Liu Ruyan stared at this scene blankly. She wanted to help a few times, but she was afraid that the big black tortoise would be angered and hurt the younger brother, so she could only stand at a loss. In the same place, watching Liu morning sun being chased and killed, Liu Ruyan rushed to ask for help until Ye Fei came out, “Ye Fei, come here, there is a monster running out of the black prison.”

” Cough cough, it’s not a monster, it’s Da Hei, I raised it.” Ye Fei glanced at Liu Morning Sun sympathetically.

Liu morning sun was full of grief and indignation, and stopped to curse: “What, you raised it, why did it chase me and bite?”

“Maybe it’s watching You are not pleasing to your eyes.” Ye Fei said more sympathetically.

Liu morning sun screamed suddenly, but it was when he stopped; Dragon Tortoise opened his mouth again, and fiercely spouted flames behind him, Ye Fei even saw Liu morning sun With the black smoke coming out of his buttocks, the scared Liu morning sun screamed and used all one’s strength to continue running around the yard.

But the weird thing is that no matter how fast he runs, even if he turns into a shadow, Dragon Tortoise always has a way to catch up and take a bite. Liu morning sun is almost desperate, “brother Ye, stop it!”

Liu Ruyan also blushed, and pleaded with the younger brother: “Ye Fei, how can it be done? Let this black turtle not bite?”

“This, you can let Liu morning sun throw the Spirit Stone a try, maybe you can make Da Hei forgive him.” Ye Fei obviously caught Dragon Tortoise’s weakness.

When I heard that Liu morning sun might have Spirit Stone on his body, Dragon Tortoise bite harder, Liu Ruyan hurriedly followed Ye Fei’s method and took out a large amount of Spirit Stone and threw it out.

But Dragon Tortoise didn’t even look at it, and continued to chase Liu morning sun and bite it. Liu Ruyan looked at Ye Fei in confusion. Ye Fei explained: “This tortoise is darker, the low-grade Spirit Stone, it doesn’t look good, so…”

Speaking, Ye Fei waved a large piece of high grade Spirit Stone, moved towards a place The corner was lost. Dragon Tortoise brushed it and changed its direction. Before the Spirit Stone had landed, he had already squatted in advance. The boss with an open mouth swallowed a piece of Spirit Stone into his belly and wagged his tail framed.

In a daze, Liu Ruyan seemed to see not a big black turtle, but a big black dog squatting in the corner gnawing bones. She rubbed her eyes vigorously, only to realize that it was not an illusion.

Morning sun, the Liu who escaped from the dead, came gasping for breath. He was going to be chased and collapsed. He just kept gasping for breath: “Ye Fei, we… Let’s go, I always feel It’s not safe here.”

“Okay, let’s go out and talk!”

Ye Fei nodded, this is the stronghold of the black prison, it is really wrong to stay, so the three of them Yigui quickly left this small town and came to a hidden mountain.

Liu Ruyan asked nervously: “Ye Fei, you said people from the black prison will find us?”

Ye Fei shook his head and said: “I am not very Clearly, but I have heard about the black prison in Zhong Prefecture, not at all, and think about it, this organization has been destroyed after tens of thousands of years, or it is not as strong as before and has gradually died out.”

“Even so, don’t be afraid of 10,000, but be afraid of it, brother Ye, if we can, we would like to join True Martial Saint Court. I wonder if Saint Court will protect us?” Liu morning sun interjected. Liu Ruyan’s eyes also flashed expectation.

“Okay, as long as you join Saint Court, Saint Court will definitely protect you! This is our True Martial Saint Court principle. Similarly, Saint Court’s competition is very cruel. Prepare.” Ye Fei did not refuse, but could not help but reminded him.

He saw too many martial artists, and finally couldn’t stand the cruel competition of Saint Court, and finally gave up Martial Dao, such as Ning Zhongchen.

Liu morning sun smiled bitterly and pointed at himself and said: “Before meeting you, we have also experienced a few trials of life and death. We are not afraid of death, but what cruelty are we afraid of? Be afraid, Saint Court may not be willing Take us.”

“Don’t worry about this, I’m Holy Son! Lin Heaven’s Chosen is also in Saint Court cultivation, the prince of Yongning Empire, and my Saint Court disciple, you can find him and let him Send someone to escort you to the True Martial Saint Court!” Ye Fei thought for a while, took out his identity token, and handed it to Liu Morning Sun.

Now that he is going back to the Northern Territory, this token is not needed.

Hearing that Lin Heaven’s Chosen was also in True Martial Saint Court cultivation, Liu morning sun and Liu Ruyan were obviously relieved, and the three of them spoke for a while.

In the end, Liu Morning Sun and Liu Ruyan set off first. They will go to the Yongning Empire, and they will be escorted by Ning Zhongchen to the True Martial Saint Court.

Ye Fei left the town and came back to Wind and Snow City, the port connecting the Northern Territory and Zhong Prefecture, and set sail and entered the open sea.

Chapter 1413 The beautiful young man

Chapter 1413 The beautiful young man

It is a long distance from Zhong Prefecture to the Northern Territory. The Tilted Martial Monarch needs enough It takes a year of flying to pass, and this is still when there is no danger along the way.

On the open sea, it is dangerous everywhere.

Ye Fei still remembers his experience of nine deaths and still alive when he first went to sea, but it is different now, he is already a half emperor. Such battle strength is nothing in Zhong Prefecture, but in the open sea, it is basically invincible. Along the way, he did not deliberately reduce the breath of his body.

The outer sea is different from Zhong Prefecture. This is a weak are prey to the strong area. Not only are the ominous beasts in the sea eating people, but there are also many vicious martial artists who will hide in it, murdering to seize the treasures. At this time, sometimes it must be displayed. In order to avoid being targeted.

“I’m just going home this time, not fighting. In this area of ​​the sea, I can’t be too low-key.” Ye Fei found a flag and hung it on the purchased warship.

There are images of Divine Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, and Black Tortoise on the flag. This is the True Martial flag and the logo of the True Martial Saint Court.

Many martial artists who murdered to seize the treasures ambush along the way, seeing this banner, are very fascinating and far away from this Sea Territory.

No one was disturbed all the way, and the journey to the Northern Territory was a very long process. Ye Fei simply released the grass and Dragon Tortoise. When nothing happened, let Dragon Tortoise take the grass to play everywhere.

During cultivation, he will also bring Dragon Tortoise and Xiaocao into the Holy Son Tower, and use the spiritual river inside for cultivation together.

In such three months, Ye Fei finally condense Black Tortoise Divine Sword after White Tiger Divine Sword and Vermilion Bird Divine Sword.

“But this Black Tortoise Divine Sword is still a bit unstable. Time gathers and disperses. It should be related to the incomplete Taikoo Tiangong of the True Martial Four Phases. If you want to use it freely, I need at least half a year. !” Ye Fei sighed.

Only by real cultivation can you know how difficult it is to cultivation Taikoo Tiangong. If it weren’t for the blood demon, he had already cultivated the heavenly dragon to the most critical step, and he was also impossible to cultivation success in a short time.

In the next time, Ye Fei left the Dragon Tortoise and controlled the direction of the warship. Most of the time, he spent most of the time with Xiaocao and quietly cultivation in the Holy Son tower.

In a blink of an eye, another month has passed.

On this day, the small town where the black prison is located, walked in a Great Grandpa that had endured the hardships of a long journey, and a little boy with bright eyes, the little boy took grandfather’s hand, Grandfather asked innocently: “grandfather, when I enter the town, can I kill all the people inside?”

“Why kill the people inside?” grandfather curiously asked.

“Because I want to be the same black assassin as grandfather. The killer must be cold, ruthless, and bloody. I have killed ominous beasts and demonic beasts, but I have not Killed, I want to kill!” The little boy said wistfully.

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