“Eight dragons, smash me!”


dragon roar shatters the void, eight dragons, come from the void, in the blood dragon Under the leadership of Ice Dragon, they circled each other in the void, forming an extremely vague gossip pattern.

Ye Fei is standing in the middle of the gossip, and an incomplete Tai Chi realm emerges behind him to protect himself. The eight heavenly dragons hovered into the air, following an ancient and powerful trajectory, rushing towards the candle sheep.


The scorpion tail of the candle sheep was suddenly torn to pieces by a blood dragon, and then his eight bronze arms were burned into coke by the rest of the sky dragons. The pain made Candle Goat roar crazy, his face was full of resentment, and a touch of shock and fear flashed in his heart.

“That’s not Taikoo Tiangong, it’s definitely not Taikoo Tiangong, the damn Tianzi, how many hole cards does he hide!”

First Tai Chi, now it is more than Tai Chi The mysterious eight Tianlongs are now completely afraid of the abandoned people.

He didn’t even dare to complete the sacrifice. Before the eight dragons completely destroyed his body, the mouth of the candle sheep suddenly issued an ancient incantion. His bronze body suddenly split, and at the same time There is a small black silhouette, struggling, crawling out of it.

“Not good, this thing has to shed its skin again, and it must not be allowed to succeed! Sword Soul is immortal, cut it for me!” Ye Fei finally did it. He definitely can’t give this candle sheep any chance to escape .

At the moment when the candle sheep shed its skin and was about to escape, Ye Fei’s consciousness had already awakened the immortal Sword Soul. Suddenly a destructive black sword shadow appeared in his hand, and he slashed forward. . The black sword shadow suddenly became a devastating black rays of light.

This rays of light destroyed the sky, the tomb below and the desert. The struggling body of the candle sheep under the sword light, like a piece of dust, blows towards all directions, Only his hardest head is left, looking at Ye Fei with bitterness and fear.


In the end, the head of the Candle Goat could not withstand the formidable power of the indestructible Sword Soul 10/10000th, together with the Heavenly Dao barrier inside, and the vast spiritual nebula of the Candle Goat, were completely destroyed.

Chapter 1442 witch insect

Chapter 1442 witch insect

I killed the candle sheep, Ye Fei immediately, just raised his head, looked towards in the sky The ancient altar was hazy, real and illusory. Without the control of the wizard, the sacrifice was completely interrupted, and the vague altar gradually disappeared.

Then there were a few more rumbling sounds. A large number of sandworms, without the control of the wizard, began to furious. They no longer gathered closely together, but scattered on all sides, as if the Insect had lost the leader, and got into the nearby sandy ground and disappeared.

More sand worms use moving sand monsters as nests. They are divided into clusters of silver insect clouds and penetrate into the sand monster’s within the body. Those are too powerful to defeat. , The sand demon that could not be killed, unexpectedly collapsed under the invasion of sand worms and turned into solid sand dunes again, covering and filling the tombs of the emperor and the entire desert basin.

The entire desert has restored an endless quicksand zone.

Ye Fei suddenly remembered something, ignoring the use of Indestructible Sword Soul, his body was weak, he rushed to the location where Black Sword fell.

There are countless sand insects everywhere, they actually surround the Black Sword and quickly build a huge silver insect nest. Seeing Ye Fei rushing, all these sandworms opened their big jagged mouths and made a terrifying and threatening sound at Ye Fei.

Boom ka!

At this time, in the sky, a huge magic knife chopped down, like tofu, cutting the sandworm’s hard insect nest in half.

In the sky, there was a hurried voice from guarding Elder: “What are you waiting for, hurry up and take the Black Sword, let’s get out of here!”

Ye Fei then reacted. Although the wizards and the desert have been destroyed, these sandworms will continue to exist, and to some extent, they will become the greatest threat in the desert.

If you don’t leave at this time, once you are surrounded by the endless sea of ​​insects, it will be a more difficult battle. “These wizards are not harmful if they die.”

Ye Fei looked at the sand worms with a headache. A single sand worm is very weak. Basically, the martial artist of Martial King Realm can kill it. But the power formed by dozens of sandworms, hundreds of sandworms, is very scary, not to mention that there are hundreds of thousands of sandworms that have been transformed by candle sheep using witchcraft.

But it’s not about Ye Fei’s business anymore. This is the guardian of the grave, and the next headache guarding Elder should have. And those shark people, shortly after the death of the candle sheep, their witchcraft was also lifted.

When I saw the clansman who had killed 2/3 of the cannibalism, the remaining sharks all had a miserable face, and many people knelt on the sand and wept bitterly.

“Oh my God, what did we do… We killed so many of our kin…”

“A bunch of traitors, the old man will kill you all now!” Guard Elder Looking at the sharks angrily, if it weren’t for them, how could the candle sheep recover so quickly, almost, this round of siege became an anti-siege.

And the consequences of letting go of a powerful wizard will undoubtedly bring a huge catastrophe to the Northern Territory, guarding Elder’s anger eruption, and where to control that many, Martial Emperor’s cultivation base, let him The big magic knife, directly forming an incomparable gigantic Dark Abyss, wants to swallow all these sharks.

At this time, the guardian of the grave suddenly sighed and stopped the guarding Elder and said: “Evil Elder, calm down, these sharks are certainly hateful, but the stability of the Northern Territory cannot be without them. They continue to guard the eyes of the sea. Only in the entire northern region can the weather be smooth and ordinary people can live and work in peace.”

“What does the tomb Senior mean? Are these sharks really important?” Ye Fei was a little confused. He carried the Black Sword, struggling very hard, and rushed out before the sandworms surrounded him. The stone puppets were brandishing Warhammer, smashing all the nearby sandworms away.

“The greatest ability of this group of sharks is to make waves. With them, they can mobilize the sea in the disaster year, move clouds and spread rain, and in good years can order them to calm the waves and prevent sea disasters, which is indeed beneficial to the country and the people. It’s a pity to kill, guard the tomb old man, these cheap bones are handed over to you, whatever you want to do, you must not let them become a disaster to my northern region.”

Guardian Elder also walked over and took the remaining All of the sandworms roll away and are divided into a dozen different areas, so that only if a large number of sandworms gather together, they will not pose a threat.

The guardian of the tomb is nodded and said with an ugly face: “Don’t worry, the old man guarantees that these sharks, forever, will not dare to betray anymore, and even dare not even think of betrayal! Although the emperor is dead, the emperor has many methods, and we tomb-keepers have inheritance.”

Hearing the gloomy words of the tomb-keeper, Ye Fei suddenly felt a chill in his vest and asked the stone puppet quietly. Said: “How do I feel that the guardian of the grave is the same as the guardian of Elder. They are not like good people, but they are all fierce persons.”

The stone puppet also sighed: “Hey, I forgot to tell you , The spiritual eyes of the tomb guard, in Ancient Era, but notoriously fierce. Later, I was influenced by my six Holy Sects and seven Martial Gods, and then gradually changed from evil to righteousness. Remember, boy, not everyone can be like the uncle. In this way, it always maintains the noble quality of clear as ice and clean as jade, leaving the silt without staining…”

“Okay, sir, you always rest on the side, you don’t need to say anything, I’ve I understand it thoroughly.” Ye Fei immediately stayed away from the stone puppet, not giving him the opportunity to boasting.

At this time, the guardian of the tomb suddenly aroused the hidden Dragon Vein within the body, forming a giant dragon, swallowing all the sharks with his mouth open, and flying towards the North Sea.

As for how the gravekeeper will deal with this group of traitors, it doesn’t matter what Ye Fei does. Under the protection of Guardian Elder, the three quickly returned to Six Holy Sects. Zhao Qianjun stayed and moved the people who had moved away from Quicksand City, then moved back, warning them by the way of the harm of new sandworms in the desert.

After seeing the power of the new sandworms, several years later, martial artists in the Northern Territory unanimously called these sandworms witch insects.

At the same time, Elder also decided to take these witch insects as the first test for martial artists in the Northern Territory. Only the young martial artists who can pass through the witch insect desert safely are eligible to enter the sky. Ground, obtained six Holy Sect qualifications.

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