“White Tiger Divine Sword!”

Ye Fei roared like an angry White Tiger, brandishing sharp claw, and continuously colliding with the boneless corpse knife. Spirit startled, “True Martial Saint Court is not extinct yet? Very good. Back then, I assassinated the True Martial Divine Emperor in the Black Hell. Now, it’s your turn!”

“What, True Martial Divine Emperor, yes Was killed by the black prison?” Ye Fei was shocked. You know, True Martial Divine Emperor, but Martial God, and the black prison, actually assassinated Martial God!

Rao Shi is determined, Ye Fei’s mind also has a moment of stun, that is, the moment of stun, the purple corpse knife that does not melt bones, suddenly the corpse energy erupts, three consecutive times, and Ye is shattered. Fei’s White Tiger Divine Sword.

A withered claw stretched out from the corpse air in the sky, and fiercely and ruthlessly grabbed Ye Fei’s throat. Ye Fei just realized it. His body shook, the White Tiger disappeared, and a fierce Vermilion Bird screamed and rushed out, transforming into a flame giant sword, cutting forward.

Forbidden Spirit shook his head coldly: “It’s useless, in front of the black prison, even if you have cultivated a complete True Martial four-phase, you can’t defeat the boneless!”

In the end, this is The corpse of the Martial Emperor, a special bone demon formed!


Not Huo Bone raised the purple corpse knife in his hand again, and smashed the Vermilion Bird Divine Sword three times in a row. The huge force also pushed the counter-shock back several steps and stepped on the ground. A few lines of deep footprints.

“Ye Fei…”

Liu morning sun and Liu Ruyan, at this time, a layer of cold sweat appeared on their nervous palms. They wanted to step forward, but their strength too weak.

“You all stand behind me!” Ye Fei impossible asked them to come forward, face the bones, and go up to death.

“Since True Martial doesn’t work, I can only use that trick!”

Wipe off the blood from the corners of the mouth, Ye Fei’s body, the fighting intent is completely boiling, He rushed up again and punched again in a terrifying way.

“It’s stupid to compete against fleshy body!” Forbidden Spirit’s face was sneered with sarcasm, his eyes looked towards Ye Fei, and there was a touch of disdain in the eyes of the Skeleton. fluctuation. After that, Bu Huagu dispelled the purple corpse knife, and the whole body turned into a bunch of purple streamer and slammed into Ye Fei.

It is not difficult to imagine that in such a fleshy body impact, there must be one party who will be shattered by the impact if the fleshy body is lost.

At this time, Ye Fei’s sprinting pace suddenly stopped, and then, the roaring dragons rushed out in the sky behind him.

The golden body of Tianlong, the eight poles of Tianlong!

Boom ka!

Seven Golden Dragons, surrounded by a red blood dragon, seem to break free from hell, the blood dragon’s mouth is spitting blood beads, that is the blood demon realm , A vague and complete world, whizzed, and smashed the bones that came and flew out.


Ye Fei’s footsteps were also at this time, and suddenly stepped forward. Following his heart, the eight poles of the heavenly dragon were all violent at this moment, forming eight dragon-shaped pillars of destruction. On the body that does not melt.

The continuous roar came from the body of the boneless body, and the boneless body roared furiously. In its hand, there appeared a purple corpse knife, and its withered claws ripped the void into pieces. The scratch-like scratches are strong enough to reach the limit of Emperor Artifact’s skeleton, and it quickly grows a layer of purple Bone Armor, trying to protect the body.

But all are useless.

Under the destruction of Dragon Qi formed by the eight poles of the Tianlong, the purple corpse knife collapsed instantly, and the withered claws that did not melt bone were also ruthlessly swallowed by the beam of light.

Finally, these eight beams of light turned into eight destroying rays, whizzing, penetrating out of the body without bones, with eight transparent holes of bones, touching them, The solid body has been completely shattered.

On the ground, only a piece of purple bone residue is left!

Forbidden Spirit’s face was dumbfounded, and he stared blankly at the traces of the destruction of the bones. Then, there was a trace of terror in his voice, a trace of tremor: “That is, the complete Taikoo Tiangong “

“Yes, it is Taikoo Tiangong!” Ye Fei didn’t intend to hide it, and he couldn’t hide it. After all, the existence of this Forbidden Spirit was too old.

As the Assassin Organization that can assassinate Martial God, the black prison must also know the existence of Taikoo Tiangong.

“Okay, okay, I can’t think of it, you actually have the ancient power of heaven, no wonder you can not be tempted by my darker prison, but unfortunately, even if you can kill the bones, you can’t kill me. Forbidden Spirit, I will not give you a chance to grow, I want to close this space! I want to trap you in the black prison, fear, tremble, from now on, you will be my prisoners!”

Forbidden Spirit’s eyes were crazily and sacred. He didn’t attack Ye Fei again. The strongest thing in this black prison is not to melt bones. Even if you don’t melt bones, Ye Fei, forbidden. Ling immediately thought of another vicious idea, then closed the black prison, formed a cage, and trapped Ye Fei here to death.

Chapter 1410 Destroying the Black Prison

Chapter 1410 Destroying the Black Prison

Forbidden Spirit’s face is spiteful, deliberately to let Ye Fei experience it. Fear of imminent misfortune, in front of Ye Fei’s face, he began to initiate various prohibitions in the black prison.

The illusion in front of the three of them has changed again. From the dark hell to a huge cage, Ye Fei is now standing in the cage, with Myriad Cold Iron on three sides. In front of the forged iron wall, there is a huge iron window.

Steel thicker than elephant legs form the strongest cage, shutting them in like a wild beast, Liu Ruyan and Liu morning sun’s eyes flashed with despair.

Liu morning sun grabbed his hair in annoyance, and blamed himself: “It’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have come into this black prison without investigating it. Not only did it hurt the elder sister, but also I’m tired of Brother Ye!”

“Morning sun, now is not the time to talk about this, Ye Fei, what should we do?” Liu Ruyan was still relatively calm. She has completely regarded Ye Fei as the backbone.

“Liu morning sun, if you are a man, stand up! There is no risk, where is the harvest, what you have to do now is not to blame yourself, but to protect your sister!”

Ye Fei is very helpless, the current Liu Morning Sun, just like the Xia Jun at the beginning, is a young rookie with a low strength and can’t count on it.

“It seems that to go out, I can only rely on my own strength.” Ye Fei frowned, and looked at the cage. Then, behind him, eight dragons appeared again. These heavenly dragons were all twisted, like eight iron locks, tied together, blasting towards the iron window in front.

The cage vibrates violently.

Even the entire black prison shook violently, showing the terrifying of Taikoo Tiangong, but at the same time that Ye Fei attacked, the black prison was all around, and countless densely packed runes, formations and light appeared. wall.

These things are the prohibition of the black prison, and they are also the strongest materials that support the space of the black prison. The Forbidden Spirit was standing outside the iron window at this time, with a mocking face on his face, and he shook his head indifferently: “It’s useless, the whole black prison itself is a solid cage, unless your power can destroy all the prohibitions in an instant. Otherwise, you can only be imprisoned, then collapse in despair, and finally commit suicide!”

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