When they saw that Ye Jian, who walked out of the ordinary with Zhao Sheng, and Ye out of the ordinary, they had also completely broken through the Titaned Martial Monarch, their jealousy changed again. It became a deep fear.

“Ye Fei has created three Tilted Martial Monarchs in just three months. If this child breeds ambitions and wants to unify the Northern Territory, who of us can stop it?”

With the Northern Desolate Kingdom Lord, his face quickly became pale. As the leader of the Northern Kingdom, Zhu Zhen is also inevitably worried.

“I’m not as good as Brother Ye. I’m not even as good as Lin Heaven’s Chosen, not as good as Fu Renjie, not as good as those martial artists who went to sea to die.” Qin Bing closed his eyes in pain, once the breakthrough Martial Lord, it was his year for something even in dreams, but the comfortable and prosperous life of the Northern Territory still defeated him.

“Holy Lord, the sword idiot, here!”

Outside the North Customs, there was another angry cry from the guards. This is the rule. Every time the Martial Lord comes, there will be The guard immediately notified him. As for whether he saw him or not, it depends on Ye Fei’s mood.

Just when many Martial Lords who are also waiting think that Ye Fei may still not be interviewed, but continue to bury their heads and enhance Ye Family’s strength.

In the Holy Son tower, a silhouette of a young man wearing a black Purple Gold robe suddenly rushed out. Under everyone’s astonished gaze, the young man stepped forward from the Sword King Mansion and appeared directly outside the North Customs. In the sky, outside, an old man, carrying a stone sword, walked from the outside calmly.

“Old Jian, you are here.” Ye Fei looked respectful. It was Demon Sovereign who taught him what Wu Yong is, and Saint Court taught him what Martial Spirit is, and what Martial Dao is to teach him is Elder the sword idiot.

They are not master and disciple, but better than master and disciple. The difference is only a reputation, but the sword idiot Elder is obviously not a person who cares about false names.

Even if he is facing a half-emperor, the sword idiot Elder is still very calm. He asked faintly: “Ye Fei, can you understand swords now?”

No. 1421 Oneness of Zhang Zhixing

Chapter 1421 Oneness of Knowledge and Action

“I understand.”

Ye Fei nodded, he took out his Spirit Sword, and Pointing to his own heart: “I have a sword in my hand, and a sword in my heart! My every move is my sword! The sword, exists in one’s heart!”

His words are sonorous and plain. The voice also revealed a sharp sword sound of iron and blood.

The sword idiot Elder looked at Ye Fei in surprise, his indifferent face, with a relieved and satisfied expression for the first time, “exists in one’s heart, it’s rare for you to understand this, now, Get out your sword!”

“Yes, Mr. Jian, be careful!”

Ye Fei understands that Elder, the sword idiot, wants to test himself. He quickly closed the Primordial Spirit. Do not use a single trace of true yuan.

He started to play the sword.

thoughts move, the sword is like a rain waterfall, piercing the sword idiot Elder’s body. The muddy pupil light of the sword idiot Elder suddenly became sharp.

He drew out the stone sword behind him, and also began to draw out the sword. This stone sword, which is ordinary, but like a thunder in the rain curtain, smashed the sky full of sword curtain quickly and accurately.

Ye Fei was taken aback secretly. The trajectory of Spirit Sword suddenly undergoes extremely weird changes. It becomes extremely slow, and like a perfect circle, all around the space is surrounded by inside.

“Good sword!”

The sword idiot Elder sighed with admiration. His sword is faster, and he is still going straight, reaching for a sword, and shrinking his hand is also a sword.

The simple stone sword carries a peculiar rays of light at this moment. It is not the light of martial arts, but the light of simple sword dao.

Elder’s sword is too fast, ding ding dong dong, such as strong wind and swift rain, suddenly becomes a downpour, then thunderbolt lightning, mountains bursting and ground splitting.

Obviously, he didn’t use any true essence, just a simple move, but Ye Fei’s complexion greatly changed, there is an illusion that there is a mountain that cannot be crossed or resisted.


The Spirit Sword collided with the stone sword, and suddenly a huge force squashed the circle drawn by Ye Fei.

Lost the perfect circle, the defense of Taiji Sword Road suddenly appeared inevitable loopholes. A cold sweat suddenly appeared on Ye Fei’s forehead, which did not make up for the omission. Instead, he suddenly let the Spirit Sword swim like a clever fish, avoiding the front of the stone sword, and stabbing the sword idiot Elder’s arm.


The sword idiot Elder said nothing, as if the whole person was immersed in the sword dao, the stone sword, still stabs forward, press forward, suddenly collapsed like a mountain and tilted like a building.

The huge sword power, grandiose, seemed to freeze the space, Ye Fei suddenly felt that the Spirit Sword swimming in his hand had become dull.

I didn’t wait for him to think of a way to crack it.

A stone sword has been pierced in front of him.

“I lost.” Ye Fei put down the Spirit Sword a little depressed, he is now half the emperor at any rate, the sword is infatuated with Elder, but only the Martial Monarch 4th Layer.

With realm, he can be crushed, and he is defeated in a complete mess than sword dao.

“Do you know why you were defeated?” Elder the sword idiot asked.

“I don’t know.” Ye Fei frankly, losing is losing. He has nothing to deny, and he really doesn’t understand why he suddenly lost.

Could it be that he still doesn’t understand swords?

“Lead Sword, please teach me!” Ye Fei bowed his hand and asked humbly for advice. This scene shocked many Titled Martial Monarch who watched the game through divine sense.

Ye Fei is now half the emperor, and he is the real Number One Person in the Northern Territory. Now, he is asking a Martial Lord for advice?

Looking at Ye Fei carefully, the sword idiot Elder finally showed a sincere smile and praised: “Sincere to the heart is sincere to the sword! Your sword dao has already been Great Accomplishment, of course, the sword dao is not only necessary Mind, intentional, powerful, but also a soul! When your sword has a soul, you will be considered as the real sword dao.”

“Sword Soul?”

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