Because of a miscalculation of the formidable power of Black Sword, Human Demon Palace Lord broke an arm because of bad luck. After strength great injury, he had to run ahead of time.

“It is estimated that when I look back, Human Demon Palace Lord wakes up to the value of Black Sword, he will definitely regret it, and he should not give me the Black Sword he desperately snatched.”

Human Demon Palace Lord’s original intention was to use Ye Fei’s own sword to kill Ye Fei in a humiliating way.

However, instead of smashing Ye Fei to death, he accidentally let Ye Fei discover the hidden secret of Black Sword. In fact, the moment he broke his arm, the Human Demon Palace Lord was already furious. Extremely regretful, shouldn’t smash the Black Sword impulsively.

Helpless, at that time, both Ye Fei and Human Demon Palace Lord only regarded Black Sword as an iron bump, until the Supreme Dean accidentally opened the secret of Black Sword, Human Demon Palace. Lord is regretful. Not only did he break his arm, but he also regretted his intestines all the way.

At this time, Ye Fei was holding Black Sword even more, and he was very happy, “With this Black Sword, I will see who dares to be in front of me in the future, take out Demi-God Artifact, hmph ! “

“Ye Fei, can you be in cultivation?” During Ye Fei’s research on Black Sword, the voice of Dean Taishang suddenly came in from outside. His expression is inevitably a little weird, but he greeted him quickly, “Too great Dean, have you finished talking about your ideals of life with the Alliance Leader so soon?”

Chapter 1530: The hero is late

“Who gives birth to ideals? What do we say about this?” The dean of the Supreme Master heard this for a moment, as if he didn’t understand the deep meaning behind this. “Cough cough, the dean is too high, you just treat me as if I didn’t say it.” Ye Fei sweated, feeling a little too casual, the dean too was the elder, how could he make such a joke with the elder? He quickly showed a respectful look, otherwise it would be obvious that he was teasing a Heaven Grade

Zhundi was angry, so he would not be killed on the spot. The Supreme Dean didn’t care either. He shook his head slightly, shaking his happy doubts, and solemnly said: “Ye Fei, this is the first time we meet officially. The old man should ask you directly. Have you ever felt that True Martial Saint Court? , It has caused a burden on you, you can tell me bluntly, no matter what you think in your heart, we will not blame you.”

The eyes of Dean Taishang are muddy, there is nothing In the battle, that burly and domineering heroic posture, but his turbid eyes, there is another wisdom that has gone through the vicissitudes of the years and has insight into people’s hearts. Seeing those eyes, he couldn’t help falling into silence. He began to think carefully about the bits and pieces of joining True Martial Saint Court, the initial hostility and hardship, the current unity and sincerity, a warm current flashed in his heart, he thought , The Northern Territory is his home, but unconsciously, the True Martial St.

yard has become his other home, a precious home. “I have no regrets, I joined True Martial Saint Court! Without the training of True Martial Saint Court, I would not be as strong as I am today. Of course, I do feel that True Martial Saint Court is my burden. Without True Martial Saint Court, I It’s the flying eagle, I can fly freely, facing any forces, I don’t need to lower my head, I don’t need to scruples, worry, compromise, but…” said this, Ye Fei suddenly He shook his head again, and said ashamed: “But, I shouldn’t think like that! I shouldn’t dislike the weakness of True Martial Saint Court, this is the same as a child, shouldn’t dislike the poverty of the family, be poor, then work hard. Struggle! If you are weak, then try your best to become strong! Before

, I always thought that True Martial Saint Court kept me bound, but it was not True Martial Saint Court that really kept me bound. I am myself, not strong enough, not working hard enough, so I will blame the gods and accuse others, and push the fault to others subconsciously.”

After that, he lowered his head, like A child-like expression of shame. Of course, strictly speaking, in front of the hundreds of years old Dean, Ye Fei at this time is indeed a child, and his words are completely from the heart. Dean Taishang listened very carefully to every sentence of him, until after listening, the muddy old eyes of Dean Taishang flashed with tears. He quickly lifted the head again, looked towards the sky, and his tone was full of vicissitudes. , Is also full of gratification: “Xi Yingqing’s talent is not good, but looking at people, it is indeed better than us. Ye Fei, the old man is very thankful that you chose True Martial Saint Court at the beginning. It is because of you that With the current True Martial Saint Court

, and because of you, True Martial Saint Court, we can see the future, hope and glory…”

” Dean Taishang!”

Ye Fei in ones heart trembled, from the words of Dean Taishang, he heard a bad premonition. Could it be… “You are not mistaken, old man is in Let me explain the funeral! Originally, the old man deserved to die in a battle with the Human Demon Palace Lord. Although the strangeness of the Black Sword allowed me to save my life, my time is running out! But before I die, I must I have no ability to leave something for True Martial Saint Court

to revitalize it, but leave a glimmer of hope, sowing a fire, I can still do it, so from now on, The dean decided to expel you from True Martial Saint Court, can you agree?” The dean Taishang said in a low tone.

Ye Fei’s heart trembled even more fiercely. It was very uncomfortable. Holy Son walked on the Ancient Starry Sky Road and graduated. Before graduation, he was expelled.

“disciple, agree.” Ye Fei’s tone was difficult, but he could only be nodded. He knew that the dean was for his good.

In the end, he has caused too many misfortunes this time. Fajia, Human Demon Hall, and many Great Influences in Zhong Prefecture, but staring at him like a wolf, staring at him with a lot of spirit veins. If at this time, he is still in True Martial Saint Court, these evil wolves will definitely use True Martial Saint Court to blackmail him and restrain him.

Leaving at this time has become the best and wisest choice. “Okay, okay, as long as you can agree, I’m old and can’t continue to shoot, let alone protect Saint Court, Saint Court’s future depends on you! Remember, even if you leave Saint Court, you will always be True Martial Saint Court is the pride of us Old Guys. I have never pointed you. This time, I will make an exception and leave my Azure Dragon wrath to you!”

The dean Taishang took out a cheat book, and it was recorded that he modified the four phases of True Martial, the cultivation of Azure Dragon’s Fury.

“this cultivation technique, the old man has been unable to perfect it in his lifetime. I hope it can be carried forward in your hands. In this way, even if my True Martial Saint Court is destroyed, at least, we can still retain a trace of fire !”

Ye Fei was shocked, “True Martial Saint Court will perish?” The Supreme Dean let out a long sigh: “I am old and have no ability to guard Saint Court anymore. The Saint Court has only the immortal inheritance, so that even if the Saint Court perishes, you younger generations can still build it again! Of course, you don’t have to worry too much, at least, before the lion closes its eyes

, absolutely nothing Jackal, dare to invade!”

Ye Fei was silently nodded. He knew that the Supreme Dean was the lion guarding Saint Court. Unfortunately, this lion is old. To save him, It even exhausted the last strength.

At this moment, Ye Fei’s heart is suddenly very guilty. The Supreme Dean is full of open-mindedness. He said with a big smile: “No one is dead in life since ancient times! What about peerless genius, if you can’t become the Martial Emperor, you will inevitably be a hero. At this point, Ye Fei, you are better than old. Man is strong, you are still young, and there is plenty of time to wait for the arrival of Martial Dao Grand Era

! when the time comes. Old man is under Jiuquan, waiting for you to build a new and stronger The True Martial Saint Court!”

“The dean can rest assured that True Martial Saint Court will never be destroyed, because there is a dean, there are three deans and our disciplines!” Ye Fei Qiang Sorrowful, but still loudly said. Too Saint Court said with a smile: “With this heart, that is the greatest comfort of the old man. By the way, the Holy Son tower gives you the spirit vein inside. You can refining at will, just waiting for you to step on the Ancient Starry Sky Before Road, it was enough to hand it to Shangluo. By the way, Shangluo is now the True Martial Saint Court, the new Saintess.

“Saintess?” Ye Fei was a little surprised , But not surprisingly, where is Shangluo’s talent? She has a wizard bloodline. Before she fully awakens, Shangluo is a top genius. Now fully awakened, as it should be by rights, she can become Saint Court Saintess.

Chapter 1531 Repentance is beyond reach

It’s not that the principals of True Martial Saint Court are stingy. Ye Fei is not allowed to practice spirit transformation. The most important reason is, or Saint Sub Tower. Most of the spirit veins in it are owned by the Lú Family of the heavenly punishment.

Don’t look at the threats from the present, Lú Family took out fifty spirit veins in order to redeem Lu Qing, but everyone knows that this is just heavenly punishment. Only, once the Supreme Dean dies, Lú Family can take these spirit veins back at any time.

At best, these spirit veins are the Lú Family temporarily placed in the True Martial Saint Court. Ye Fei can use them for cultivation. If you dare to directly refining, it will offend Lú Family to death. Ye Fei also understood this very early, knowing that these spirit veins can be used, and absolutely cannot be refining. When he heard that Dean Taishang suddenly allowed him to refining the spirit veins in it, he knew, too The dean, I’m afraid it’s really time running out, this will make this risky decision.

Ye Fei was moved in his heart, but at the same time he immediately made a decision that no matter what he thought of, he must make True Martial Saint Court stronger. If possible, he would like to save too much. Dean’s life.

“I remember the Third Dean once said that Thunder Tribulation fluid can last my life. If I can get enough Thunder Tribulation fluid in Heavenly Tribulation, maybe, Dean Taishang can live even more. For a long time, in this way, I can be regarded as repaying the kindness of the Supreme Dean.” Ye Fei pondered secretly.

However, he did not reject the kindness of the dean too. After all, he obtained only 36 spirit veins from the Legalist school, which is far away from the fifty spirit veins he needs. Fourteen, and these spirit veins, in the Holy Son tower, happen to be ready.

“Fifty spirit veins are enough for me to raise the War God Dao to the 9th floor, when the time comes, my talent is comparable to top geniuses, of course my true battle strength, But definitely better than these top geniuses.” In Ye Fei’s eyes, strong confidence flashed.

While watching the silhouette of the Supreme Master disappear, Ye Fei opened the Holy Son Tower and walked directly in. Suddenly, he felt Spiritual Qi assaults the senses inside.

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