” Go away , what thing are you, dare to call me brother to Third Master! You think you are Young Master Ye, listen, he dare to bark again, let him immediately Get out, and then let the Valley Master of Heavenly Wind Valley come here to make amends in person!” Shang Third Master is not only crazy, but also full of infinite domineering.

Ye Fei likes this kind of domineering.

Feeling this kind of domineering, Zhang Ye’s face suddenly became uglier than eating a fly, green for a while, and white for a while, but finally forcibly held back the breath, and he really didn’t say a word. Did not look at Ye Fei.

This surprised Ye Fei. From Zhang Ye’s confident tone, he knew that this Heavenly Wind Valley must be the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family.

But Chamber of Commerce is not only not afraid, but it can also let the Lord Heavenly Wind Valley apologize personally. The relationship between this is very subtle.

“It seems that Chamber of Commerce is definitely not as simple as having a wizard bloodline. Maybe, this is also a great influence in Zhong Prefecture.” Ye Fei secretly nodded.

Since Zhang Ye has stopped, he doesn’t bother to continue targeting this kind of villain; he just bowed his hand to Shang Third Master: “many thanks Third Master for help.”

“Young Master Ye tens of thousands of years, don’t say this, it was not thanks to you Master, Third Master, I’m still crazy now, you come with me, Third Master has something to do with you!”

I ignored everything. Man, Shang Third Master forcibly hooked up his shoulders with Ye Fei, and walked to the small woods not far away. Ye Fei always felt that this scene was a little bit wrong, and at the same time it was a bit cold, “Shang Third Master, should you… …”

“Did you know?” Shang Third Master was shocked, and then said with a bitter smile: “That’s right, you who are abandoned by the heavens are all geniuses who learn witchcraft. Can you It’s not surprising to feel that, Third Master, I’ve never begged anyone in my life, and now I’m begging you, must pass the test inside. This is not for me, but for Lolo’s bitter child.

“Shangluo, she does not squeeze the magic monkey every day, or gnaw the spirit melon every day, and her small life is more comfortable than anyone else. It should be me who is really struggling! And what did the Third Master say? Meaning, I can’t understand a word.” Ye Fei was very depressed, he felt that the Third Master must have misunderstood something.

Chapter 1472 blue light

“Third Master, do we have any misunderstandings?” Ye Fei feels that it is better to ask clearly, but although the Third Master is not crazy, then The temperament is the same as the wind, wherever you think of it, it will drift. Hearing that Ye Fei seemed to have “understood” his purpose, Shang Third Master immediately beat Ye Fei’s chest heavily and said: “Ye Fei, you are indeed a good boy whom Third Master values, and this matter is up to you. , Come on, Third Master has confidence in you, Small World has a time limit, please go there quickly,

Don’t miss the time.”

After that, the Third Master is very busy. Turned his head and left, as handsome as he was when he was crazy, do as one pleases. Ye Fei looked at the businessman Third Master who was leaving speechlessly, and said in his heart, “Third Master, before you leave, please make it clear before you leave, what can I do for you?”

Of course He this remark, rushed to leave, and ran to the Third Master who confessed the good news to Shang Jing. He couldn’t hear it. Maybe he was born with Ye Fei’s pleasing eye. The Shang Third Master was full of confidence in Ye Fei and believed that others could not do things. It must be done.

Ye Fei and the Third Master are confused about what he wants him to do. And because of the presence of outsiders like Zhang Ye, he didn’t ask too much, so he could only walk up the mountain like a book page again.

On the mountain peak, several Martial Sovereigns of the merchant were waiting there. They saw Ye Fei come back, and saw the third master of the crazy Martial King businessmen, hooking up with Ye Fei. These Martial Sovereign looked towards Ye Fei, with a faint trace of respect. “Young Master Ye is here, and the number of people has arrived. We will now open the forbidden law and send you to the world. Remember, you have a month to hunt and kill Illusory Beast in it to obtain their spiritual crystals. Months later, you must come out, otherwise you will be in danger of your lives. Do you all understand?”

The majestic gaze of Martial Sovereign looked towards other people, These all are the geniuses from the Aristocratic Family who came out of the Aristocratic Family. Obviously they were fully prepared before they came. Faced with Martial Sovereign’s inquiry, they were nodded with solemn expressions.

I wish my sister even carried her golden battle halberd on her shoulders. Zhang Ye is a complexion ashen. He still didn’t leave. Instead, he chose to endure some verbal humiliation and stay and enter Small World. This made Ye Fei a little puzzled.

“This karma has been so humiliated and refused to leave. Is the Illusory Beast of Small World really so attractive to them? Or, this karma intends to retaliate against me secretly?”

If it’s the former, Ye Fei won’t care. If it’s the latter, he must be careful. After all, Zhang Ye comes from the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family, even if it is not as good as Xue Yun, the gap will not Too big.

There are a total of eight Martial Sovereigns appearing in the merchants. They stand in different directions, and they say what Ye Fei feels familiar with the Wuzu incantion. It’s just that the spirit strength of these Martial Sovereigns is limited. Every time they think of an incantion, their complexion will turn pale.

Only eight characters of incantion. After they finished reading, they were tired and slumped on the ground, while the mountain on which the seven stood was shaken violently.

Ye Fei looks at his feet, where is the mountain, it is clearly a huge book fuse together with the mountain. As the page turns, his spirit strength suddenly feels a faintly discernable summon , Seems to be guiding him into the direction of Small World.

“Strange, why do I feel a vague summon, is there any treasure in this Small World that is destined for me?” Zhu Xiaomei said in surprise. Zhang Ye immediately cheeked and said diligently: “I wish you younger sister something, this is not treasure, but the Illusory Beast inside is fooling the Profound Void, trying to ambush us, without a strong spirit willpower, it is difficult to resist these Illusory Beasts. Yes, I don’t know if you’re following me. If it’s me, you will be able to protect your safety


I wish my sister gave Zhang Ye a cold look and shook her head: Now, I came here to enter the Ancient Starry Sky Road and make the final preparations. Let’s split up.”

“My sister is right, since we decided to embark on the Ancient Starry Sky Road. , Then, for this experience, we still act alone. Why don’t we go into it, how about each of us choosing a direction?” A genius from the Aristocratic Family proposed.

His words made the rest of the people nodded.

Ye Fei is also nodded, I feel that this method is good, everyone chooses a place, even if you encounter treasure, there will be no conflict.

At this time, in the sky, a mysterious Small World suddenly appeared. This Small World had a strange force that pulled them all in on the spot.

“Weird, how does this feeling resemble the Great Dream of the Candle Goat?” Ye Fei was full of doubts. He was in the tomb of the Emperor and was used by the Candle Goat to pull consciousness. Into a dream.

And this Small World that overlaps with the void is even more wonderful. It must pass through eight Martial Sovereigns and use incantation summon to appear. At the same time, it can silently pull people in and wait for the came back. When to his senses, the seven Ye Fei were already in a strange starry sky.

It’s just that the starry sky is not dark, but everywhere, it is full of a kind of light blue brilliance, it is very magnificent, I wish the eyes of the little girl are straight.

The same goes for other quasi-emperor geniuses.

Zhang Ye’s face revealed disdain. Seeing Xiaomei Zhu refused to join him, he simply chose a direction and rushed over.

After Zhu Xiaomei and the others came back to his senses, she immediately dispersed and ran in different directions. Ye Fei also chose a direction where no one was there and rushed over quickly.

And shortly after he charged ahead, a stream of light suddenly rushed over from a distance, and there was a silhouette of lose one’s head out of fear in the streamer, screaming loudly: “Help, Brother Ye, help me!”

Ye Fei looked at the silhouette who rushed forward a little funny, shook his head and said, “These Illusory Beasts are really stupid. I just came in, and I chose no one. You suddenly ran out to ask for help. Isn’t this telling me that you are Illusory Beast?”


He didn’t say anything, and directly activated Azure Dragon Divine Sword, which is huge. The Divine Dragon, with a huge sword light and coercion, instantly slapped the people who rushed into meatloaf. Then the meatloaf disappeared and turned into a peculiar blue light, moving towards Ye Fei’s body condensed.

Ye Fei not at all dodge, he intuitively felt that these blue rays were not at all harmful to him, and then he extended the hand and lightly touched these blue rays.

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