Three days later, Ye Fei woke up. All he saw was a fallen corpse under the hospital bed. Later he learned that Xiao Yuer had died and saved her. His innocence also defended his final dignity as Eldest Young Master.

“Why die? When you die, there is nothing left. For a half-witch like me, you are not worth dying…” In his mind, Ye Fei was muddleheaded, and Ye Fei was in a coma in front of Xiao Yuer’s tombstone. Perhaps it was too sad. There were blood and tears in his eyes.

The huge mental shock hit his mind, and he finally broke through. He was originally an impossible breakthrough of Divine Sea.

Ten days later.

Ye Fei woke up, he still couldn’t remember his name, and even lost the memory of the encounter, but in his mind, only the thin silhouette of the girl remained. “Xiao Yuer…” He whispered to the tombstone in front of him, “I don’t know who I am, but if you use your life to exchange my life, then I will definitely not survive. I will avenge you. My Shang Jiu, I want to be the strongest wizard, no, I want to be a great witch, Martial Venerable, I must try my best to bring you back to life! I swear to you in the name of the great ancestor witch !”

Shang Jiu stood up, he was no longer confused, his eyes began to become firm and vicious. From today, he is Shang Jiu. His only mission alive is to revenge!

He started a crazy cultivation, but in exchange it was the ridicule, abuse and humiliation of countless people. He was a half-witch with the blood of Human Race and wanted to cultivation the witchcraft. It was ridiculous!

Although Shang Jiu’s identity is the expensive patriarch son of the Bafeng tribe’s business department, no one is waiting to see him as the eldest son. Even his father looks down on him, regardless of his life and death, behind his back , He is called a cheap seed by many people in the Bafeng tribe.

Some people called him a wild species, because his mother was killed on the spot by his angry father after secretly giving birth to him. As the leader of Shang Luo, he would never allow him to appear a half-witch from his heir. Helplessly, despite being cruel, the Wu Clan couldn’t kill his own bloodline, so the leader of the business department chose to let Shang Jiu fend for himself.

Chapter 1479 Shang Jiu

For ten years, Shang Jiu has been living in the Ministry of Commerce. He became a slave, doing the cheapest things, doing the dirtiest work, but these did not defeat him, in order to resurrect Xiao Yuer, he must become the strongest wizard. In order to become a wizard, even if he becomes a slave, he will seize all the time and learn the witchcraft. In order to become a wizard, he once knelt down and crawled over the crotch of a wizard, just to learn an incomprehensible syllable. In order to become a wizard, he finally became the most despised corpse-backer of the wizards.

He began to enter the battlefield of the Witch tribe. Here, there are many corpses left by the Witch tribe. They died in the witchcraft. The corpses carry various curses. Once touched, they will be contaminated. Kind of bad luck. But Shang Jiu doesn’t care. He only needs to be a wizard, even if he is in bad luck. After another ten years, Shang Jiu is in his thirties. He finally learned most of the Wushu, and he also learned most of the scriptures. From the corpse of the wizard, many fragmentary materials of witchcraft were found, and there were even many

broken witchcraft scriptures. With these materials, he finally became a real wizard.

He also became the Bafeng tribe, the only corpse-backer who lived 30 years old. At this time, no one dared to laugh at him or humiliate him. For ten years, Shang Jiu had countless The corpses, incomplete, complete, these corpses had already contaminated him with terrifying curses and bad luck.

He has become the source of bad luck for the Eight Winds tribe, no one dares to talk to him, no one even dares to approach the range of his ten meters.

Shang Jiu feels very satisfied. No one is bothered. He has more time to cultivation and witchcraft. Of course, even if it is cultivation and witchcraft, no matter how hard and tired he is, every day, Everyone must go to the cemetery of Xiao Yuer, clean up the dust on it, and dedicate a bunch of the most beautiful and best flowers.

But one day, Shang Jiu discovered that Xiao Yu’er’s tombstone had been smashed, and was crushed by the blond boy. “Shang Jiu, you are also a wild species recognized by my father anyway, your within the body also has a trace of noble blood flowing, but if you look at what you have done over the years, you will not only become the lowest corpse-backer, For 20 years in a row, you have disappointed me by offering flowers to a lowly slave and maidservant.

Why did you be born in our Bafeng tribe? Why did you become my father’s son? , If I were you, I would die now, just like the bones in this underground!”


In front of Shang Jiu. The blond boy not only destroyed Xiao Yu’er’s tombstone, but also shattered the entire ground, completely turning it into nothingness. Shang Jiu’s last sustenance, the last gleam of light disappeared, and his eyes suddenly became as dark as night.

On his face, there was a dazzling smile. Shang Jiu said nothing, no anger, no struggle. He just silently, carefully caring for the flowers in his hand, he decided to leave the Eight Winds tribe. Outside the tribe, strange beasts are rampant, many of them have bloodlines of gods or demons. Among them, the heads of strange beasts are even big witches. Don’t dare to provoke, thousands of witch powerhouses will die every year

in the mouth of strange beasts.

Shang Jiu thought he would die like that, but fortunately, the bad luck and curse that he had contaminated with his body for ten years, even many strange beasts did not have the appetite to eat him. This made Shang Jiu see With a glimmer of hope of rising, he began to carry the corpse again.

This time, it was carrying the powerhouse corpses that died in the mouth of alien beasts. On his body, the curse breath became more and more terrifying. At the same time, through the materials collected on these powerhouse corpses, his witchcraft, There is also progress in advanced by leaps and bounds.

This is another ten years.

Shang Jiu is 40 years old, and he finally turned from the smallest wizard to a great wizard comparable to Martial God. He decided to go back and take revenge.

In ten years, he has lost a lot. The only thing he has not lost is the bunch of withered flowers in his hand. Holding this bunch of flowers carefully, Shang 9th layer has returned to Bafeng. tribe.

In 40 years, the blond boy has also become a blond boy, he has also become a great witch, and he has become the eight wind tribe, the strongest genius of the eight castes. Today, he is more It is the nobleman of the Ministry of Commerce that will become the leader of the entire Eight Wind Tribe.

The blond young man is very proud. From today on, he will become the king of the Witch clan. His big brother has already died outside. From then on, no one will dare to take it. He has a big brother, who came to laugh at him and humiliate him.

But at this moment, someone who didn’t expect to come back, that full of bad luck, that eyes darker than the night sky, let the people of the Eight Wind Tribe, Are unforgettable.

“It’s Shang Jiu, this cheap species, he hasn’t died yet!”

“What, the big brother of the leader of the eight wind tribe, is actually a cheap species, or one of the best The humble corpse-backer?”

The other tribal leaders who came to congratulate them were all in an uproar.

“Shut up, he is not my big brother, he is a pariah! Why do you want to live, a wild species like you shouldn’t live, let alone be my big brother!” The blond young man was angry Now, the first time he saw Shang Jiu, he attacked him and wanted to get rid of the brother who had never admitted.

Shang Jiu smiled. His smile was cruel like a wild beast, but his tone was tender in grief.

“For 40 years, Xiao Yuer, I can finally avenge you. He ruined your cemetery, then I will ruin him and this unfair world!”

Kill! A terrifying war broke out between Shang Jiu and the blond youth. Shang Jiu’s witchcraft was terrifying. It was a terrifying witchcraft that was a 30-year-old corpse and teamed up with other animals. He just used one trick and hit it hard. He also killed all the experts that the Ministry of Commerce came to support, just when Shang Jiu intends to kill the blond youth and destroy the Bafeng tribe.

Some other leaders who came to observe the ceremony took action. They are all great witches, and they can’t tolerate them. A half-witch, cultivation to the same level as them. This is a bloody battle, but also a fierce battle.

Shang Jiu killed 17 golden witches in a row with one person, but he himself suffered a tragic blow, but he did not retreat. Under the gaze of the other witches, Shang Jiu Carrying the bloody bone claws, step by step, when the blond youth is about to be killed.

“Unfilial son, don’t die!”

Shang Jiu’s father took action. He came from a distance with more witches, and he was the first , The assassin of Shang Jiu, his hand, turned into a ghost claw, peeled off Shang Jiu’s golden skin on the spot, bloody.

“Father, it’s time to pay it back, I’ll pay it back to you!”

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