirit’s expression was sacred.

This kind of sacredness also made Ye Fei suck in a breath of cold air, and then resolutely shook his head and said: “Then you die, I cannot accept such a task!”

“Why don’t you accept that in the illusion, you have already killed them once, the feeling is the same as in reality, you will have the same pain, and the same will bleed, since just now, you can kill them without the slightest hesitation , Let you kill again, what’s the problem?” Forbidden Spirit was completely confused.

Ye Fei sneered: “Of course there is a problem, are you sure, I really killed them?”

Hearing this, Liu morning sun and Liu Ruyan are both the same Frozen, just now in the illusion, they saw Ye Fei enter the bazaar bloody massacre, those screams, those begging for mercy, those painful wailings, until now, they still seem to be in their ears.

They can be 100% sure that Ye Fei did kill all those people, otherwise, they are also impossible to pass this killer test. At this moment, Ye Fei’s expression was so serious, so determined, and even more confident.

Could it be…Forbidden Spirit’s slightly muddy eyes gradually became deeper. At this time, it is no longer as simple as Forbidden Spirit. The fused seventy two generations of Elder’s soul, at this moment, also Completely awakened, Forbidden Spirit was no longer a mechanical assessment, but began to think and analyze.

The picture in front of them is also rapidly regressing, and the Forbidden Spirit led them, retreated from the assassin’s temple, returned to the ring, and from the ring to enter the illusion again.

The prohibition of the black prison is very powerful. It can not only create illusions, but also restore illusions, but also allows the restored illusions to continue to evolve like the real world.

The three came to the blood-stained bazaar again, where countless blue smoke gathered and turned into a corpse again. They still maintained the same way they were when they were killed by Ye Fei. The face was distorted and the expression was painful, which made the kind-hearted Liu Ruyan feel unbearable at a glance, even if she knew it was an illusion, it also frightened her and frightened her.

next moment, something more terrifying happened. The corpses that were killed suddenly moved, and a corpse, vacantly moving hands and feet, climbed up from the ground again.

“Ah, don’t kill me!” Suddenly, a peddler woke up from the ground. He saw Ye Fei and seemed to remember the scene before Ye Fei killed him. He yelled in fright and got up. Fleeing quickly, and Ye Fei’s sword marks that had assassinated his chest had disappeared.

“The person who was killed actually lives again? What the hell is going on?” Forbidden Spirit looked at this scene in disbelief.

Chapter 1408 Does not melt bones

Chapter 1408 Does not melt bones

“What have you done to these people?” Jin Ling refused to believe this In fact, he rushed to a “corpse” that got up and tore open the man’s clothes.

The man kept screaming in fright: “Don’t kill me, let me go, let me go!” The survival instinct caused the man to push away the forbidden spirit, moved towards Fleeing away go with.

Jingling stared blankly at the escaped person. He had already checked. That person was indeed seriously injured and suffered a fatal sword in his chest. That sword should be enough to kill this person, but unfortunately, shortly afterwards, that person, he actually lived again, only the healing wounds and bloodstains all over his body proved the fact that this person had been killed.

This scene. Not only did Forbidden Spirit be stunned, Liu Ruyan was also shocked with his mouth opened wide, and Liu Morning Sun rubbed his eyes several times before confirming that all this was not an illusion, but a living fact.

“Weird, they were obviously killed by Ye Fei before, why, they came back alive again, brother Ye, what did you do to them?” Liu morning sun’s question is shared by the three. doubt.

They are all martial artists, one of them is the Forbidden Spirit, which controls all the prohibitions of this black prison, but even the Forbidden Spirit, I don’t understand how Ye Fei did all this.

Seeing those who were alive and kicking, Ye Fei finally let out a long sigh, and her heavy heart became more relaxed. Although this is just a fantasy world, this fantasy world is very real and has arrived. The degree from false to true.

In other words, killing those ordinary persons here is not much different from killing them in reality, but if you don’t kill them, you will not be able to pass the assessment. Liu Ruyan and Liu Morning Sun will die because of failing the assessment.

So Ye Fei came up with a bold idea, which is to kill the ordinary person in this market first. Only when killing them, Ye Fei went quietly again, injecting a trace of Death Power into everyone’s within the body.

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