Just as the two quasi-emperors Aristocratic Family were desperately searching for the murderer, within the Shenwu Saint Court, the peak of Goddess Lu Qing suddenly heard a fierce explosion. Then there was the horrible thunderbolt, and the horrible killing aura, the entire Goddess peak that shook was turned into broken earth.

“Who, dare to come to my Shenwu Saint Court to run wild!” It was found that something was wrong. A dozen old and young quasi emperors of Shenwu Saint Court came from all directions at the same time, trying to find the murderer who assassinated Goddess.

But they didn’t find anything, they just saw the broken mountain, and Lu Qing’s pale face, the position of her sleeves, flowing red blood, was actually attacked by the assassin. Suffered a certain degree of injury.

The quasi-Imperial Capital who came here was shocked, “Lu Qing, what happened, and who attacked you?”

Lu Qing didn’t say anything, but his eyes were firm. , Turned around and walked to another mountain, “From today, I Lu Qing secluded cultivation cultivation one year, one year later, I will go to Ancient Starry Sky Road!”


“Have you heard, recently there was another top genius of the quasi-emperor Aristocratic Family who was assassinated in public in the court of the Black Pond Empire in front of the civil and military officials and the emperor, and his head was thrown on Dragon Throne. The blood-splattered emperor’s face is all over!”

“I’ve heard it a long time ago, but the angry black pond empire blocked the imperial city and mobilized a million soldiers to encircle and suppress, but was killed by the black-clothed youth. Encircle and leave unscathed from the army of millions.”

“Hi…the army of millions can’t stop one person, who is that assassin?”

Shenwu Saint Court, the new Goddess peak.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew in the sky, slowly falling on the mountain peak. At this time, dozens of powerful silhouettes had gathered on the mountain peak. These all are Martial Sovereign. Even Liu Rulong, who was seriously injured, came over looking pale.

They were all waiting for the violent wind to come. As the violent wind fell, a line of martial artists carrying black blades, surrounded by a young man in star robes, fell on the ground.

The dozen or so quasi-emperors of Saint Court of Shenwu were all nodded to these young people with smiles, and the smiles of the remaining Martial Sovereign were even more obvious.

Liu Rulong seems to know the star-robed youth headed by him. When he saw the youth appear, his entire Essence, Qi, and Spirit was shocked. He hurried up to greet with a smile: “hahaha, I can’t think of Lu The news of Qing Yu’s attack came out, and everyone from the Valley of Sword God arrived. What’s more rare is that God of Sword personally led the team. Qing’er that girl knows that it will definitely be very moved.”

I ignored Liu Rulong’s words, just browsed slightly wrinkle to the left and right, with a trace of tension and said: “Where is Lu Qing, how is she hurt, who hurt her?”

” Don’t worry, Goddess is okay. Holy Son’s sneak attack is not at all successful.” The dean of Shenwu Saint Court personally opened the mouth and said.

The star-robed youth hearing this relaxed, his tone became coldly again, coldly said: “Holy Son in the black prison? Very good, he knows that Lu Qing is the woman that Xue Yue likes, and he dare Assassination, very good, immediately send my order, within 30 days, find the whereabouts of Holy Son in the black prison, I will take down the head of this person by myself!”

There is a black clothed Sabrewielder right next to him, one-knee kneels next said: “Young Master, don’t worry, we are Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family. It only takes ten days to find an assassin!”

“Very well, check it now!”

The star-robed youth waved his hand indifferently, making the black clothed Sabrewielder retreat, and then it was Liu Rulong who remembered standing aside awkwardly and said: “Senior Liu, you are just right. I’m here all the way, why Lu Qing He still refuses to see me, is he mad at me?”

“cough cough, Virtuous nephew is worried. You are the Young Master of the Valley of the Sword God, and even the person Goddess admires. Hearing you It’s too late for her to be happy when she arrives. How can she not want to see you.” Liu Rulong explained with a dry smile.

Hearing this, Xue Yue felt a little more comfortable, but he was still very suspicious, “In that case, why not come out to see me?”

“Hey, it’s hard to say anything. , You also know Goddess’s temper. Lu Qing has a strong personality. This time he was suddenly assassinated by Holy Son in the black prison and suffered some injuries. This girl is definitely not reconciled in her heart. She must be retreat for fiercely cultivation, but retreat is also good. Lest Goddess hear those gossips and feel unhappy.” Liu Rulong sighed.

Xue Yue naturally heard that Liu Rulong is “have hidden meaning,” he immediately asked: “What kind of rumors, if you have something to say, you can say it!”

“Hey, Virtuous nephew, you like it so much. Lu Qing, I should have heard that Lu Qing was recently defeated by True Martial Saint Court’s new Holy Son, a man named Ye Fei, right?” Liu Rulong eyes flashed, paying attention to Xue Yue’s reaction.

Chapter 1459 Murder a person with a borrowed knife

Chapter 1459 Murder a person with a borrowed knife

Xue Yue is surprised. He has been in retreat recently. In order to step into the Ancient Starry Sky Road, make the final preparations, do not care about the outside affairs, if it weren’t for the black prison Holy Son to assassinate Lu Qing, and Lu Qing, the woman Xue Yue must have obtained, he would not even bring people to Zhong Prefecture, even less effort, chatting with Ordinary Level quasi-emperors like Liu Rulong.

“Is True Martial Saint Court, another peerless genius came out?” Seeing that Xue Yue had no interest in talking to Liu Rulong, behind him, came out a young man about the same age as Xue Yue.

Liu Rulong recognized this young man, named Xue Yun, who was Xue Yue’s cousin and also a top genius in the Valley of the Sword God. He didn’t dare to neglect, and hurriedly cursed: “Then Ye Fei However, if it weren’t for a bit of dogshit luck and colluding with Demon God, if the person who was abandoned for a day was a running dog, I could slap him to death with a slap.”

“What? Isn’t that natural Martial Dao waste? This waste can actually become the Holy Son of True Martial Saint Court and defeat Goddess Lu Qing?” Not only Xue Yun was surprised, even Xue Yue, who was originally indifferent, couldn’t help it. Asked.

Liu Rulong was secretly delighted in his heart. What he wanted was Xue Yue’s attention. He immediately told Lu Qing to challenge Ye Fei, but was defeated by Ye Fei and forced to become a maid.

“What did you say, Ye Fei dared to let Lu Qing be a maid, doesn’t he know that Lu Qing is the woman whom Xue Yue, my knife god, fancy!” Xue Yue finally got angry, he was angry At that time, the whole Saint Court of Shenwu was filled with terrifying Blade Qi, which made many Martial Sovereigns feel suffocated.

Liu Rulong remained silent, and continued: “He knows what’s going on. That Xiao Nianzhang is a complete demon. Not only does he make Lu Qing a maid, but he wants to force Goddess to sleep with him every night. ……”

He deliberately said something very vulgar.

This remark, also like a steel needle, deeply pierced Xue Yue’s nerves. He was completely angry, and then this anger turned into a knife, tearing the sky out. A terrifying crack.

“Liu Rulong, what you said is true, Ye Fei, who really did something to Lu Qing, you can guarantee that what you said is true!”

After the anger, Xue Yue calmed down quickly. He is a peerless genius, although he is not as good as the white clothed War God Difan, but he is not so foolish.

Of course, Liu Rulong didn’t have the guts to discredit Lu Qing and deceive Xue Yue. He could only say: “That’s just a rumor. It’s just to give that Devil ten courage. He didn’t dare to move Goddess’ hair. But gossip is a fearful thing! Do you know that Goddess why not see you, it is because of these unknown rumors that Goddess is very distressed.”

“It turned out to be just a rumors!”

Xue Yue sighed for a long time, but there was still a thorn in his heart. Even if Ye Fei didn’t touch Lu Qing, he still made Lu Qing a maid. Xue Yue would absolutely not tolerate this. He looked towards the direction of Lu Qing’s retreat, said solemnly: “Don’t worry, Lu Qing, I will kill Ye Fei and vent your breath!” Liu Rulong was overjoyed and just wanted to speak.

A black clothed Sabrewielder followed behind him, persuading him: “No, Young Master, True Martial Saint Court, there is also a Heaven Grade Zhundi. He will not die for one day, True Martial Saint Court, just I can’t move for a day!”

“So what, the old fart is almost in the coffin, can he dare to oppose my Sword God Valley, besides, my woman is insulted, how can Xue Yue remain indifferent? “Xue Yue’s expression was full of anger, but there was also a solemn flash in the depths of his eyes.

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