“There is no water, enough wine tube, Xiao Er, give this Old Mister a jar of good wine!” Ye Fei finally lifts the head, smiling, his smile is very clean , With a hint of shyness, he looked like an honest person.

The old man was very satisfied, sitting opposite, tapping on the table lightly and saying: “When people are old, they can’t drink cold wine, not equal to me. Let’s warm up the wine first, True Martial Holy Son. If we agree, we might as well go outside the city. Walk around, it just happens that the old man has some questions, and I want to ask for advice.”

“Okay, wait until I’m full. I’m full, just killing someone!” Ye Fei buried his head again, strong wind scattering the last Clouds generally, eat the food on the table.

old man slightly nodded, also stretched out his chopsticks, picked up a little dish, and said: “True Martial Holy Son can eat slowly, we will be on the road when we are full.”

The two stopped talking.

There is a second person from Martial Master Realm, and he moved a charcoal basin, burned the charcoal fire, and put a pot of shochu from the Fengxue restaurant on it, and asked: “Two guests, can you serve wine? “

“”Wine the wine first, wait for the old man to go out for a walk, and drink again when he comes back. It’s True Martial Holy Son, why not have a drink at the end?” the old man kindly suggested.

“No, warm it up first, and wait for me to come back!” Ye Fei finished the last dish, patted his stomach, burped again, got up and made a please gesture to the old man. “I have an elder who told me that I must respect the old and cherish the young. Old Mister is getting older and is afraid that my body will not be tough. Do you need me to help you?”

“Old man is old, but The hands and feet are still neat, Holy Son has the heart.” The old man brows slightly, then stands up and leaves the restaurant first.

Ye Fei immediately followed. His body was almost leaning against the back of the old man. The old man seemed to be walking slowly, but he was walking neither too fast nor too slow. Can keep the distance of three steps with Ye Fei, and never let Ye Fei have the opportunity to get close.

“It’s really two weird people…Hey, what did the Old Mister call him, True Martial Holy Son, is that man Ye Fei?”

Suddenly, young Xiaoer came back to his senses from the conversation between the two, his expression was too horrified, his hand shook, a layer of hot wine spilled out from the hip flask, and fell into the charcoal basin, zi zi came out white Smoke, and then the whole restaurant, is full of soju.

“It is indeed a good wine. True Martial Holy Son will not drink it at this time. I am afraid I will never drink it again.” When the old man walked out, he shook his head and took a bit of intoxication. .

Ye Fei said with a smile: “Our men in the North are not used to drinking alcohol when eating. Generally, we will feel pain when our old friends meet again, or when we kill someone. Drink strong alcohol!”

“It seems that True Martial Holy Son is very big, and doesn’t put the black prison in his eyes.” The old man’s brows twitched slightly.

“I am not entrusting the big, but I am already very confident, positive challenges, I will not refuse anyone, and I will be able to cope with small provocations! Invincible is always lonely, I am invincible, so I’m lonely.” Ye Fei sighed, getting closer to the old man again.

The pace of the old man also accelerated a few minutes at this time, his brows frowned slightly, and he shook his head and said: “True Martial Holy Son is still more careful. The black prison is not for Xiaoxiao, but for killing. King! Whoever wants to die in the black prison, that person has to die! 30,000 years ago, the black prison passed the imperial decree to assassinate the True Martial Divine Emperor. As a result, the Divine Emperor fell quickly. After 30,000 years, the black prison The imperial decree is passed down again to assassinate the True Martial Holy Son. Isn’t Holy Son worried or afraid?”

“Why should I worry, why should I be afraid?” Ye Fei suddenly quickened his pace, and old The man runs side by side.

The old man frowned tighter, his voice coldly said: “You should be afraid, the Secret Realm in the market is the most important stronghold remaining in the Dark Hell in Heavenly Martial Continent. You shouldn’t If you destroy it, you shouldn’t. Take away the realm inside and hand it over. Maybe the old man can help you and intercede in the black prison.”

“You can live by asking for mercy?” Ye Fei I started to have a little interest in the old man’s proposal, of course, just a little.

Hearing Ye Fei seemed to compromise, but the look of the old man became proud, his voice coldly said, “You still have to die! But the black prison can give you a year. Used to explain what’s going on behind you.”

Ye Fei sneered, said solemnly: “What a black prison, I want me to hand over the domain, and I still have such a big tone. Since the domain is dying, If you don’t hand over the domain, you will die, and the left and right sides are dead. I might as well keep that domain for my own use.”

“Is it, that’s a shame. Don’t sin against the black prison, you could have more Live for one year, but it’s a pity that you stubborn rejected the kindness of the black prison. That’s not to say, the old man can only do it himself and take your life.” The old man’s tone became harsh, but he didn’t act immediately.

He just continued to walk outside Wind and Snow City, his pace getting faster and faster.

Ye Fei follow closely from behind, always side by side with the old man, the silhouettes of the two are like a road breeze, blowing through the crowded city, through the noisy street.

Finally, they went out of the city at the same time. Under the surprised gaze of the gatekeepers, two fast-moving hurricanes formed. From the city gate, in one breath, they walked onto a 100-meter-wide river outside the city.

On both sides of the river, Ye Fei saw paddy fields and ordinary mortals working hard in it. On the river, there were also fishermen who were fishing on poles and floating by the river.

He pointed to the rice fields and sighed: “This is life. There is no fighting, no blade light and sword shadows. The land here can no longer contain darkness.”

old The man shook his head in disdain, said solemnly: “A group of mediocre people, except for living like ants, their existence has no value! But since True Martial Holy Son likes this place, then the old man will use this river to bury your body, And your head will hang on the city wall of Wind and Snow City to promote the prestige of Hell!”

Chapter 1448 Retreat

Chapter 1448 Retreat


The soundless, full of rivers, like a furious water dragon, rolled into the sky, and overturned the fishermen and the fishing boats on the floating river, and they were about to be buried. Suddenly at the bottom of the river, a fierce sword light turned into a long river of swords, rolling down into the empty river.

Inside, the sword energy surging like a wave of water, lifted up the fishing boat again, and quickly sent it to the open space on the river bank together with the fishermen.

“It is simply an excessive tendency to clemency! A few fishermen, their deaths are no different from dying a few ants and a few dogs. You expose a weak spot to rescue them, which means killing the old man. Your chance!”


The river is roaring, it is no longer a river, but a huge water dragon, countless fish and shrimps, were shaken to death inside, making This water dragon exudes a bloody breath.

Purple Gold Tai Chi!

Ye Fei was full of flames. He mobilized the power of despair to form the most perfect Tai Chi defense to withstand the impact of this water dragon. Then, his footsteps flickered, and he slammed on the river below his feet. The entire river of swords suddenly rolled up countless waves of swords.

These waves, which swept the fishermen and the people working on both sides of the bank, have turned into a light, leading them to the distance.


The old man took the opportunity to smash the entire water dragon on Ye Fei’s Tai Chi. Thousands of tons of sea water exploded at this moment. The huge weight made Ye Fei’s perfect Tai Chi distorted and then burst into pieces.

The eyesight of the old man is very old. He only saw Ye Fei perform Purple Gold Tai Chi for the first time, and he discovered one of the weaknesses of Tai Chi, that is, he can only defend against martial arts attacks, but cannot resist the purest. Power attack.

The entire water dragon is the strength of the entire river. With the old man Martial Sovereign Level cultivation base, it is enough to easily break Ye Fei’s Purple Gold Tai Chi.

At this time, Ye Fei is still busy using sword energy to send away the innocent people, so that they will not be affected by the martial artist’s battle and cannot use the sword dao to fight back. The old man sees this, eyes In the middle, a terrifying cold light flashed even more.

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