The rays of light wrapped Ye Fei and moved him from Nuan Pavilion in an instant. At this moment, another person walked out from the back of Nuan Pavilion.

This man has upright hair and crazy eyes, as if he might get angry at any time. It is the Third Master Ye Fei once met in the Northern Territory. Shang Third Master’s madness has recovered, and his image has not changed much. He seems to be a person who is easy to fall into madness, but for such a madman, facing Shang Jing, he dare not take a breath. The questions are all cautiously. “Second sister, although our business has a wizard bloodline, it can translate the middle level witchcraft

, which is already the limit. When can you translate the advanced witchcraft?”

“I couldn’t do it before, but seeing Ye Fei, this Fairy suddenly blessed my soul and was able to translate it again.” Shang Jing looked calm.

Shang’s Third Master was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly blushed again: “Second Sister, you are a lie again!”

“What a lie, it was his willingness! And this Fairy didn’t fool him completely. If he can really pass the test inside, not to mention advanced shamanism, he might learn even more powerful shamanism!” Shang Jingzheng said.

Shang Third Master suddenly had nothing to say, but in his heart, he silently sympathized with Ye Fei, and Shang Jing suddenly sighed: “Lolo’s situation, the third one, you don’t know , Do you hope Lolo will follow the same old road as me?”

“No, I definitely don’t want Lolo to become like you!” Shang Third Master shook his head vigorously, his eyes suddenly changed again Crazy trend.

Only this time, the Third Master is a sober madness. This madness is also more terrifying.

Shang Jing coldly said: “You don’t want Lolo to follow my old path, do I want Lolo to be the same as me? Having a wizard bloodline looks mysterious, but who knows that we merchants Woman, I have paid more, less, and suffered so much behind my back!”

“In a few years, Lolo’s wizard bloodline will be completely awakened. If you still can’t find something like that , I just killed her cruelly, and I definitely can’t let her follow my old path!” Shang Jing’s tone was rare with a murderous intention, but her eyes were red.

The Third Master also fell silent, and then strode towards Ye Fei and chased him away frantically. Shang Jing opened his mouth, intending to stop him, but in the end he sighed helplessly, his eyes were a little sad, and some helplessly he took out a token, and looked at it foolishly.

If Ye Fei is here, you will definitely find that this token is actually the identity token of True Martial Saint Court, or a very old token.


“I can’t imagine that this black token is so peculiar, it can directly open the Domain Portal for transmission, and the location is still fixed.”

Ye Fei looked at the token in his hand and was full of curiosity. He felt that the token was like a return symbol in a later game.

As long as it is activated, it can return quickly. It is not only convenient and practical, but also can be transported away quickly when in danger, without giving the enemy a chance to chase him down.

The only flaw is that the location of this return journey is a bit pit, it is actually a barren mountain, there are no people around, and there are all kinds of powerful ominous beasts everywhere. These ominous beasts are all of Martial Saint Realm, half the emperor, and the ominous beast breath of Martial Sovereign Realm can be felt everywhere. When Ye Fei transmitted it, it was faint, and he had even felt a few quasi-emperor class. He was shocked when he approached quickly.

Chapter 1470 Burning with jealousy

“This place is simply the second Ancestral Dragon abyss. It is only the Ancestral Dragon abyss. There is a demonic beast, but here, there are different A powerful ominous beast.”

Ordinary martial artist, staying here for a while is dead. No matter how strong Ye Fei is, he doesn’t want to be surrounded by a group of ominous beasts. He looks around and looks quickly. Going to a huge rock platform on the top of the mountain not far away, like a spread book page, it is very conspicuous.

In the mountain peak, there are many very powerful auras, which are hidden. Ye Fei felt it carefully and found that it was a human aura. He didn’t think much about it. After all, Shang Jing asked him to use the order. The cards sent here must have a purpose.

Those hidden breaths are likely to be other young geniuses found by Chamber of Commerce. These young geniuses were hidden on the mountain, and they were all taken aback when Ye Fei came over.

“Who is this person?”

“I don’t know!”

“He should be the last one of us to wait?”

“hmph, a little half-emperor who has never seen him before, so many of us, waiting for him, come so late, what a big shelf!”

This mountain There are a total of six martial artists hidden on the top, five men and one woman. They are all wearing battle armor composed of strong Great Holy Artifact. Just looking at this equipment, you know that their backs are very powerful.

Generally, people who can wear Holy Artifact armor, except for the Heavenly Grade disciple of Saint Court, are only the Aristocratic Family or the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family.

Ye Fei not at all On them, and seeing any Saint Court logo, he knew that these people were not from the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family, or they were the Aristocratic Family.

I feel more relieved.

“Since Chamber of Commerce dares to gather so many young experts from the Quasi-Emperor Aristocratic Family and Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family, it shouldn’t be too dangerous here.”

Ye Fei walked over, politely moved towards the six people and said: “Next to Ye Fei, are you also invited by the Chamber of Commerce to obtain spiritual crystallization?”

“Yes, we are , There were only six of us, so we should have set off three days ago, but for some reason, you jumped in and made us wait for another three days!”

The woman in flame armor took off her helmet, She looked at Ye Fei with a weird expression, and stared straight at Ye Fei’s face. It was the first time she saw Ye Fei, but she had a weird and familiar feeling, as if she had seen it before. .

“I think you are very familiar, have we met?” the flame woman asked.

“I haven’t seen it, I have never seen it!” Ye Fei looked serious and indifferent, and seemed impatient with the other party’s entanglement, but a layer of cold sweat broke out behind him.

“I actually met Miss Zhu here, but fortunately she didn’t recognize me…” Ye Fei secretly increased her vigilance, but she couldn’t help but think that in the Martial God space, he was regarded by Miss Zhu as the master of Zhu. Holding his arm, fiercely looks like a baby.

At that time, Xiaomei Zhu’s ability to act like a baby is called a world shacking, weeping Ghost God. If he didn’t make a shot in time, touched Miss Zhu a few times and praised her, he might not be able to get off. body.

Of course, Ye Fei didn’t dare to talk about this matter because he was killed, and he made up his mind to absolutely not show any horses in front of Miss Zhu.

He deliberately put on a cold and arrogant, unsympathetic appearance, and did not want to be in contact with Zhu Xiaomei. This also changed Zhu Xiaomei’s face and almost doubted whether he had become ugly.

Otherwise, when other young people saw her, they all wanted to come around like flies, but Ye Fei indifferently refused her beyond a thousand li, it felt like he was guarding against thieves.

The doubts in Miss Zhu’s heart become more and more. But seeing Ye Fei’s indifferent look, she was a bit sorry again, and went forward to inquire.

As soon as I saw Ye Fei, I caught the attention of Zhu Family. If I wish my sister is normal, everyone is fine, but the key is to wish my sister not only to be beautiful, but also from Aristocratic Family Zhu Family. Little Princess.

For the Aristocratic Family, which is famous for its refining tools, Zhu Family is not only popular in the Aristocratic Family, but also the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family in the starry sky. Zhu Family is also very valued. Especially a year ago, Zhu Master created the Emperor Artifact. After turning from a weapon master to an emperor, the weight of Zhu Family has become heavier. As the Little Princess of Zhu Family, Zhu Xiaomei has also been sought after by more people. At this time, as soon as I saw Ye Fei coming, I wished the little girl to come forward and talk to Ye Fei, just

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