Pause for a while, and when everyone has digested this amazing news, in Small World, the Elder’s thunderous sound came again.

100th Chapter Thirty-Nine Old Disciple Shot

100th Chapter Thirty-Nine Old Disciple Shot

“Now, the 2nd Stage of Ranking Tournament has officially begun. Anyone who enters Small World disciple, you can grab the identity token of the new discipline at will, but it is limited to one.”

“On the contrary, considering the strength of the new disciple itself is weak, you can use any means to grab it without restriction. The identity token of the old discipline.”

“Finally, whoever gets the more contribution points will be the first in this ranking battle.”


The voices of the Elders reverberated two or three times in Small World, and then they fell silent, but the newcomer to Small World, the newcomer discipline, started to talk about it.

Some newcomers at the discipline are low-strength, knowing that the old discipline is coming in, they are definitely not opponents, and it will be a matter of time before they are eliminated. They all slam their feet and look at the sky in despair.

Some genius disciplines are self-reliant on their strengths, and hope that these old disciplines will come in quickly, in order to seize their identity tokens and improve their rankings.

Some smart people opened their voices and began to call friends: “Team, I don’t want to be caught by those eliminated Senior Brothers, who lost their identity tokens, come to team up, we hug one another Team, no matter how powerful Senior Brother, see who dares to provoke us.”

“Yes, we are not as strong as those Senior Brother, but we can form a team, count me.”

“I’ll also come…”

“Strong teams, seek cooperation, everyone join forces to snatch the identity tokens of those old disciplines, come if you are brave enough.”

Some people hold groups for warmth. Of course, there are also a small number of powerful new disciplines who will unite and wait for those old disciplines to appear, so as to rob them in turn.

After all, Elder said that the rules of this ranking battle have been changed. Previously, according to the level of tokens captured, it was converted into a Holy Land contribution point to determine the ranking.

After the rule changes, the factors that determine the ranking, in addition to the level of those tokens, will also have bonus points for those old discipline identity tokens.

At the same time, Holy Land also stipulates that the contribution points obtained by the newcomer’s discipline in the ranking battle can be exchanged for the corresponding Martial Cultivation Art or treasure in Holy Land.

From this point of view, despite the sudden changes in the rules this time, it is a good opportunity for those powerful newcomers to the discipline to earn contribution points.


After quickly sorting out the information he got in his head, Ye Fei suddenly felt that the participation of these old disciplines is not necessarily a bad thing for him.

Luo Xing looked at Ye Fei with excitement inexplicably: “Our new discipline’s ranking battle is actually to compete for the contribution point of Holy Land, especially those old disciplines. They have been in Holy Land for many years. There are many contribution points, Senior Brother Ye, this is a great opportunity for us to earn contribution points.”

Ye Fei of course understands what Luo Xing means, and his expression is a little weird: “You want Cooperate with me, you are not afraid to offend Ouyang Jie?”

“hmph, I have been offended from the moment I refused Ouyang Jie, and it doesn’t matter if I cooperate with you now.” Luo Xing’s face was a little ugly .

“Well, let’s cooperate.” Ye Fei is nodded. Although he has confidence in his own strength, those are all old disciplines and their strengths are not average.

Playing alone, he will inevitably suffer. It would be nice to have Luo Xing as a helper. In particular, he also wants to try to win the first place, and by the way win Ouyang Jie’s flying martial skill.

“This time the rules of the ranking battle were changed. There was no news beforehand, but with the Elders’ partiality towards Ouyang Jie, this kid must have known for a long time, maybe I have been taken care of that would force me Gamble with him again.”

“However, the entry of the old discipline is a great opportunity for Luo Xing and I to obtain contribution points. For those disciplines whose strength and realm are very low, especially It is Wang Bai, but it is a very serious challenge.”

I hope Wang Bai will be fine.

Ye Fei shook his head, then slowly regained his power, and walked out of this hidden place with Luo Xing. Now that the old discipline has participated in it, it is useless for them to continue hiding.

After all, every old discipline has experienced a ranking battle in Small World. They must be more familiar with it.

Avoidance is impossible, so you can only face it calmly.

“Senior Brother Ye, what should we do with this map? Should we wait for the old discipline to appear or look for the treasure on the map?” Luo Xing took the silver token map and asked Ye Fei’s opinion said.

Martial Dao world is like this, powerhouse is respected, Ye Fei is low, but his strength is a big part of Luo Xing, subconsciously, Luo Xing also let Ye Fei make up his mind.

“Let’s find treasure before the old discipline comes.” Ye Fei said. When the old discipline comes in, there will be fierce battles. At that time, there will be no time for treasure hunting. The two said, let’s do it now and be safe.

Luo Xing’s thoughts are similar to Ye Fei’s. Seeing Ye Fei speed up and rush to the location pointed by the map, Luo Xing also gritted his teeth and hurried to keep up. The two figures quickly disappeared in front of the jungle .

At the same time, where they stayed, several white lights flashed past. There were three Outer Disciple wearing Holy Land costumes, and they sent in.

“haha, I’m finally back here in Small World! This time let’s see how those newcomers at the discipline died.”

“Junior Brother, this is where we stay in Holy Land It’s our last chance. Don’t keep your hands. See those newcomers and rookies and fight to the death!”

“In Holy Land cultivation, it is our great honor. If we get swept out, that’s The biggest taint in our lives is, even if we are to be driven out, we have to kill a few newcomers and rookies to be willing!”

The hostility of these old disciplines that appeared is heavier one by one. In order not to be swept out by Holy Land, they will definitely use the most cruel means to torture the newcomers here and seize their identity tokens.

For example, in some places in Small World, there are a few newcomer disciplines that are alone, and bad luck’s ones just happened to be found by the old disciplines that came in.

These old disciplines immediately rushed up with a grinning grin. Apart from anything else, they had either crippled the new disciplines or killed them directly, and then obtained their identity tokens contentedly.

Of course, the overwhelming majority disciple has formed large and small groups at the fastest speed, struggling to deal with these old disciplines.

In the end, it is not easy for everyone to join Holy Land. Even if they die, many new disciplines do not want to be swept out by Holy Land. That would not only shame themselves, but also shame their family and parents.

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