“Xiao Chan wants to become a powerful martial artist, and then, like the Master, protect those who need protection!” The little girl’s eyes were full of firmness.

Ye Fei appreciates her firmness.

After spending three days to help Ye Xiaochan successfully integrate the wind and frost bloodline, Ye Fei took out a complete demonic path and handed it to Ye Xiaochan and said: “This is the Body Refining Cultivation Art for the teacher. I worship Demon Sovereign as my teacher and learn this cultivation technique. Since then, my fleshy body has rarely met opponents. Later, I was in the burial ground and obtained a complete cultivation technique. Now, I will teach it to you as a teacher!”

“There are also True Martial four phases, I will pass you White Tiger Divine Sword for the time being! Wait for your cultivation success, join True Martial Saint Court, and cultivation and other things will not be too late.” Ye Fei considered that the demonic path has magical properties, Human Demon used this to make him fall into darkness in the burial ground. Although Ye Xiaochan was determined and unparalleled, she was still a 17-18 years old girl and she was not fully mature.

In order to prevent Ye Xiaochan from falling into the demonic path, she must also cultivation a Righteous Cultivation Technique, and the True Martial four-phase cultivation is the legendary Four Great Divine Beasts. There is a natural righteous spirit that can just offset the demonic. The influence of path magic.

But Ye Fei didn’t intend to let Ye Xiaochan embark on the road of despair. After all, this road was too dangerous. Even he himself couldn’t get through, so naturally he didn’t dare to let the disciple take risks.

Similarly, his Taiji Sword Dao has not been fully created. If it is created, the formidable power is not as good as the Taikoo Tiangong. It is not ashamed to pass it to the discipline. Ye Fei decided to wait for the deduction to perfect. Depending on the size of the formidable power, decide whether to teach it or not.

“Well, that’s all I have to give you as a teacher. Go down and digest it. By the way, call you Uncle Hu in.”

“Yes, Master!” Ye Xiaochan He stepped back respectfully and called Hu Yanchao in again.

Ye Fei didn’t say much, he took out a drop of the dragon bloodline and handed it over, “Old Hu, taking care of these children these ten years, you’ve worked so hard. Take this drop of the dragon bloodline. Refining it.”

“What, this is a special bloodline?” Hu Yanchao almost fainted in shock, and then smiled bitterly: “It’s kind of me, but I can’t take it.”

“Why ?” Ye Fei was puzzled.

Hu Yanchao pointed to his gray hair and said: “I am too old. I have passed the golden time of martial artist cultivation. Even if I have a special bloodline, it is difficult to have a breakthrough. Instead of wasting this precious drop It’s better to keep the bloodline of the dragon and give it to the future discipline!”

Don’t give Ye Fei a chance to persuade, Hu Yanchao said sadly: “Besides, when my son died, I had lost all my thoughts. , I also lost my confidence in pursuing Martial Dao. In my life, I have nothing but to ask for, to take care of these children and cultivate them to become talents!”

Chapter 1416 Reunion of Old Friends

Chapter 1416 Reunion of Old Friends

“Hey, Old Hu, what the hell are you!” Ye Fei sighed. In a way, Hu Yanchao is great. Persuading him at this time is tantamount to insulting He denied everything he did.

What Ye Fei can do is to help Hu Yanchao as much as possible to realize his wish.

“Old Hu, don’t worry, since you want to train these children to become talents, I will try my best to help you, so let’s…”

Ye Fei carefully considered it, since Hu Yanchao lost the Heart of Martial Dao, and it is difficult to improve his strength by giving him the magic dragon bloodline.

He simply took out a spirit vein, so that relying on the spirit vein, Hu Yanchao still has the hope of breaking through Martial Saint in the future, and other children of Divine Sect can also get faster through the spirit vein cultivation speed.

So he took out the Holy Son Tower and asked Hu Yanchao to take him to the most secret and safest part of Ye Divine Sect.

After that, he took out two spirit veins.

When he saw the pagoda in Ye Fei’s hand, a whole spirit vein flew out and turned into a spirit vein dragon. When he got into the ground, Hu Yanchao was shocked and rushed over. Ye Xiaochan and a group of young girls were also dumbfounded.

“Ye Fei, that, that’s…”

“Old Hu, this is the spirit vein! I have nothing to help you, the only thing I can do is give Provide some resources for your cultivation.” Ye Fei said with a smile. In this way, he was right to the rescued children. As for the extent to which they can use these two spirit vein cultivation in the future, it depends on them. Personal good fortune.

As the two spirit veins penetrated into the ground, suddenly, the originally desolate Divine Sect island was given a breath of lightness. When the two spirit veins were fully integrated into the island, Believe that this desolate island will immediately become the Holy Land of cultivation.

Hu Yanchao was trembling with excitement. He tightly grasped Ye Fei’s hand, choked up and said: “Ye Fei, Hu Yanchao can’t guarantee anything else, but I will try my best to cultivate well These children.”

“This is your business! After all, they are all your children!” Ye Fei said with a smile.

“My child?” Hu Yanchao was taken aback, then laughed happily, nodded and said forcefully: “Yes, they are all my children, the most important child!”

Hu Yanchao is very happy. With these two spirit veins, I believe it will not be long before Ye Divine Sect will become the most powerful force in Xie Xiuhai. No longer have to worry about the threat of those evil cultivators.

“Getting together is fate! I will preach to you while there is time.” Ye Fei stepped up into the sky.

He sat down on a white cloud, facing the entire leaf Divine Sect.

Ye Xiaochan was sitting on the ground with a group of teenagers and girls, looking up at the sky, Hu Yanchao became even more excited. After all, Ye Fei is now half the emperor, and Holy Son and Ye Fei of True Martial Saint Court are also fully qualified to preach with Martial Sovereign.

What Ye Fei talked about this time happened to be the way of Martial Saint. Most of it was his personal experience, and some of it was a summary of his experience in Saint Court, which was then organized and formed The complete set of breakthrough Martial Saint’s methods are now fully explained without reservation.

This is the case. It took him three days to fully understand what is the way of Martial Saint. As for how to break through the way of Martial Saint, it depends on personal luck.

Hu Yanchao was the first to wake up from the cultivation. He looked at Ye Fei walking down the sky and sighed a little: “Ye Fei, are you leaving now, don’t you take Xiaochan?”


“It’s not the time yet. I have too many enemies in Zhong Prefecture. The competition in Saint Court is also very fierce. Xiaochan is still young and she needs more training. Let her stay here to continue cultivation. , When will she be able to break through Semi-Holy, she will be qualified to enter Zhong Prefecture and come to find me.” Ye Fei said.

“Half saint? Don’t worry if you are perverted yourself. To the discipline, your requirements are also perverted. Xiaochan is only 17 years old!” Hu Yanchao said with sorrow.

“In Zhong Prefecture, 17 years old, many geniuses have reached semi-sacredness. Compared with them, our starting point is too low. If we want to catch up, we can’t slack off for a moment, Marital Dao Path, there is no retreat! Old Hu, I’m leaving, I usually let Xiaochan experience a lot!”

Finally waved goodbye to Hu Yanchao. Ye Fei left Ye Divine Sect instantly. He didn’t tell Hu Yanchao that he Leaving Ye Xiaochan here meant to hone Ye Xiaochan.

Xie Xiuhai is also a very suitable place for low-level martial artists to experience. Ye Xiaochan is only able to adapt to the cruel competition of True Martial Saint Court only if she has gained experience from Xie Xiuhai.

“Today’s cruelty is for tomorrow’s survival!”

Ye Fei stood on the deck, beside him is the grass chasing Dragon Tortoise running around. The emperor’s strength is basically invincible in the outer sea, so he is not too worried that Xiaocao will be discovered.

The Saint Court flag hung on the battleship is also enough to discourage the evil cultivators of the evil repair sea. After passing the sea of ​​evil repair, Ye Fei’s warship successfully entered the sea of ​​chaos.

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