Once touched, it means that his Martial Sovereign robbery will soon come.

Understanding that the Third Dean cares about herself, Ye Fei flatly refused: “Third Dean, I know you want to protect me like this. However, the current black prison is not a concern for the time being. When I came back, I was assassinated in the black prison once.”

“What, you have been assassinated in the black prison, how can you come back alive?” The third director Xi Yingqing was startled.

In the sky, the other two deans, Taishang Dean, also looked at each other in blank dismay, but they only appeared divine sense, and their true bodies are still seizing all the time to cultivate, It is also a prolonged life. Only if they live longer, can they better protect the True Martial Saint Court.

On the contrary, it was Xi Yingqing. Although he was old, his life essence was relatively sufficient. The entire Saint Court, and also his Martial Emperor, often appeared.

“Unexpectedly, this time the black hell assassinated you was not the quasi-emperor assassin we speculated, but was just an ancient Martial Sovereign. It seems that the ancient catastrophe was also a great blow to the black hell. Seriously, otherwise, in the habit of the black prison, after their return to the First Stage assassination, even if they don’t send Heaven Grade quasi emperor, they must be Earth Grade quasi emperor!” Xi Yingqing said.

“Heaven Grade quasi-emperor, Earth Grade quasi-emperor? The third dean, the strength of the quasi-emperor is divided by the strength of the field?” Ye Fei asked.

Xi Yingqing is not surprised. He knows that Ye Fei will return to the Northern Territory this time. In addition to returning home, he will definitely go to six Holy Sects, knowing that the division of the field is not uncommon. He nodded and said: “Yes, just like Martial Emperor, the strength of the quasi-emperor is also divided by domain.”

“As long as the domain cannot break through the king, even the perfection of the quasi-emperor can only be Ordinary. Level quasi emperor, such quasi emperor, basically it is impossible to breakthrough Martial Emperor, only when the domain reaches the king level, there may be a ray of hope, breakthrough Martial Emperor! The stronger the domain, the greater the hope of breakthrough Martial Emperor, such as old Man and the other two deans, we are just the Earth Grade quasi-emperor.”

Xi Yingqing released his own domain, which is a very powerful White Tiger domain, which is Ye Fei. , There is also a feeling of suffocation.

He was nodded, feeling curious again in his heart, and continued to ask: “Where is the dean, what level is he?”

Ye Fei thought of the original Holy In front of the Son Peak, the battle between the Supreme Dean and the heavenly punishment Zhundi.

“old man is Heaven Grade quasi emperor! Heavenly punishment is the same for quasi emperor, but his cultivation years are not as old as old man, old man can still crush him as long as he is alive.” in the sky, There was a very old voice, like a late dragon.

Ye Fei knows that although Dean Taishang has never appeared, he has been paying attention to him. It is rare to meet Dean Taishang to speak. Of course, Ye Fei will not give up the rare opportunity to ask for advice. He hurriedly said to the void: “President Taishang, I have a question. Don’t you say that only Martial Emperor can own the Heaven Grade domain? How can Emperor Zhun also own it?”

President Taishang Said: “The general situation is true. Even the top geniuses can only withstand the pressure of the Earth Grade domain. But if they get something, or a part of the strong peerless genius with spirit strength, they also have a certain chance to break through to Heaven. Grade quasi emperor.”

“Heaven Grade quasi emperor is currently the strongest battle strength in Zhong Prefecture, and it is also the closest to the existence of Martial Emperor. The traitor of heavenly punishment is to become Heaven Grade quasi emperor. Let an ordinary Aristocratic Family become one of the most powerful Aristocratic families today.” Xi Yingqing also explained.

Hearing this, Ye Fei’s eyes suddenly brightened. If he had not heard anything wrong just now, it seemed that the dean said that some of the strong peerless genius of spirit strength can comprehend Heaven Grade. field!

Chapter 1452 Sorcerer bloodline

Chapter 1452 Sorcerer bloodline

“Master, what you said is true, powerful spirit strength, you can Let the field evolve?” Ye Fei was so excited.

You must know that he has witchcraft in his hands. So far, he has discovered that spirit strength can strengthen the domain and make him the only real domain. But he didn’t expect it. You can use spirit strength to increase the level of the domain!

In this way, doesn’t it mean that if his spirit strength is strong enough, he can completely own the Heaven Grade domain at the time of Martial Sovereign or even half-emperor, and directly own the same as Heaven Grade quasi-di That is the real Peak in the realm.

The Third Dean Xi Yingqing was also very surprised at how quickly Ye Fei reacted, and then he couldn’t help but laugh and curse: “little bastard, your guess is good. In theory, a powerful spirit Strength can indeed evolve the domain, but don’t forget, we are martial artists, our cultivation is the soul and the body, and the strength of the Primordial Spirit is formed! We simply can’t do it, the cultivation produces spirit strength!”

The dean Taishang was silent for a moment, and then mood grave’s opened the mouth and said: “It’s right to say that our Human Race is the most powerful soul, not spirit, even if part of the peerless genius has The powerful spirit strength is also included in the bloodline. Once the bloodline is fully awakened, their spirit strength will also be consumed cleanly. In this world, the only one that can cultivation spirit strength is one race…”

Ye Fei affirmed: “The Dean Taishang is talking about the Witch Clan.”

“You know the Witch Clan!” The Dean Taishang and Xi Yingqing are a little surprised. You must know that there is a witch. , That is an absolute secret that can only be known by the Emperor Zhun.

“Unexpectedly, Liudao Holy Sect actually told you this kind of absolute confidentiality. It’s a nonsense!” Dean Taishang dissatisfied.

He didn’t look down on Ye Fei, but worried that Ye Fei’s realm was too low to bear such a heavy burden. Xi Yingqing also felt nodded with the same sympathy, “This time the six Holy Sects are indeed wrong. How can you bear this kind of news without Zhundi?”

Ye Fei was speechless at once, he Originally I wanted to talk about the encounter with the wizard in the Northern Territory, but after thinking about it, I finally decided to forget it. It would be no good to scare the two old people.

Judging from the tense tone of Xi Yingqing and Dean Taishang, the Wu Clan in Zhong Prefecture seems to be a big taboo, even more taboo than Human Demon catastrophe, Life and Death Palace.

However, thinking about the power of wizards and the weird witchcraft, Ye Fei was relieved again. He thought about it for a while and asked: “Master, I found a few witches in Holy Sect. I don’t know the Chinese characters, I don’t know Zhong Prefecture, but there are people who know the witchcraft?”

Candle sheep is very cunning. The witchcraft he gave to Ye Fei, the first part, is the Human Race text, the second part The three parts are written by the Wu tribe.

In this way, even if Ye Fei obtains Basic, Middle and High meditation, he cannot be cultivation and become a real wizard, but now that he understands the spirit strength and the tremendous improvement in the domain, Ye Fei is naturally also Do everything possible to learn the witchcraft.

“Candle Goat once said that other Human Races cannot cultivate spirit strength, but we who are abandoned by nature seem to be born to be good materials for cultivation witchcraft!”

Ye Fei has a feeling that if he can learn the complete witchcraft, the identity of the abandoned person will not be his hindrance, but it may become a special advantage for him.

“Our Human Race can’t cultivation witchcraft. We are all right. What do we do when we learn witchcraft? Even the witchcraft in demons must be the evolution of witchcraft and magic. It is not at all Anything!” Xi Ying shook his head, thinking Ye Fei was too whimsical.

The Supreme Dean also nodded and said: “It’s not a secret that spirit strength can improve the realm. It’s not a secret among the quasi emperors, but even Martial God, it’s impossible to cultivate spirit strength, only through certain Some heavenly material, earthly treasure, passive increase, Ye Fei, we know that you want to increase your strength as soon as possible and walk on the Ancient Starry Sky Road, but Martial God cannot help you in this matter.”

“Too much Master, you can’t always think about it. Isn’t there anyone who knows Malay in Zhong Prefecture?” Ye Fei refused to give up, and it’s not easy to talk about his cultivation spirit strength.

Because it was so shocking, he didn’t want to be taken away by a certain quasi emperor, and a little white mouse came to study on the spot.

The Dean Taishang was silent again, until Ye Fei was desperate, and when he was about to give up, the Dean Taishang hesitated opened the mouth and said: “old man really doesn’t know, who knows Wuwen, but you can go to that girl to try, she may know some Wuwen.”

“That girl? Who is so good, who knows mysterious Wuwen?” Ye Fei thought, already An image of an old woman wearing a black robe who couldn’t see her face appeared automatically.


The dean of Taishang said solemnly: “It is rumored that businesses have wizard bloodline, but we are not very clear about the details. You can ask Shangluo yourself, we Two Old Guys, it’s not easy to interfere. By the way, don’t say it was revealed by the old man.”

When it comes to the business, the tone of the dean seems a little taboo. Xi Yingqing also directly waved his hand to seal the surrounding space to prevent their conversation from being heard by those with a heart.

“Anything that involves wizards is absolutely taboo in Zhong Prefecture. Even among the quasi emperors, they rarely talk about it. You better be careful, kid!” Xi Yingqing warned seriously Tao.

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