“Yes, cherish the present, heroes and heroes, seize the day!” Lin Sen Yang laughed, and at the same time toasted, Qin Bing and Zhu Zhen also wiped away their tears and raised the glass .

Unremarkable Chen Feng immediately brought in more spirit wines for everyone to drink. At the same time, Chen Feng is also the least talented and the most ordinary among the crowd, but he now surpasses many talents and aptitude who are very powerful. He is now the proudest son of West Heavenly King.

Even West Heavenly King clearly stated that to pass the position of the Heavenly King to him, Zhu Zhen also used Jiujin. To confess bluntly is to entrust Chen Feng with a heavy responsibility, but Chen Feng directly refused.

“Ye Shengwang once said that no matter how weak the ant is, there are great powers that cannot be ignored. I do not have the spirit of Ye Shengwang. I am just the most ordinary and ordinary martial artist, but I am the same You can pursue Peak of Martial Dao.”

In this way, Chen Feng abandoned all high position and great wealth, and embarked on an extraordinary road with an ordinary posture, which also made Qin Binghe Zhu Zhen, with a complex face, became silent.

The atmosphere gradually became a little sad.

At this time, the Lord of Beichuan and the Lord of the Northern Wilderness, holding their wine glasses together, walked over from a distance a little nervously, and they saluted Ye Fei at the same time, in a mixed mood: “I have seen King Ye Sheng! “

“The two masters are polite. You are my elders, Lin Heaven’s Chosen, and Fu Renjie is also my friend. You still call my name directly.” Ye Fei stood up and took the initiative to The lord of the country toasted, which ushered in the envied eyes of many Martial Lords.

This also made the Lord of the Northern Wilderness and the Lord of Beichuan feel more comfortable. They hurriedly asked Ye Fei about Fu Renjie and Lin Heaven’s Chosen.

When you know that Fu Renjie has actually become a peerless genius, and Lin Heaven’s Chosen has also awakened Lin Family’s Huangdi bloodline and became the Heavenly Grade disciple of True Martial Saint Court. The two lords are even more excited. They completely let go of their worries. From Ye Fei’s attitude, they felt sincere and magnanimous, and realized that Ye Fei had no ambition to conquer the Northern Territory.

“It’s that we use the heart of a villain to save the belly of a gentleman!” The Lord of the Northern Desolation, he was ashamed and sighed.

“This child is Dragons Among Humans. His future is Martial Dao’s respect, not secular respect. I think, from now on, we are going to rename Ye Fei to Ye Saint Sovereign.” The Lord Beichuan suddenly proposed.

Chapter 1423 Back to Holy Sect again

Chapter 1423 Back to Holy Sect again

“Ye Saint Sovereign?”

slightly nodded This time, Ye Fei did not refuse this title. He returned to Ye Family this time to build the prosperity of Ye Family I, and also relieve him of the worries of pursuing Martial Dao. Only when the Ye Family is strong, can he stay focused on pursuing the Peak of Martial Dao.

That’s why he will take out the Holy Son Tower, take out a lot of treasures, and improve the strength of Ye Jian and the others regardless of the cost, so that even if he has an accident in the future, Ye Family is in Zhong Prefecture, It can still remain strong and not fall.

Because there are so many martial artists who come to Beihai Customs, the banquet held by Ye Family lasted for ten days.

Within ten days, Ye Fei took the time to arrange everything for the Ye Family, leaving five more spirit veins as the strong foundation of the Ye Family.

After that, he officially set off for the Sixth Holy Sect, and also to meet Ye Shanshan and Holy Sect Elder.

Ye Fei has never forgotten that he can become as powerful as he is now. The fundamental reason is the War God Tao he obtained from the six Holy Sects.

About half a month later, the outline of Quicksand City appeared before his eyes, which was originally the old capital of the Northern Kingdom. It is also the last Martial Emperor in the Northern Territory, the place of enlightenment of the Great Emperor Wangqing.

Even if the assessment of the six Holy Sects has not started in the past ten years, the entire Quicksand City is still very prosperous. At this time, a mighty stone puppet is standing at the head of the city, looking into the distance. Brushing the paint swiftly.

This faintly has become a peculiar scenery in Quicksand City. Seeing that scenery, the corner of Ye Fei’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch, and then he heard a voice that made him extremely depressed.

“wow hahaha, Ye Xiaozi, I haven’t seen you for so long. I don’t think the uncle will come to pick you up. You must be very excited and touched in your heart. Don’t be shy, just shout out if you are excited. , The uncle knows it!” The stone puppet took out an elder’s posture, with a hint of expectation and a hint of encouragement in his eyes.

Seems to be waiting for Ye Fei to speak.

Ye Fei did not speak, but with a dark face, he silently took out the Dragon Tortoise and pointed to the cheap stone in front of him and said: “Dragon Tortoise, go up and bite, that is Dao Comprehension Stone!”



Dragon Tortoise ran out, and saw a large stone man talking there, his body was more shiny, let alone Dragon Tortoise’s eyes brightened. In the beast print space, Xiaocao also bit his fingers, seeming to be checking whether the stone puppets are delicious.

Dragon Tortoise can’t control that many, so it rushes forward quickly, opens its black mouth and starts to bite. It has long wanted to taste the Dao Comprehension Stone.

It’s a pity that the Dao Comprehension Stone of Martial God Palace is too cunning. Dragon Tortoise has not been able to get the black mouth several times. Now given the opportunity, Dragon Tortoise will of course not be polite. Open your mouth and just The stone puppet’s head was bitten in half.

“Ye Xiaozi, you are not a human being. Others let dogs bite people. You let turtles bite people! Dead, don’t come over!” The stone skin of the stone puppet became pitch black.

Hurry up and pull down the big black tortoise that bit its head. Dragon Tortoise still refused to give up. Seeing the head that could not bite the stone puppet, he opened his mouth again, and suddenly bit a stone leg again, and the biting ka beng made a noise.

“Good shameless big black tortoise, when you are a big man, you are fat, bite when you meet, tell you, if you don’t get angry, if you get angry, even God is afraid, I’ll go, you have to do it Well…”

The stone puppet hasn’t spoken yet. Dragon Tortoise has dragged the stone puppet aside, and quickly took out a big black pot, wanting to try frying, can he soften the stone puppet? a little.

The stone puppet’s seven orifices gave birth to smoke, kicked Dragon Tortoise on the spot, and moved towards the bite place on the head, brushed a bucket of paint angrily, and said to Ye Fei anger: “Boy, count you Ruthless! Uncle, I’m very kind, and I won’t follow you lower oneself to somebody’s level. Come with me, the guardian Elder is waiting for you.”

Speaking, the stone puppet won’t let Dragon Tortoise continue to pounce on Opportunity, suddenly with the brush in his hand, moved towards the dragon turtle’s back brushed the shape of a mountain.


Suddenly the entire city wall of Quicksand City trembles violently, as if a terrifying mountain is pressed on it, and Dragon Tortoise’s limbs are soft and crushed. Lie on the ground, impossible to move even a little bit.

Then the paint bucket in the stone puppet’s hand splashed ink into the sky, and the brush in his hand was swung to quickly draw a black Domain Portal. The Domain Portal suddenly opened, and it turned from a few thick inks to A real Domain Portal.

“Six Holy Sects, is there such a method?” Ye Fei eyes shined, he released Dragon Tortoise, just to test the strength of the stone puppets. As a result, the stone puppets can attack with paintings, which is simply unimaginable.

“Hehe, this is Saint’s method. When the uncle was young, he was very proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy. I don’t know how many elder girls, young women, how about it. If you want to learn, you can Teach you!” The stone puppet’s eyes showed expressions of expectation and encouragement again, as if encouraging Ye Fei to call out bravely.

Ye Fei still didn’t scream. He just wanted to hit the cheap stone on the ground. Then he walked to Dragon Tortoise and wanted to erase the paint on Dragon Tortoise, but found that he couldn’t erase it.

He tried to grab Dragon Tortoise from the ground, only to find that Dragon Tortoise had only a coat of paint on his back. The weight of Dragon Tortoise actually reached more than 100,000 catties. No wonder the Dragon Tortoise’s Intrepid, all under pressure does not raise.

At this time, the stone puppet looked at Ye Fei expectantly again, and once again encouraged, Ye Fei should bravely call out, “Master can let go I passed you Dragon Tortoise……”

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