Chapter 1425 The Four Realms of the Realm

Hearing Ye Fei’s words, the guardian Elder and the stone puppet smiled bitterly at each other. Still guarding Elder opened his mouth and sighed: “This is also a problem that we need to figure out. In the past, there was no livelihood in the war with the Witch Clan. The only livelihood was the sealed wizard in the desert. He must know what the Witch Clan was looking for. And you are the key to making him speak.”

“Me?” Ye Fei pointed to himself with a look of surprise.

The stone puppet said: “Of course it’s you. Didn’t you say that, the man of abandonment is the best magic material for the wizard clan, then the wizard has noticed you, if it is you, maybe it can Pry open the mouth of that thing, so we can get more information.”

“Isn’t that dangerous?” Ye Fei is very depressed, you know, two Martial Emperors can’t beat them. The powerful wizard.

He suddenly had the illusion of being treated as a little white mouse.

Seeing that Ye Fei has obtained Holy Sect inheritance, he is still pushing three blocks. The stone puppet’s head is full of black smoke, carrying a paint bucket, and wanting to smash it over, “Ye Fei, we came from the Asura Holy Palace. , They are all great heroes.”

“But I don’t want to be a hero! Heroes have always died the fastest.” Ye Fei whispered. The angry stone puppet almost never got angry.

“I knew that you brat was so greedy for life and fear of death, you shouldn’t have let you pass the test of the Asura Palace, and be unfair to others! My Asura disciple’s prestige…” The stone puppet struck his chest. The deputy suffered a big loss with an expression of disgust.

“But if I passed the test, I didn’t seem to get any benefits, right?” Ye Fei glanced at the former calmly, the stone puppet became stiff, and then he realized that Ye Fei wanted to benefit, he Suddenly I became even more angry. You must know that the previous Asura sacred palace discipline used treasures as dung.

There has never been a discipline of the Asura Holy Palace, like Ye Fei.

“This little bastard, he shouldn’t have joined my Asura Palace, he should have joined the Evil Palace, this whole is a little demon!” The stone puppet was very speechless.

The guardian of Elder is smiling, but he appreciates Ye Fei’s directness, “For the sake of emptiness, I will throw my head and sprinkle blood. That is not our style. If it weren’t for the existence of the Wu clan, yes Martial Gods have caused a huge threat. The ancient and ancient Martial Gods will not give up their lives, but will resist to the end. All heroes are for their own personal gain! Little Brat, let’s say, what do you want Good!”

“I don’t want anything else, I only want Elder to ensure the safety of my younger sister and Ye Family. If possible, I would like to ask Elder to see if it can help me integrate this field.”

Ye Fei took out the strange realm he obtained from the black prison. It was a fuzzy world of silver, sealed in a strange crystal ball by special techniques.

Seeing what he took out, the guarding Elder and the stone puppets are both startled, “This is the complete realm deprived of Martial Monarch Physique, boy, where did you get this thing?”

They are all shocked.

This kind of thing is really shocking. Ye Fei was really shocked when he saw it at the first time. He didn’t dare to refining even though he was not sure. He planned to come to Holy Sect to ask the guardian Elder.

Ye Fei didn’t conceal it, and recounted the discovery of the black prison. The stone puppet and the guardian Elder were shocked: “It’s a black prison, so it’s no wonder.”

“Elder knows a lot about black prisons?” Ye Fei said curiously.

“Of course I understand that the black prison exists in many martial artist continents. This is a terrifying Assassin Organization. They claim that as long as they have money, even Heavenly Venerate can be assassinated. Unexpectedly, the ancient times are shattered, the black prison It actually survived, Ye Fei, you have to be careful.”

The look of the guarding Elder suddenly became very serious, “Establish a hall of killers, skin the Martial Emperor, and deprive the realm. This is a black prison. A kind of ceremony to crown their Holy Son. This realm should have been prepared by them for the awakened Holy Son, but now it falls into your hands. The Black Hell will definitely track it down!”

” From the dark to the present, there is Holy Son?” Ye Fei was surprised, and suddenly felt very depressed in his heart. Liu morning sun’s mischievous goods were really cheating.

Guardian Elder solemnly said: “Not now, there must be in the ancient times! Even if the ancient times are destroyed, with the power of the black hell, there must be a treasure to seal the Holy Son they chose. Now, since they let Holy Son wakes up, it seems that the black prison is also the arrival of Grand Era.”

“Grand Era…”

Ye Fei is not the first time I heard this term , Senluodian, the quasi-emperor of True Martial Saint Court, have mentioned Grand Era, it is said that it will be the glorious era of Martial Dao, there will be a large number of Martial Emperor, Martial God, born at that time.

It’s no wonder that the black prison will turn an Elder into a forbidden spirit, waiting in the black prison space, and also prepare a complete field in advance. All of this is the black prison for them Holy Son enters Grand Era and pave the way.

And he, before the Holy Son in the Black Hell wakes up, broke into it, not only taking away this domain, but also destroying the Hell.

“Boy, you are bad luck, hahaha!” The stone puppet won’t let go of this opportunity to hit Ye Fei, and immediately began taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

Ye Fei is even more depressed, with a dark face, looking at the realm in his hand and said: “Since I have offended, the treasure I got, there is no reason to return it, Elder, please help me integrate this. Domain.”

Guard Elder solemnly said: “This is a complete Heaven Grade domain. Fortunately, you didn’t merge with it. Otherwise, you may not be able to withstand the power of this domain. Swallow.”

Speaking, guarding Elder extend the hand, he took the realm directly, and began to crack the ban on the seal above. As the ban was released, suddenly, a vast force like a sea , Quickly emitted from the inside.

Ye Fei felt that power, and his face suddenly changed. “Does the domain also have levels? Why is this domain so much scarier than the blood demon domain I obtained?”

Speaking, he released the Bleeding Demons subconsciously. But still couldn’t resist protecting the area in Elder’s hands, the vast aura.

“It’s another realm, which seems to be unique to Demon God, this kid, what dogshit luck has gone!” The stone puppet was jealous.

That’s a realm. Others have a realm. They laughed out of their dreams, but Ye Fei did well. He grabbed one from the dark prison, and still merged with him.

“The disciples that came out of the Asura Sacred Palace are really abnormal!” Suddenly the stone puppet became happy again, and Ye Fei was pleasing to the eye again.

Looking at the Gorefiend domain released by Ye Fei, guarding Elder’s brows fiercely jumped, and then calmly commented: “Of course there are levels in the domain, namely Ordinary Level, King Level, Earth Grade and Heaven Grade! Normally below the Martial Emperor, only low-level domains can be integrated. Only after reaching the Martial Emperor can the Heaven Grade domain be integrated!”

“Heaven Grade is the standard for Martial Emperor! The ambition is not small, they actually want their Holy Son to have the Heaven Grade domain as soon as they are born, so as to beat the same level and take the lead in the Grand Era!”

Guardian Elder shook his head, and suddenly he A horrible aura also appeared on his body. It was a black field, like a magical world, dark, deep, powerful and full of murderous intention.

“Guardian Elder comes from the Evil Palace, don’t look at him being kind, this old fellow, used to be the head of Old Demon who used to kill without blinking an eye, kid, if you have nothing to do, don’t mess with him.” The stone puppet reminded in a low voice. Tao.

Chapter 1426 Perfecting the Realm

Chapter 1426 Perfecting the Realm

Ye Fei is nodded again and again. He knows the amazing magic that guards Elder’s realm. , Guarding Elder, definitely not a good person.

Seeing the fear in the eyes of Ye Fei and the stone puppet at the same time, the guardian Elder smiled helplessly and hurriedly emphasized: “The old man is a good person! Besides, the six Holy Sects, our Evil Palace is not the strongest. Yes, the strongest is always the Asura Sacred Palace! Unfortunately, the strongest is the one that dies the fastest, just like the stone around you.”

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