The Supreme Master looked cold, he grabbed Black Sword, just like the Human Demon Palace Lord, he used it as a stone and slammed it forward, but he didn’t know whether the bloodline was burning. , While holding the Black Sword tightly, the burning bloodline of the Supreme Master suddenly ignited the Black Sword.


The originally unremarkable Black Sword, in the burning of the bloodline, turned out to be a dazzling starlight. Amidst the roar, it actually smashed the bone sword of the Human Demon Palace Lord into More than a dozen pieces of debris.


As the bone sword shattered, the heavy Black Sword was cast unabated, and with the remaining starlight, he smashed a bone arm of the Human Demon Palace Lord into two pieces on the spot.

“No, this is impossible, it is just the sword embryo of Demi-God Artifact, how could it cut my arm…aaaaaah!”

The pain made Human Demon The Palace Lord was crazy. He took the broken arm and stared at Ye Fei with hatred. Then he didn’t say anything, then suddenly turned around and rushed to the distant sky at the fastest speed.

“Where do you go, Zhang Chunyang, why don’t you chase after!”

The battle between the Human Demon Palace Lord and the Supreme Master was only a moment, and Shang Jing waited for the Emperor Zhun to wake up. She subconsciously wanted to lead people to catch up, completely beheading the Human Demon Palace Lord, and eradicating a threat to the merchant.

“No need to chase, this Black Sword is weird, it actually consumed all my bloodline power at once…”


Seeing that the Human Demon Palace Lord has indeed escaped, the burly body of the Supreme Demon suddenly became rickety, and the whole person, as if in this brief moment, completely lost the Essence, Qi, and Spirit, the light of the burning bloodline on his body , Disappeared completely, Shang Jing’s heart trembled inexplicably, and then tears flowed down. At this time, the Human Demon Palace Lord who was still running away, she immediately rushed over, hugged the “corpse” of the Supreme Demon, and burst into tears, “Zhang Chunyang, I killed you, if not I, you will not consume 2/3 of your life, now, for me, you have lost the most

life essence, but you can rest assured, from now on, I will always be with you, I will guard your tomb for the rest of my life!” Shang Jing cried very sad and touching. At this moment, she was completely showing her true feelings, and all Shangluo who watched followed wiped her tears. But Ye Fei can clearly see that the Dean Taishang, who is tightly held by Shang Jing, has a pale face and is very hard pressed, although she is reluctant to disturb Shang Jing’s affection at this time, Ye

Fei finally couldn’t bear to remind him. “The Chief Alliance Leader, that, the Supreme Dean seems to be not dead…”

Chapter 1528 Eat whatever you like

“Ye Fei, you don’t need to comfort me.” Hear With Ye Fei’s words, Shang Jing cried more sadly, and hugged the Supreme Dean even tighter.

At this time, even in Shangluo, I faintly felt something wrong, because when Shang Jing was holding the Dean Taishang and crying bitterly, she clearly saw that Dean Taishang’s double The legs began to tremble, which is not the response of a dead person at all.

Shang Luo finally exclaimed in surprise: “Aunt, Dean Taishang is really not dead, you are holding your arms too tight, Dean Taishang can’t breathe…”

It was the good niece she brought out by herself. Others might coax her with words, but Shangluo certainly wouldn’t. Only then did Shang Jing quickly let go of the clinging dean. Suddenly saw an old grandmaster who was pale and gasping.

“I was suffocated to death.” The Supreme Dean was filled with the joy of avoided a catastrophe. Shang Jing, who heard this, blushed like blood, pretending to be angrily: “Old to have no shame, you pretended to be dead, deliberately taking advantage of my old lady!”

face sexy bearing The Chief Alliance Leader of and charming temperament, who was also awe-inspiring just now, his face was frightened. He smiled bitterly and shook his head and said, “Shang Jing, you let me go, my old bones can’t die! “

“Don’t let it go!” Shang Jing not only didn’t let it go, she also took advantage of the fact that the Dean could not resist. He picked up Dean Taishang on the spot,

Dean Taishang vomited blood on the spot, he struggled and said: “This is not suitable, I will go by myself…”

“If something is inappropriate, I like tender cows to eat old grass, whoever cares!” Shang Jing, the general Alliance Leader, is as aggressive as ever.

A group of Chamber of Commerce quasi-emperors all blocked their ears instantly, turned around in embarrassment, and did not dare to listen or watch. Ye Fei and Shangluo’s eyes went straight.

Of course, considering that the other party is an elder, the Supreme Master gave their lives to save them this time. Ye Fei and Shangluo also hurriedly pretended not to see or hear anything.

Shangluo consciously ran to tease Dragon Tortoise. I have seen Dragon Tortoise escape faster than thieves. Shangluo has decided that he must find a way to give Dragon Tortoise to kidnapped.

Ye Fei hurriedly rushed to the place where the Black Sword fell. Relying on the grass’s response to the surrounding vegetation, he quickly dragged the Black Sword out of a huge gully.

He was surprised to find that the Black Sword shattered the bone sword that was obviously Demi-God Artifact. There was no damage to it, not even a piece of the stone skin was dropped. Ye Fei’s face could not help but feel a little moved. “This Black Sword, it seems that something is really wrong…”

At first, he, like the Human Demon Palace Lord, thought that this Black Sword was just an ordinary star sword embryo, which Black Sword could bear. He didn’t pay much attention to the Destruction Sword anger of the Indestructible Sword Soul.

Until the Supreme Master, holding the Black Sword, not only shattered the Demi-God Artifact bone sword of the Human Demon Palace Lord, but also smashed the boneless arms of the Human Demon Palace Lord. , Ye Fei was truly shocked.

“Ye Fei, this Black Sword is yours? Do you know where it came from?” At this time, the Dean at Taishang finally recovered some strength and was supported by Shang Jing and fell to the ground When he saw Ye Fei wave Black Sword skillfully, a flash of surprise flashed on his face.

Ye Fei said solemnly: “I don’t know the specifics. I brought this from the Asura Sacred Palace. It is said that it used to be a sword embryo in the starry sky called Wuji Sword Sect made of stars…”

The dean Taishang’s expression is also obviously shocked: “What, it is actually made by stars, no wonder, it can consume all my bloodline power in one breath, Ye Fei, this Black Sword is very out of The ordinary, it’s definitely not as simple as the Demi-God Artifact sword embryo.”

Ye Fei nodded, he also discovered that, since the ordinary sword embryo is not a formed weapon, there is no Formation inside. There is no Spiritual Qi, and it is even more impossible to use it to display martial arts.

When facing Human Demon, Ye Fei used it to burn Sword Soul and unexpectedly displayed Taiji Sword Dao. Then when the Supreme Master was also burning bloodline, he accidentally inspired Black Sword’s Power of Stars.

This is obviously not as simple as a coincidence.

“The two accidents were the burning of power, which changed the Black Sword. Could it be, what special power is hidden in this Black Sword?” Ye Fei stroked the Black Sword, and suddenly something burned. A bloodline impulse, in the end, his within the body, but there is Demon God bloodline.

The dean Taishang stopped him very seriously: “Don’t study now, let’s go quickly and return to True Martial Saint Court! There are so many experts in the Human Demon Palace, and you are carrying a treasure, Human Demon Palace. Lord, I won’t take a break easily!”

“Yes, it’s important to return to the Chamber of Commerce quickly!” Shang Jing hurriedly commanded the quasi-emperor of the Chamber of Commerce who followed over to open the Domain Portal together. The Domain Portal is no longer land, but the starry sky.

At the same time, a group of rays of light enveloped everyone in an instant, Ye Fei felt that he had become a star, rushing into the star, and then in a very short time, spanning the long The starry sky fell directly into a majestic city.

This male city happens to be a mall and the headquarters of Chamber of Commerce.

It was not until he returned here that Shang Jing was completely relaxed. The Dean Taishang looked a little ugly: “Why didn’t he return to True Martial Saint Court?”

“True Martial Saint Court too Weak, not equal to me, Chamber of Commerce, safe, Zhang Chunyang, come with me, and I have something to tell you.”

The dean Shang Jingchao Taishang hooked his finger and pointed again. Refers to his boudoir. All the members of the Chamber of Commerce looked weird, but didn’t dare to say more, and hurriedly made an embarrassing excuse to leave.

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