“There is actually a king-level realm. It seems that Xiaomei Zhu’s side can support a period of time even in the face of siege. During this period, I only need to kill Xue Yun and Wang An , This so-called Killing Leaf Alliance will naturally disintegrate!”

Ye Fei’s expression is cold, and his rapidly turning mind has already analyzed the situation facing him in an instant. Without any hesitation immediately, Ye Fei’s hand, the heavy Black Sword, with the power of terrifying matchless, slammed forward, smashing the void violently, showing signs of impending collapse, Xue Yun condensed heavenly Blade, even under the Black Sword, was completely broken and turned into streamer


Xue Yun’s face turned pale when he brushed it. It seems unbelievable that Ye Fei’s Black Sword had such a terrifying power that it directly smashed his world! “Xue Yun, be careful, the weight of that kid’s Black Sword is terrifying, and it can smash our king-level domain even more!” Wang An suffered from the Black Sword’s hands. When he saw Ye Fei take out the Black Sword, he Cunning avoided it. When Ye Fei Black Sword was smashed out, Wang An immediately seized the opportunity and suddenly launched

the most fierce counterattack.

His Fierce Yang God fist, with rays of light of innocence and blazing flames, is like the sun at this time, illuminating the entire Small World, and ruthlessly rushing towards Ye Fei, if this fist is When hit, he was confident and directly melted Ye Fei’s body into black charcoal.

“Eight Dragons!”

Ye Fei releases golden light all over his body, just like a golden Demon God, within the body it emits eight terrifying dragon roars, eight dragons, already Roaring, rushed from his within the body. Then the big mouths of the eight heavenly dragons opened at the same time, and five of them breathed golden dragon’s breath, like five golden waterfalls, hanging upside down in the sky. The other blood dragons Ice Dragon and Azure Dragon opened their mouths at the same time, spouting three king-level domains with bright rays of light, and crashed into Wang An’s Fierce Yang God punch.

Wang An’s Fierce Yang God fist broke on the spot, and he himself was forced to retreat continuously by the power of the eight heavenly dragons.

“How is it possible that the man who is abandoned in the sky is not a waste on Martial Dao? How is it possible that he has three king-level domains!” Xue Yun was shocked.

You must know that, as the top genius of the Valley of the Blade God, he has been arduous cultivation for more than 20 years, but barely possesses two king-level domains.

And Ye Fei, without blinking his eyes, released three king-level domains in one breath. Xue Yun’s heart suddenly flashed with a strong jealousy and anger, “I will never allow it. Overtaken by a Martial Dao trash, Ye Fei, I want your life, the real knife!”

Boom ka!

Under his anger, Xue Yun’s real knife, Even more terrifying, it has almost condensed into substance, forming a special knife that penetrates Ye Fei’s body and directly slashes at Ye Fei’s soul. But at the moment when this spiritual knife touched Ye Fei’s mind, Ye Fei’s spiritual nebula suddenly burst into a group of terrifying spiritual vortex. Among the vortex, there is also one that is more eye-catching spirit than the real knife. The sword not only shattered Xue Yun’s real sword instantly, but also formed a brilliant golden sword light that pierced into Xue Yun’s mind.

Chapter 1551 Bloodline Burning

“Ye Fei, do you think that Xue Yun will be the same twice?” As the top genius of the Valley of the Blade God, Xue Yun is not as good as Xue Yue, But this person’s combat experience is also very rich. At the moment when he discovered that he was no match for the sword of reality, his spirit strength as a top genius suddenly broke out, forming a special kind of spiritual armor to protect his soul. This method also went beyond Ye Fei’s expectations. He was a little surprised to find that even though the general martial artist cannot cultivation witchcraft, Tookami did not know what method to use, and actually mastered a very wonderful spiritual martial arts. This kind of martial arts allows them to gather spirit strength and use

to attack and defend.

“It’s a pity that the opponent you met is me. Competing with me for spirit strength, you are too far behind!” Ye Fei shook his head indifferently. Although he also doesn’t know how to witchcraft, the powerful Spirit Nebula has already given him a terrifying spirit strength comparable to a wizard.

At this time, Ye Fei mobilized all these spirit strengths, only to hear a thud. In his mind, the golden spiritual nebula suddenly formed a terrifying spiritual vortex.

In vortex, one after another Sword of Reality, turned into a golden light, continuously cut to Xue Yun, one, two, five, ten!

“No, that’s absolutely impossible!” When he saw Ye Fei let out ten Spirit Attacks in one breath, Xue Yun’s proud eyes revealed a deep touch. Fear.

Even the strongest genius in the Valley of the Sword God, Xue Yue, the god of swordsman, he can release five Spirit Attacks once, which is the limit, while Ye Fei has released ten times in a row! Doesn’t this mean that Ye Fei’s spirit strength is twice as strong as Xue Yue’s peerless genius?

bang! bang! bang!

The sword of reality continuously stabs Xue Yun and collides with Xue Yun’s spiritual armor. Every time the two men’s spirits collide , Both seemed as if two drums of war were roaring, shaking the world and shaking people’s hearts. “Ah, Wrath of the Blade God, Ye Fei, I’m fighting with you!” Xue Yun vomited blood frantically, and every mental collision between the two sides was a serious blow to him. In fact, as early as when Ye Fei’s 2nd real sword was cut over, Xue Yun’s spiritual armor had been shattered, and then Ye Fei’s spiritual sword was continuously stabbing. Enter Xue Yun’s in the depth of one’s soul, to crush his soul with all strikes.

But Xue Yun is a top genius in the end. He is not only powerful, but his soul is surprisingly powerful. At the moment when Ye Fei’s spiritual sword is about to crush his soul, Xue Yun suddenly fell into complete madness. On his body, a layer of flames exuding a terrifying sword intent began to burn.

“This is the unique bloodline of the sword god valley! It is said that the ancestor of the sword god valley was once an illegal child of Martial God, so many of the descendants of the sword god valley have a certain degree of Martial God bloodline !” The martial artist who was watching the game couldn’t help exclaiming.

Originally, many people thought that this was a face-to-face battle. Anyone facing two top geniuses and a dozen super genius would only be defeated in the end.

But at this time, Ye Fei not only smashed Wang An with a sword, but also used a peculiar Spirit Attack. The forced Xue Yun had to burn the bloodline to block Ye Fei’s attack.

How is this possible?

“Kill! The Wrath of the Blade God!” Xue Yun went into madness. Obviously, he couldn’t fully control the bloodline power within the body. After all, this is Martial God bloodline, even if Xue Yun is within the The bloodline of the body is very thin, but the burst of power is also extremely amazing.

At this moment, the whole world is full of infinite knife intent, Tearing the Void, Star Fragmentation Chen, and finally Xue Yun’s whole person, at this moment, turned into a sharp burning The terrifying heavenly blade with blood flames cuts at Ye Fei’s body fiercely and ruthlessly. “Suffer! Lieyang burns the mountain!” Seeing Xue Yun started desperately, Wang An also roared, and also burned his own Lieyang bloodline, his body, as if turned into a large human-shaped oven, he held high. On the palm of the hand, the roaring flames suddenly formed a round of hot sun.

This scorching sun, like a divine fire, descended on the earth, igniting the mountain range, and burst out into the sky.

“Let’s go too!” The others in the Shaye Alliance also angrily shot. 100,000,000,000 Spirit Stone is still very tempting. In order to obtain these Spirit Stones, they must also do their best at this time. .

Suddenly, all kinds of martial arts rays of light, once again from all directions, blast towards Ye Fei.

Ye Fei’s expression also revealed a grave expression for the first time. Although he was very strong, he also felt tremendous pressure and intense anger in the face of so many geniuses at the same time.

“We have no complaints, no hatred, you just have to kill me for a little Spirit Stone, very good, since you are ruthless, don’t blame me very ruthless! Bloodline god armor!”


Ye Fei is no longer hiding. He directly displayed the bloodline god armor he just learned. This martial arts is the ancient Martial emperor who burns blood. The most rare thing about the life-saving skills created by later generations is that it does not require deliberate cultivation, as long as it has a special bloodline, it can be used. And it just so happened that Ye Fei’s within the body possessed the purest Demon God bloodline. When his bloodline began to burn, suddenly, a layer of peculiar armor burning with blood and flames covered Ye Fei’s whole body. , Ye Fei saw that a terrifying heavenly blade and a terrifying scorching sun hit his body at the same time.

At this moment, the Martial Emperor’s Small World also exploded astonishingly. In the end, it was the whistling Blade Qi and fiery flames, followed by a dozen super genius martial arts rays. Of light, the space where Ye Fei was stored was shaken violently, and the space continued to collapse like snow flakes.

Many martial artists have seen suck in a breath of cold air. If this is not the Small World of the Martial Emperor, with the combined blow of so many talents, this Small World may fall into the spot on the spot. collapse.

“You deserve to be a top genius. Although Ye Fei is very strong, he couldn’t resist the desperate blow of two top geniuses in the end!”

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