“Courting death, rubbish, you, a Martial Master Realm, dare to despise me, a Martial Sect expert, one of the top ten geniuses. I will kill you today. Remember, the person who killed you, It’s Zheng Hao!”

Zheng Hao rushed towards Ye Fei in the same rage. Before people arrived, a terrifying sword glow had already pierced Ye Fei’s throat, and Ye Fei couldn’t help laughing.

If you don’t even master the sword intent, are you embarrassed to use a sword in front of me? Today I will teach you what is the real Sword Art.

Hell Fire Sword!


Within the body, the divine fire outside the sky turned into hellfire, and it appeared on the Spirit Sword. Ye Fei also swung a sword, which was like a stormy sea.

In silence, Zheng Hao’s sword glow has been shattered.


The two swords collided violently, and the Spirit Sword carried a terrifying hellfire, with no difficulty, burning the long sword in Zheng Hao’s hand into one Pile of scrap iron.

Zheng Hao backed away in horror, looking at the flaming Spirit Sword in Ye Fei’s hand in disbelief: “What kind of flame is that, even my high-grade profound tool can be burned, but the one in his hand The sword is okay, I see, you rubbish, there is actually a Treasure Item in your hand!”

In Martial Dao world, weapons are also classified, ordinary ordinary artifacts, sophisticated mysterious artifacts, and precious Treasure Item and so on.

When he saw Ye Fei’s Spirit Sword, Zheng Hao was shocked to discover that the sword in Ye Fei’s hand turned out to be of Treasure Item level.

The gap between Xuan Qi and Treasure Item is one heaven and one underground. Not to mention Zheng Hao is surprised, Luo Xing is also a little surprised, Ye Fei actually has a Treasure Item.

“It’s just that, even so, it’s impossible to narrow the gap between Martial Master and Martial Sect.” Luo Xing then shook his head, still not optimistic about Ye Fei.

After Zheng Hao was surprised, he quickly reacted, and immediately issued an extremely cheerful said with a big smile: “hahaha, today is really my lucky day for Zheng Hao, first I found a silver token. Then I encountered the rubbish that Ouyang Jie must kill. The most important thing is that there is still a Treasure Item in the hands of this rubbish!”

“Trash, it depends on you bringing me a treasure. Come on, I’ll let you die a little bit easier, and let you see my strongest boxing technique, Dragon Boxing!”


Dragon roar all around.

Zheng Hao waved his fist, and an illusory shadow of Azure Dragon appeared on his arm. Ye Fei realized that Zheng Hao’s strongest was not Sword Art, but boxing.

This point, even Luo Xing did not notice.

“What you hide is quite deep, but unfortunately, with this strength, if you want to kill me, you are still far away. Don’t think that you are the only one who owns Earth Grade martial arts!”

Hellfire, Ghost God cry!

Ye Fei’s sword in his hand changed. Just now, it was still full of flames. Suddenly, the entire Spirit Sword was waved and it became Ghost God unpredictable.

In the air, there was a faint cry of ghosts.

It was not really crying, but the sound of sword energy walking through in the sky, without waiting for Zheng Hao to get close to him.

Ye Fei has already swung out an invisible sword energy to mark Zheng Hao’s arm with a deep scar. If it weren’t for Zheng Hao’s subconsciously dodge, the sword just now, Ye Fei had Enough to cut off one arm of this person.

“Impossible, how can your sword energy be invisible.” Zheng Hao’s face was pale, and he turned back in an extremely embarrassed manner, not daring to approach Ye Fei.

Because when Zheng Hao was not near yet, Ye Fei waved three swords in succession, and the first sword cut his arm. Where are the remaining two swords?

Zheng Hao, as he was facing the enemy, was very vigilant about all around the air. Luo Xing, who had completed his healing, was also stupid on the spot.

What did he see? Zheng Hao in the Martial Sect realm was shocked by Ye Fei swinging two swords casually. He seemed to be injured.

Fearing that he was too badly injured and having hallucinations, Luo Xing rubbed his eyes very hard.

100th Chapter 36 Playing Martial Sect

100th Chapter 36 Playing Martial Sect

Ye Fei really pushed Zheng Hao back. The impact on Luo Xing’s heart can be imagined. Originally, he didn’t have much strength for Ye Fei, and he even dared to offend Ouyang Jie, which Luo Xing looked down upon.

But the scene before him was beyond the expectations of Luo Xing and Zheng Hao.

Ye Fei didn’t say anything. He just watched backwards with a cold face. The biggest feature of Hell Fire Sword is that the sword energy can be invisible. As long as Zheng Hao is still within the attack range of his sword energy, then There is absolutely no escape.

wu wu!

The air vibrated and made a sound like the cry of Ghost God. When Zheng Hao avoided the first sword energy, there were two more sword energy, one on the left and one on the right. Head and neck.

“Roar, no matter how weird Sword Art is, all break for me!”

Zheng Hao roared, two Azure Dragon phantoms suddenly appeared on his fists, no matter what In spite of this, he directly exploded all around the space.

Of course, the two invisible sword energy were also destroyed in this way.

“Zheng Hao uses force to break the skill. In the end, he is the expert of Martial Sect 2nd layer. The realm is a lot higher than Ye Fei. No matter how strong Sword Art is, in the face of absolute strength, It has no effect.” Luo Xing shook his head, ready to take action.

“Don’t come here, I won’t be responsible for hurting you.” Ye Fei is still indifferent, not surprising that Zheng Hao can crush sword energy.

In the end, Zheng Hao is also a Martial Sect expert, even if he can’t see the sword energy, he can still sense the approximate position of the sword energy.

“But…you only have two hands, I want to see how many sword energy, hellfire, Ghost God chaos you can smash at the same time!”

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