Without hesitation, the white haired old man made another shot. He no longer attacked from a distance, but instead used raging fire, condense a huge musket. As his musket pierced out, a piece of Pieces of fire, like sparks flying in the starry sky. “Nicky barrier, go to die!” The gray-haired old man, the robe of fire on his body, burned instantly, and his body seemed to be reborn in flames, from a thin old man to a majestic middle-aged man, in the hands of this man, The giant axe was lifted up, and as the axe cut down, the entire starry sky trembled violently,

it seemed to collapse.

roar! The last scarfaced old man opened his mouth and spewed a more terrifying five-color sacred fire. These sacred fires burned through the void, and one after another terrifying fire pit appeared, and it hooped again. With a sound, they condense into a huge Fire Dragon, fire horse, fire lion, and fire snake, forming a terrifying army of fire beasts, and it is necessary to completely submerge Ye Fei.

Ye Fei also suddenly felt an astonishing murderous intention from the three Heaven Grade Zhundi, but he still did not back down. Although the bloodline god armor could temporarily resist Heaven Grade The emperor’s attack, but once his bloodline burns out, he will die with blood without using Heaven Grade.

But since he is going to fight, or for the reputation of Heavenly Martial Continent, fighting for his dignity, he will never shrink back.

At the same time when the three Heaven Grade quasi-emperors rushed towards him, Ye Fei’s eyes suddenly flashed very ruthless and crazy, “After preparing for so many years, now, it is time for a breakthrough. That last step, War God said, 9th floor, give me a breakthrough!”

hong long!

Ye Fei’s within the body, the true essence is whizzing like a huge wave Like a landslide, huge power made him instantaneously break through the limit at this moment. A new god, formed in the soul of Ye Fei, made him step into the 9th floor of War God Road in an instant.

After that, Ye Fei directly ignored the close attacks of the three Heaven Grade quasi-emperors. He sat cross-legged in the starry sky and directly unlocked the Nine Changes of True Spirits, starting the sixth time, with the power of despair. Fusion, at this moment, the breath of Ye Fei was once again felt by Heavenly Dao.

In the entire starry sky, a vast terrifying pressure suddenly appeared. That coercion made Imperial Capital fearful, and all martial artists changed their colors.

“Heavenly Dao! This is the breath of Heavenly Dao!”

“This kid is crazy, he dares to survive the Martial Sovereign under our noses?”


“No, this is not Martial Sovereign Jie, my God, what is that Jie, how can it condense so fast, it directly covers the range of ten thousand meters!”

Three people Heaven Grade, the scared soul will dissipate at this time. You must know that the general Heavenly Tribulation has a very small scope and only targets the tribulation person itself, like Ye Fei. Once Heavenly Tribulation comes out, it will cover ten. The situation of thousand meters can only be so exaggerated with the Martial Emperor.

What is even more frightening is that the Heavenly Tribulation introduced by Ye Fei has almost no delay. As soon as Heavenly Dao appeared, the terrifying Heavenly Tribulation immediately came, almost instantaneously, the surrounding ten thousand meters All beings were regarded as targets of attack, and the starry sky of ten thousand meters suddenly turned into a terrifying sea of ​​thunder. Then next moment, this sea of ​​thunder has completely covered the starry sky, the thunder is like a vast ocean, Heavenly Dao is vast.

Chapter 1558 The Catastrophe of the Fiery Sun

A piece of thunder sea, instantly let several powerful Martial Sovereign standing in the range of the thunder sea, the quasi emperor, screamed in fear, all over his body All were scorched by electricity.

Of course, those who dared to stand so close were the martial artists of Fierce Sun Sect. They wanted to be close and watch the three Elders behead Ye Fei, but now they only hate Ye Fei too. Shameless, even if you save yourself from the catastrophe, you can force them to fight together.

You know, this is Heavenly Tribulation! Heavenly Dao that destroys everything!

At this time, these martial artists of Fierce Sun Sect all wished to have a few more legs so that they could run faster, but before they could run out, there was a loud bang and it spread out in the stars Far away.

This is Heavenly Dao’s anger. The last Heavenly Dao conquest failed to destroy Ye Fei, but Ye Fei’s desperate move has become a thorn in the eyes of Heavenly Dao. , So at the moment when he sensed Ye Fei’s breath, Heavenly Dao already sent out an angry Thunderous Roar. Immediately, in the sky, countless martial artists saw with amazement that at the end of the void, a majestic palace appeared, and inside it seemed that golden Deity was furious and roaring. With this roar, this ten thousand meters The thunder and lightning is overwhelming, suddenly rolling up the terrifying thunder and lightning waves, and pounce on all the lives in the thunder



The group of Fierce Sun Sect martial artists who tried to escape from the sea of ​​thunder were instantly smashed by these violent thunderbolt, flying ash annihilation, no matter whether it was Martial Sovereign or the general quasi emperor, none of them could resist this film. Thunder and lightning raged in the ocean.

The three Heaven Grade quasi-emperors also looked stupidly at the martial artists who died. Many of these people are their discipline of grand disciples. As a result, they are all taken as soon as Heavenly Dao Tribulation destroy.

“Crazy, this kid, shameless, so vicious means!”

“old man disciple of grand disciples, you died so miserably, old man is not today Kill this child, swear not to be a man!”

“Yes, quickly kill him, quickly kill this evil barrier!” The sky full of thunder and lightning has hurt less than three Heaven Grade quasi emperors, theirs At the same time, a fiery Heaven Grade field appeared on the body, forming a circle of fiery fire, separating them from the surrounding Thunder Sea, and then the three of them, with red eyes at the same time, with incomparable anger, madly killed Ye Fei


They don’t want Ye Fei to be destroyed by Heavenly Tribulation. They must kill Ye Fei with their own hands before Heavenly Tribulation is completely formed. Seeing the actions of the three, Ye Fei was sneaked.

He is no longer what he used to be. He is always forced to save the calamity in a hurry. For this time, he has been prepared for a year, how can he be like this? Simply interrupted by three people?

“Big Void Technique! Three old dogs, follow me if you have one!”

Boom ka!

Ye Fei has no cultivation technique like this The three Heaven Grade quasi-emperors are entangled, and the entanglement can’t be beaten anyway. Since he has begun to save the calamity, he of course has to maximize the effect of Heavenly Tribulation. Even if he died, he will also want these star sects for their arrogance. , Pay a heavy price!

This is Ye Fei’s plan. At this moment, he violently activated the big Void Technique at the moment Heavenly Tribulation appeared, and directly moved towards the distant Lieyang City and rushed over.

bang bang bang!

His actions undoubtedly make Heavenly Dao even more angry. This terrifying Heavenly Tribulation makes even martial artists outside ten thousand meters Look pale, the continuous spurt of blood being shaken, let alone the Heavenly Tribulation, the three Heaven Grade quasi-emperors who chased Ye Fei could not help but spurt a mouthful of blood.

On the contrary, it is Ye Fei. Since the bloodline armor is still burning, Ye Fei is not particularly concerned about the thunderbolt at this time.

The big Void Technique also allowed Ye Fei’s speed at this time to reach a limit. Although there is still more than a hundred miles away from Lieyang City, Ye Fei is just a breath. Rushed to the outside of Lieyang City.

But what makes him fear is that no matter how fast he moves, the Heavenly Tribulation of the void always locks him firmly. From a distance, it seems that the movement in the starry sky is no longer Ye Fei. , But a terrifying thunder sea in the range of ten thousand meters. Thunder and lightning are like the ocean, rolling terrifying waves, in the sky. With the complete formation of the cloud, a terrifying thunderbolt storm has been blown up, and the starry sky has also been lit by terrifying lightning rays. The thickness of the bucket, each of them, is enough for a Martial Saint powerhouse to be instantly electrified into coke

The three Heaven Grade quasi-emperors stayed in the starry sky for a lifetime, and they have seen many martial artists do it, but they have never seen such terrifying Heavenly Tribulation.

“No, this is no longer Heavenly Tribulation, this is the catastrophe of my Fierce Sun Sect! Wang wailing that idiot, how can he mess with such a lunatic!”

“Oh my God, What kind of sin did this kid do to attract such terrifying wrath as punishment!”

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