Ye Fei’s anger disappeared, and suddenly he stepped forward, moved towards Zhang Ye sincerely and said, “Brother Zhang, it seems that I have misunderstood. I will say, you Heavenly Wind Valley But Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family, just and honorable, how can you make a sneak attack behind you.”

Zhang Yehearing this, smiled tragically, and sincerely said to Ye Fei: “brother Ye. This time it is. I have lost sight of it, and I promise that there will never be another time.”

Finally, Zhang Ye slightly increased his tone. Ye Fei also looked at Zhang Ye with scorching eyes. Both sides were smiling, but I wish my sister and the others felt cold all over. The two of them, just talking, both wear a blade light and sword. shadows.

If they are in other places, they will not care about it, but this is the Small World of Chamber of Commerce. They don’t want to be involved. I just rubbed my head and walked helplessly between the two. He looked at Ye Fei in confusion and said: “Ye Fei, why did you come in my direction?”

“I should ask this. Why did you come in my direction?” Ye Fei asked strangely , And then he thought of something, suddenly a little shocked.

Zhu Xiaomei also stared wide-eyed, “How could this happen, we obviously went in different directions, but in the end we came together.”

“I wish younger sister, You don’t know, this Small World in Chamber of Commerce is very strange. No matter which direction we enter, we will eventually concentrate in this direction.” Zhang Ye took out the medicine pill from the space belt, quickly recovered from his injury, and turned to Zhu Xiaomei explained.

Ye Fei eyes flashed, it is very likely that Zhang Ye has grasped this clue to ambush here in advance and prepare to plot against him.

Unfortunately, there is Xiaocao’s special feelings for Spiritual Qi and spirit strength. Zhang Ye wanted to sneak attack him, but there was no door. It’s a pity that I wish my younger sister and the others came too fast, and he missed an eradication Zhang Ye’s opportunity.

“Do you know what this nebula is? I plan to go and take a look.” Ye Fei continued probed calmly.

Little sister Zhu is also rare. She looked at Zhang Ye expectantly. If Xiaomei Zhu showed this look before, Zhang Ye would definitely rush to show it, but now, his face is ugly, “I don’t know. This may be a secret that the merchant only knows.”

“I don’t care if it’s a secret. Since I’m here, I must go in and have a look.”

“Yes, we The purpose of entering is to increase the spirit strength and kill the spirit strength of Illusory Beast. It is not enough to raise our spirit strength to the level of peerless genius. Our only hope is to enter this nebula!”

The genius of another quasi-emperor Aristocratic Family also opened the mouth and said.

Then, the two of them joined forces and walked to the nebula first. Little sister Zhu hesitated for a while and followed along. When she saw Little sister Zhu go up, Zhang Ye gave Ye Fei a bitter look. Hurried up.

In the end, there was only Ye Fei, standing still and not stepping forward. After all, this was the spirit of the great witch, Divine Sea, he couldn’t guarantee whether there would be danger inside.

But when he thought of the Third Master begging him, he hesitated, “Third Master is a man able to support both heaven and earth. He has never begged anyone, but he came to me, I If you don’t help, it’s a little bit of loyalty. That’s all, let’s go and have a look, eh…”

Ye Fei was about to step forward, and suddenly saw that he was walking fast. I wish my sister and the others, the pace suddenly slowed down, as if it were difficult to move forward.

“Everyone, be careful, this nebula seems to be able to release coercion and prevent us from approaching!” Zhu Xiaomei reminded.

“haha, this Small World is really not only as simple as improving spirit strength, there may be some amazing secrets in it!”

“What a strange Small World, a piece The nebula can actually produce divine might pressure. Could it be that this nebula is composed of spirit strength?” a genius of the Aristocratic Family speculated.

Zhang Ye sneered taunted: “Ignorance, even if it is peerless genius, it is impossible to have such a huge spirit strength. I think this is very likely to be a test left by the owner of Small World, who can resist This fine divine might pressure, enter the nebula, who can get the treasure inside.”

“Test, treasure?” The geniuses present, expressions all become brighter, and they advance harder. .

Ye Fei was also a little surprised. Although Zhang Ye was not all right, maybe, this invisible divine might pressure is really a test.

After all, what Shang Third Master asked him is that he must pass the test inside. Shang Third Master’s personality is upright, and It shouldn’t be to harm him. So, this divine sea, the essence of the great witch, really No danger, just a test for future generations? “If that’s the case, then I’ll give it a try.” After observing for a while, I found that Little Sister Zhu and the others were within 1000 meters of the nebula, and there was still no sign of danger. Ye Fei also moved in his heart and quickly moved towards The nebula walked over.

Chapter 1476 Walking in the Leisure Court

Unsurprisingly, when Ye Fei tried to get close to the Divine Sea, the Nebula, there was a wave Invisible resistance. This resistance is very similar to the common gravity test of martial artists. The difference is that it is not normal gravity that forms this resistance, but more complex and stronger spirit strength. .

Under the pressure of this spirit strength, the ordinary martial artist, estimated to go up several dozen meters, 100 meters, the soul and the Primordial Spirit will be affected. If you walk down, you may also have the soul and Primordial. Spirit, torn, slightly injured, severely injured, and may become useless.

This is also the reason that Chamber of Commerce only invites top talents to enter. Without strong spirit strength, ordinary martial artists in this wizarding world will be unable to move a single step unless it is Martial God come here.

Unfortunately, the current Heavenly Martial Continent and Martial God have long since disappeared, and the Divine Sea, the spirit of this great witch, will be cheaper for Ye Fei’s Little Brat in the Half-Emperor Realm. The more you go to the front, the stronger the pressure of spirit strength. Gradually, Ye Fei’s footsteps have become a lot slower, but his slowness is relative to other people’s. Obviously he is the last one, Xiang Xingyun Close, but after a while, he has surpassed the top geniuses of two quasi-emperor Aristocratic Family

in a row.

The two top geniuses flushed immediately, with unwillingness and frustration on their faces: “We can’t even compare to others, even Ye Fei, a natural abandoned body. “

“Strange, this Ye Demon is clearly not a top genius, how does he possess spirit strength that seems to be stronger than our top geniuses?”

They were very dissatisfied and very Puzzled. They also won’t think that Ye Fei’s spirit strength is not passively promoted, but from active cultivation. Not to mention, he also cultivation success of Divine Sea.

As long as this spirit Divine Sea exists, his spirit strength is endless. The resistance of this nebula is an obstacle to others, but to Ye Fei, it is just like leisure. Walking in the court is extremely relaxed.

This is the same as anti-sandbags.

Both adults and children can carry it, but the strength of the two sides and the amount of resistance are different. The seven people walked towards the Nebula together. Ye Fei was originally at the end, but soon, he not only surpassed the two backward geniuses.

With a single breath, he continuously surpassed the geniuses of the other two quasi-emperors Aristocratic Family. Then, under their shocked and weird gaze, Ye Fei stepped forward and walked to the side of Zhu Xiaomei.

“How strong is your spirit strength?” Little sister Zhu took a deep look at Ye Fei: “It seems that you can defeat Goddess Lu Qing. It is not a fluke.” “You also believe that I defeated her? “Ye Fei was surprised. It seems that Goddess, Lu Qing, is hiding very deeply. Is it to keep her only real domain secret? This is quite possible. After all, the only real realm is the secret that the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family can master. It is also the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family, which surpasses the foundation of his power in Zhong Prefecture.

If such a foundation is obtained by a quasi-emperor Aristocratic Family, it is likely to break the balance of rights in Zhong Prefecture.

“With your strength, under Lu Qing’s intentions, you are likely to defeat her, but you can’t defeat her, peerless genius, it’s not so easy to defeat!” Zhu Xiaomei shook her head, and then no Talking again, she began to move forward.

Just this step, she suddenly felt that a huge divine might swept over her, making her complexion pale, drunk, and swaying, she hurriedly battled the golden halberd Pestle on the ground, support the body, and move on.

“This is a strong woman.” Ye Fei glanced at Xiaomei Zhu appreciatively. He did not choose to help Xiaomei Zhu, and the two were not very familiar.

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