They are all great people, respectable people!

Their actions also told Ye Fei that a stable life is certainly valuable, but True Martial Artists must ride the wind and waves and move forward bravely to go further and become stronger!

“My Martial Dao is to become stronger. The more difficult Martial Dao is in the breakthrough state, the easier life will not allow me to achieve greater breakthrough. I must catch up with those peerless genius and surpass those Peerless genius, all I can do is ride the wind and waves, press forward.”

It’s time to leave the Northern Territory and enter the more expansive Martial Dao world.

Ye Fei thought of the Ancient Starry Sky Road in Ye Fei’s heart, and thought of the Martial Sovereign that has never been able to survive.

“I am also a person who is abandoned by the sky. I don’t know if I can survive the Martial Sovereign and become a real…Martial Sovereign!”

Chapter 1444 The Only Real Domain

Chapter 1444 The only real domain

“Brother, you are waiting for Shanshan, when I break through to half the emperor, I will go to Zhong Prefecture to find you.” Finally get along with Ye Fei In less than a few months, Ye Fei was leaving again, and Ye Shanshan, Little Lass, was quite reluctant.

Zhao missed to see that she was very open, and the female man said with full anger: “Shanshan, don’t worry about this guy, he is so perverted now, it would be nice not to bully others.”

“Junior Brother, take care!” Zhao Qianjun said.

“Be careful on the road.” The stone puppet rarely said a serious word. Just when Ye Fei was surprised, the stone puppet said seriously: “Do you remember what the uncle told you before? Outside, if you lose the fight, don’t say you are from Asura Holy Sect. The uncle is not to look down on you. The key is not to lose the face of our Holy Palace.”


Ye Fei was speechless for a while, and automatically regarded the last sentence of the stone puppet as in one ear and out the other. Finally, his eyes fell on the guardian Elder.

“Elder, I’m leaving. By the way, this witch skin will be returned to you.” Ye Fei took out the golden witch skin and said.

“We are all old, we don’t need this thing anymore. Take it for self-protection. Zhong Prefecture is dangerous. There may not be no spies from the witch race to hide in it.” Elder said lightly with a smile .

“Ye Xiaozi, remember what the uncle said. If you don’t listen to the uncle’s words, you will suffer.” The stone puppet was not at ease, and waved goodbye to Ye Fei again.

Ye Fei pretended not to hear him with a black face, but swears in his heart again that if he knew who made this stone puppet, he promised not to kill him.

“Unfortunately, Candle Goat died too fast, and his portable treasure was hidden by some witchcraft. Otherwise, I might still get the back part of the witchcraft.”

On the warship leaving the Northern Territory, Ye Fei asked Dragon Tortoise to continue to control the warship, and the grass also ran out and ran around on the deck.

He himself hid in the cabin, studying the witchcraft he obtained from the candle sheep, which is the classic of the witch clan and the method of cultivation spirit strength.

Spirit strength is similar to mind power, but it is more comprehensive than mind power, because it is only belief that generates mind power, and spirit strength not only includes belief, but also a broader imagination.

It’s no exaggeration to say that the spirit strength is as strong as the imagination is. It’s just that martial artists have difficulty cultivating spirit strength. The source of martial artist’s strength is Spiritual Qi and Primordial Spirit. , At most it can cultivation and contribute to the mind.

The witch clan is different. This is a powerful race that can naturally sense the Heaven and Earth Rule. The power of witches is not under the gods and demons, and only the witch clan can master the method of cultivation spirit strength.

Of course, Ye Fei is an exception. I don’t know why. The abandoned man seems to be an alternative in Human Race, cultivation martial arts, extremely difficult, cultivation spirit strength, but twice the results for half the effort .

Even if Ye Fei only mastered the first-level meditation technique of the Witch Sutra, his cultivation spirit strength speed is also very rapid, as simple as eating and drinking.

At the same time, after developing a certain degree of spirit strength in cultivation, Ye Fei also unexpectedly discovered that the spirit strength from his cultivation seemed to strengthen his domain.

For example, in Liudao Holy Sect, after his cultivation spirit strength reached a certain level, the spirit strength accumulated in his mind automatically fuse together with the Tai Chi domain, although it did not increase the amount of Profound Truth contained in the Tai Chi domain, But it seems to improve the quality of Profound Truth.

The feeling is very peculiar. Obviously the Profound Truth has not increased, but the formidable power in the Tai Chi field has become stronger and further improved.

What’s even more strange is that when Ye Fei told the guardian Elder about this, and then said the witchcraft, but as the guardian Elder of the Martial Emperor, he couldn’t even cultivation the witchcraft, let alone Use spirit strength to improve the field.

From this, Ye Fei finally determined that Candle Goat not at all lied to him. It seems that in Human Race, only people who have been abandoned by nature can produce spirit strength, cultivation and sorcery. Witchcraft, enhance the field.

Since discovering this, Ye Fei has begun to neglect sleep and forget about food, concentrate on the spirit strength of cultivation witchcraft, and constantly improve his Tai Chi field, increasing the formidable power of Tai Chi field.

“Guardian Elder said that the truly powerful field is not the quantity of Profound Truth, but the quality. A powerful Profound Truth can resist several types, even dozens of ordinary ones. Profound Truth, in Ancient Era, there are many peerless genius. Only by relying on a kind of Profound Truth, they can comprehend a powerful field and form the only true field. Therefore, to understand the field, it is not a fusion of Profound Truth the more the better. The more refined the better.”

The reason why the Martial Emperor’s unique learning and the Taikoo Tiangong are so powerful is that the martial arts Profound Truth contained therein is very powerful. Then, based on this Profound Truth, the realm of comprehension, Naturally it is more powerful.

These are the insights that the Martial Emperor can only have, and they are also things that Ye Fei could not learn in True Martial Saint Court. Although the four major Saint Courts have also been out of Martial Emperor, but I don’t know. Why, the four Saint Courts did not know about the Martial Emperor’s perception of the domain.

“Perhaps the four Saint Court knew about it, but then they lost all of them without knowing the reason. Now the only real realm can be known, maybe only those Martial Emperor Aristocratic families who have been out of the Martial Emperor. This may also be the root of the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family, always surpassing the Aristocratic Family and the Four Saint Courts.”

Ye Fei secretly thought.

One party knows the only true realm, and the other party does not. This is innate, and there is a huge gap between the two parties. This is the same as the Martial Dao return, the ancient Martial Saint, and Martial Dao has not been returned to Martial Saint, that is the difference between eggs and stones.

“No matter how many eggs there are, it’s harder than a rock! Before I’m completely sure, I can’t improve my realm before passing the Martial Sovereign. The only thing I can improve is my domain. There is a great ancient power, so even if I have not survived the Martial Sovereign, I can still compete with those geniuses who have survived the Martial Sovereign, and the quasi emperor.”

Leave the Northern Territory and return to Zhong Prefecture. At the time, Ye Fei made such a determination. Before the Martial Sovereign robbery, he must understand more and stronger areas, and maximize his battle strength.

For this purpose, Ye Fei made a rare decision to secluded bitter cultivation. On the way back to Zhong Prefecture, he did not look for any deceased, but just retreat, cultivation with spirit strength, to maximize Tai Chi. The strength of the field.

For this reason, Ye Fei also integrated Zeng Jin into other Profound Truths in Tai Chi, such as Five Elements Profound Truth, Profound Truth of Sword, Mountain Profound Truth, and eight kinds of Tianlong Profound Truth, all All stripped out.

This is the inspiration given by the tombkeeper.

In order to leave the Northern Territory and find his own Martial Dao, the tomb-keeper can use courage to abandon the cultivation base which is only slightly worse than the Martial Emperor, and resolutely leave the Dragon Vein of the Emperor’s tomb in the Northern Territory. Enter the Martial Dao world only as the most common Martial Saint.

Why can’t Ye Fei give up all the miscellaneous Profound Truth in the Tai Chi realm, and just focus on improving the Profound Truth of Tai Chi that he initially understood, until he turns Tai Chi Profound Truth into the strongest Tai Chi realm , And then the only true domain for cultivation success?

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