Chapter 1541 Serious Consequences

As the son of Fierce Sun Sect Elder, Wang An’s biggest hobby is not cultivation, but hunting, but what he hunts is not starry beasts, but It is specifically looking for those beautiful women who have come out of Heavenly Martial Continent and experienced.

When he finds these women, Wang An will immediately see the egg like a fly, biting it desperately, and then trying his best to get him.

At the same time, Wang An is very smart. He knows that Fierce Sun Sect is powerful, but if he is not careful and offends public anger, even if he is the son of Elder, he will be severely punished. So Wang An imposed certain restrictions on his hunting goals.

The women of the Martial Emperor Aristocratic Family will never touch them. Some powerful quasi-empire Aristocratic Family will try their best not to provoke them. As for others, such as Saint Court, or some sects, the Imperial Aristocratic Family A woman from a small force like that would become Wang An’s best hunting target.

Just three months ago, there happened to be another batch of martial artists from Heavenly Martial Continent who came to the Ancient Starry Sky Road to experience. Wang An immediately prepared and selected a few of them. A female martial artist worth hunting, as her hunting target. As a veteran of Hua Cong, Wang Ai first used the means of gifting treasures, helping experience, showing off his family background, showing off his strength, etc., successfully hunting to three goals, but when Wang An was full of confidence, he was ready to hunt for the fourth goal, which is also his most important. Unexpectedly, he was rejected by the opponent


No matter what method Wang An uses, he can’t capture the other’s heart, but makes him even more disgusted by him. But after all Wang An is a smart man, he finds that ordinary methods cannot successfully hunt, Wang An Immediately he thought of a more vicious idea. He deliberately spread the news of a Martial Emperor Small World, and then bought several martial artists, invited the target to explore this Small World together. Unsurprisingly, the target could not refuse such a fortuuitous encounter, and soon Join a team of martial artists to break into this sea of ​​rocks, looking for the Small World of the Martial Emperor.

It’s just that they didn’t find the Small World, but instead attracted Wang An’s painful killer. He first killed several martial artists he had bought to prevent them from leaking the news. When preparing to attack the target, he encountered fierce resistance unexpectedly.

It is the first time that Wang An has encountered such a tricky prey. Not only is he not annoyed, but he is also extremely excited. He clearly can catch up with his strength, but Wang An just doesn’t catch up. It’s like a cat playing with a mouse, always chasing behind and making fun.

Little sister Zhu also quickly noticed Wang An’s teasing eyes. A flash of despair and death flashed across her face. Taking advantage of the moment Wang An had not caught up, Zhu Xiaomei burned herself instantly The bloodline, brazenly prepared Self-destruction, perish together with Wang An.

This scene finally frightened Wang An. He stopped playing, and a huge anger appeared on his face. He roared, “Sister Zhu, you are so courageous. Before my woman, you are not qualified to die, stop it!”

bang! Wang An finally made a move. In his hand, he grabbed a blazing horrible sun, next moment, The sun radiated endless flames, suppressing sister Zhu. Under this fire, sister Zhu’s originally burning bloodline was completely suppressed, and even Primordial Spirit became dull

, her face , Showing a look of despair and fear.

“Sister Zhu from the Aristocratic Family? Why did you also come to the Ancient Starry Sky Road?”

At this moment, a silhouette suddenly blocked Zhu Xiaomei from a distance. before.

“Ye Fei!”

I wish the little girl couldn’t believe her eyes, and then she yelled in horror, “Ye Fei, go away, Wang is Fierce Sun Sect The top genius of the star!”

In the heart of Zhu Xiaomei, Ye Fei is very powerful and completely broke the limit of the abandoned man, but it is still a little behind the top genius of the Star Sect.

“I wish you rest assured, my little girl, I will leave, but after killing this scum.” A flash of anger flashed on Ye Fei’s face.


At the moment of blocking Zhu Xiaomei, a terrifying golden rays of light appeared on Ye Fei’s body. In Zhu Xiaomei’s eyes, Ye Fei at this time , It is like becoming a golden battle Demon King. He raised the Black Sword, and the Black Sword threw a terrifying ripple on the starry sky.

When Black Sword collided with Wang An’s blazing sun, the blazing sun was all split up and in pieces by Black Sword, forming a scattered fire, dissipating in the starry sky .

Wang An expression was shocked and looked at Ye Fei shouted with some shock: “Who are you, do you know this Young Master is who?”

“I know, you are slut !” Ye Fei’s expression was full of seriousness, and then he shook his head more seriously: “No, you are praised by saying that you are a slut, you should be the residue in the slut!”

His expression, More seriously.


Knowing that I can’t laugh at this time, Zhu Xiaomei couldn’t help but laugh. At the same time, she was secretly grateful that if Ye Fei didn’t show up, she could only activate the secret. Technique, suicide to save innocence.

“Damn it, this Young Master wants your life!” Wang Anger was completely enraged. As the blazing sun shattered, his whole person was already burning like the sun. At the same time, a flame domain appeared from Wang An’s hand, and a lava domain appeared from Wang An’s other hand.

With his roar, the field of flame condenses into a terrifying red sun and a field of lava, forming a more terrifying Flame Furnace.


Wang An controlled his strongest domain, without the slightest hesitation, directly hit Ye Fei with a deadly hand, and wanted to kill Ye Fei instantly.

roar! roar! roar!

Ye Fei said nothing. Behind him, an angry dragon roar was heard, and then eight dragons rushed from behind him. The Blood Dragon, Ice Dragon, and Azure Dragon opened at the same time, and what they spewed out of their mouths was not Jinri, but one after another complete domain.

Gorefiend Realm!

The field of ice!

Azure Dragon Realm!

The three king-level domains were all beaten out by Ye Fei in one sigh. At the same time, under the impetus of the Octopus Tianlong, eight mysterious worlds appeared behind Ye Fei.


The Taikoo Tiangong collided with Wang An’s blazing sun, and burst a group of terrifying rays of light, causing the starry sky to tremble violently, and there were circles of terrifying ripples, but Ye Fei’s eight Tianlong, completely motionless, like eight eternal worlds, completely suppressed the starry sky. Wang An was groaned. Not only was the two king-level domains smashed by the ancient heavenly powers, but he also received a heavy blow. His expression suddenly became panicked, and he shouted loudly, “Stop, you know I am Who? My father is Fierce Sun Sect Elder, who offends me, your consequences are very serious!”

Chapter 1542 Humanoid Dragon Beast

“You Fierce Sun Sect, occupy The Ancient Starry Sky Road that belonged to us, even if we want to scrape it, and now we are still bullying, do you really think that our Heavenly Martial Continent has no one?” Ye Fei looked cold, and shot more fiercely. He waved the Black Sword and pointed again. Wang An killed the past.

Wang An was furious, through childhood, he walked unhindered in the starry sky, when was he beaten so embarrassed, his body was soaring to the sky, and at the same time the broken sun field and lava The domain, unexpectedly, reunited at this time.

“Fierce Yang God palm!”

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