Black Sword collided with wolf fang club, Black Sword was intact, and even the Emperor Artifact wolf fang club smashed into pieces of iron in the sky.

“Destroy my Emperor Artifact, I’m fighting with you!” The burly quasi-emperor ran away on the spot. Their Loose Cultivator quasi-emperor had no resources. One Emperor Artifact was enough for him to spend a huge price to acquire. As a result, Ye Fei actually destroyed it.

Under the madness, the burly quasi-emperor madly picked up his domain and slammed into Ye Fei. His domain was also a strange wolf tooth, which was used by him. A certain secret technique is integrated with its own bloodline. When the burly quasi-emperor rushed over, he really liked a crazy giant wolf and wanted to choose someone to eat. Ye Fei let out a low growl, suddenly lowered his waist and lifted his breath, exhausted his greatest strength, and once again turned Black Sword and hurricane into motion. He was like a mad war demon, smashing and smashing into the void

The giant wolf trembles and smashes, wailing continuously, and bloody.

Finally, I heard a loud boom, the loud noise of heaven falls and earth rends, the violent Black Sword, finally completely turned the burly quasi-emperor’s domain into a streamer, and dissipated between Heaven. and Earth.


As the domain shattered, the burly quasi-emperor was also spraying blood frantically, backing frantically, looking towards Ye Fei, obviously with deep fear .

Seeing the tragic situation of their companions, the remaining six quasi emperors were all shocked. They thought that the seven people joined forces. No matter how strong Ye Fei is, it is also a fat sheep in their eyes, but now it seems , Ye Fei, where is the fat sheep, is clearly a terrifying young Demon King.

Especially the terrifying weight of Ye Fei Black Sword, even the domain can be destroyed, and it makes their scalp numb, suck in a breath of cold air.

“Who else, come here to die!”

Ye Fei held the Black Sword, with a rare fierce look in his eyes. Facing the seven quasi emperors, his chance of winning is actually Very low, so he must be fierce enough and ruthless enough to force these people back and let them retreat.

So after severely wounding one of them, Ye Fei not even think, carrying the Black Sword, was about to rush up and continue to fight, his actions really frightened these quasi emperors, they couldn’t bear it. Living subconsciously backed up a few thousand meters away.

Only when these quasi-emperors retreated, a horrible demonic energy wave suddenly appeared in the distant sky, and at the same time a black-armored youth with an indifferent expression took a step, moved towards Ye Fei for an instant Dive over, head on. It is a terrifying black magic fist. “Fist of life and death!”

Chapter 1516 of the living and dead

The black armored youth who appeared, the imposing manner is like a demon, his eyes are like a demon, and his fists are more The magic fist is full of oppression and infinite magic.

He is like the Demon King walking out of the Demon Realm. His moves, all with the power of heaven falls and earth rends, and in this power, there is a terrifying dragon. Prestige makes people’s mind shake and cannot be stopped.

Boom ka! The void is cracked under this fist, and a peculiar portal appears. It is a life gate and a Death Gate. One side of it is boiling vitality, and the other side of it. , It was a heavy death, and at the end of life and death, it was the black armored youth who formed the magic fist, ruthlessly

and swept to Ye Fei’s head decisively.

Ye Fei’s expression was shocked, it seemed unbelievable. The black-clad youth would attack him, but his martial arts instinct, or this critical moment, was thoroughly aroused, and he put it away Black Sword suddenly roared, and actually displayed the same boxing technique as the youth.

Life and death fight!


Two magic fists containing Death Aura collide, smash, collide, and smash again in the air like black stars, so that this world becomes A magical world.

“It’s you!” Ye Fei puzzled.

“It’s me!” The black-clad youth looked cold and ruthless.

He punches faster and has formed a terrifying black meteor; and in this meteor, the gate of life and death behind the youth suddenly opens. In an instant, the world faded, and it seemed that there was a world of the dead, appearing in front of everyone, making people feel a strong terror from their hearts.

Ye Fei’s mind was also immediately affected to a certain extent, but at the moment when the impact appeared, his mind, the golden spiritual nebula, suddenly formed a vortex, which brought all his fears, everything All negative emotions are absorbed.


There is no fear, Ye Fei’s body, the raging flames of war, have been burning, his eyes are shining, and the fighting intent is soaring. The fight of life and death, in this brief moment, was pushed to the limit by him, and it also formed a terrifying purple-golden meteor, colliding with the black meteor on the opposite side, and shattered.

“Why do you want to shoot me, do you have difficulties?” Ye Fei did not do his best to shoot. He is now fighting against the black armored youth purely with the strength of his fleshy body.

The black-clad youth’s expression was indifferent, and a murderous intention clearly appeared on his body, “Hand over all the spirit veins in your body, my Human Demon Palace, I can spare you not to die!”

“I want my spirit vein, unless I step on my corpse!” Ye Fei’s expression suddenly became cold, he accelerated the speed of punching, but his heart was unavoidable.

“Then, I will step on your corpse!” In the mouth of the black armored youth, a demon dragon-like roar suddenly rang out. He suddenly retreated and walked into the portal that represents life and death, “Look Clearly, this is the real life-and-death fight, where life and death are seized, and people are killed!”

hong long long!

Life and Death Gates are completely open. At this time, the black armored youth seems to have undergone some kind of terrifying transformation of life and death, and instantaneously seized all the vitality of the surrounding 1,000 meters, condensed into a more The terrifying magic fist hit Ye Fei.


Ye Fei did not step back, a huge anger suddenly appeared on his face, and his fists, like the purple-golden sun, bloomed With a dazzling brilliance, he tried to smash the Life and Death Gates, and at the same time pulled out the black armored youth inside and beat him up.


The fists of the two collided again, and the void behind each other suddenly trembled violently, stirring up terrifying ripples. The ripples destroyed the mountains and rivers and caused the vegetation to wither. Then, the bodies of the two of them, at the same time, like a kite with a broken wire, retreated wildly.

But without waiting to retreat, a terrifying demon flame suddenly appeared on the body of the black armored youth, like a demon who walked out of hell, roaring violently, regardless of the injury, fiercely out of the gate of life and death, another shot Contains Death Aura’s black magic fist. “Kill, the war demon is immortal!” Ye Fei growled, his body, golden rays of light, full of demons and madness. Also when he retreated, he hit another punch, but missed each other with that dead’s punch. Fiercely’s punch directly hit the shoulder of the black armored youth. Just listen to a click

The black armored youth’s shoulder bones shattered, and the severe pain made him mad. The Death Fist suddenly hit Ye Fei’s body at a more terrifying speed. A blood hole came out.

Then the two both backed away, looking at each other in surprise.

“Why, do you want to be a running dog in the Human Demon Hall? Do you know, what is standing behind the Human Demon Hall?” Ye Fei asked in a deep voice.

“My Master is Human Demon!” The black-clad youth had an indifferent expression, and a terrifying murderous aura formed a bloody hurricane, and the surrounding space made an overwhelming crunch.

Then, the young man in black armor moved. His intact arm suddenly came out, but when he passed through the gate of life and death, all the flesh and blood on his arm disappeared, completely turning into a terrifying The bone claws became bigger than the mountains, and they slammed at Ye Fei.

“Get out of the sword, I know, you are the best sword!”

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