“If I can take the opportunity to destroy the peerless genius of the starry sky, that would be even better, so that I, Heavenly Martial Continent, will also have one less enemy.” Ye Fei is also a little greedy. Whispered. Dongfang Yu happened to hear this remark, and he saw the blood soul desolate, sitting on the ground in disregard of manners, Dongfang Yu felt chilly all over his body, “A peerless genius, you have been blown into this by you, and my confidence has collapsed. Yes, Ye Fei, I found that being friends with you is a very dangerous thing, because you are too perverted and too perineal.” Ye Fei’s face is honest and honest, and he categorically denies: “Dongfang Yu, you are slandering me. In fact, I am an honest person, and I am not at all static. In fact, my sword can only be ranked second in the world at best. Compared to sword dao, you cannot surpass me. If you compare For boxing, if you work harder

you may be able to catch up with me.”

Dongfang Yu looked at Ye Fei depressed, and said heavily: “Ye Fei, you are like this. Comforting, you will be beaten to death sooner or later.”

Ye Fei blinked and looked at Dongfang Yu innocently, with an honest and honest appearance. But his appearance is the gnashing teeth that many star sect geniuses hate him. Is it easy for their star sect to give birth to a peerless genius? It can be said that Xue Lingzi’s body not only shoulders the hopes of the Blood River Sect, but also many hopes of the Starry Sky Sect. As a result, Ye Fei only used three swords, and the Blood Lingzi defeated his confidence and sat down like a madness. on the ground. If the blood spirit is ruined by this, then Ye Fei is the most hated person in the whole starry sky

Unfortunately, these geniuses of the Starry Sky Sect hate and hate, but seeing the miserable appearance of the blood spirit being beaten, no one at this time dares to speak rudely to Ye Fei, even more I dare not say anything bad about Heavenly Martial Continent.

Many people keep their heads down and stand far away. They are silent and they endure. Ye Fei and Dongfang Yu didn’t talk too much.

The two also found a corner casually, sat there, cultivation, while waiting. During their cultivation, one or two geniuses passed the test one after another, enter the formation In Zongda Hall, Ye Fei’s expression gradually became solemn.

“Dongfang Yu, did you find it?” Ye Fei said suddenly. “I found out early. Except for you and me, all the other people who passed the test are from the Starry Sect. I am surprised that before I came, I clearly heard that the peerless genius of Xue Yue, the white clothed War God and Emperor Fan, all came here. The world, why are they missing?” Dongfang Yu eyes opened, my heart

is a little heavy.

Ye Fei stood up, walked to a gray robed youth among the starry sky sects, and said: “You can’t wait any longer. Since you don’t understand, then ask someone to ask. No, this brother, I have a few questions I want to ask.”

“Go away, no time!” The star sect genius said impatiently, but he said nothing. With a bang, a heavy Black Sword had smashed the entire hall, and the formation mark trembled violently.

The genius was full of dissatisfaction, and was frightened. He then remembered that although the Hall of Formation Zong could not kill, Ye Fei could stun him and force him to lose. He didn’t have the ability of the blood spirit son to qualify for the assessment, and he could fail without retreating under Ye Fei’s hands.

“You, what do you want to do, I haven’t offended you…” This person’s attitude has obviously softened, and he dared not look at other people’s despising and angry eyes.

“I’m just asking a few questions, don’t worry, I won’t force you.”

Ye Fei did not force him to speak, but slowly waved the black sword dao: “I ask you to answer! I ask you, the group of peerless genius of Heavenly Martial Continent, did they come in, and where are they now?”

gray robed youth swallowed the water channel very aggrievedly : “Young Master Ye, you are late, your young powerhouse of Heavenly Martial Continent, you have already entered the second test assessment a step earlier than us.”

“What, the second test assessment has already begun. , Then why are you waiting here?” Ye Fei asked in surprise.

gray robed youth said angrily: “We want to go in too, but the spirits of this sect are too pitted, what about the first batch of Heavenly Martial Continent, the second batch of our Star Sect, Otherwise, no one of us will see you and will be angry with you.”

Ye Fei is suddenly surprised. It’s no wonder that a peerless genius who is as strong as the blood spirit can only wait here for a long time. The array spirits of the Array Sect seem to be indifferent and ruthless, but in fact, their hearts are still toward Heavenly Martial Continent. It is no wonder that the geniuses of this group of star sects see their grievances greater than one.

“The second question, how long will it take for us to enter the second test?” Ye Fei continued to inquire, and Black Sword even more intentionally or unintentionally, put it on the neck of gray robed youth. “Don’t worry, I know how to say it, I won’t force you.”

Gray robed youth almost didn’t cry, and can only honestly replied: “To enter the second test, you must have the Great Hall of Formation and appear. Fifty passers will do. Now, with you, we have 49, and we are the last one.”

“Okay, brother, many thanks! Please have a drink someday.” Ye Fei Very satisfied and went back.

“No thanks, don’t you come to me!” The gray robed youth hurried into the crowd, for fear of being caught by Ye Fei again for questioning.

Other star sect geniuses, although they hate Ye Fei’s gnashing teeth, they can’t use martial arts here, and no one dares to attack Ye Fei anymore. The two sides returned to live together in harmony. Dongfang Yu’s heart was full of worries: “Brother Ye, we are too bad luck this time. They hate you so much. Once we enter the second test, we will definitely suffer Siege.”

Chapter 1581 Restoring Confidence

“Don’t worry, there is me! I am also the world’s second sword anyway, I have defeated the blood spirit, and I am afraid of others?” There was an invincible belief in Ye Fei.

Dongfang Yu is still not optimistic, and suddenly said: “If you can use martial arts and fields in the second test, you are sure that you can beat a peerless genius like Blood Spirit?”

Ye Fei’s face suddenly became dark.

But if you lose, you don’t lose. Ye Fei said solemnly: “Since I can beat him in sword dao and strength, then I can also beat him in other aspects, Dongfang Yu, you have to treat me Confidence.”

“Hearing you say this, I suddenly have no confidence in you.” Dongfang Yu smiled bitterly and shook his head. As a result, Ye Fei’s face became darker.

But in fact, I am also worried.

In the end, if he can defeat the blood spirit on sword dao, he may not be able to defeat the blood spirit on the martial arts and the domain as well. When he was talking with Dongfang Yu, he was sitting down The blood spirit child on the ground suddenly stood up from the ground.

At this time, the blood spirit child, dishevelled hair, his eyes were bloodshot, but the depressed negative emotions on his body have already disappeared at this time.

His body became straight again, like a dusted sword, at this moment re-exposing its due edge.

Ye Fei was shocked, “So fast, you cheered up from the blow just now?” The blood spirit smiled bitterly, and looked towards Ye Fei, a flash of hatred flashed through his eyes. I quickly became proud again, coldly said: “Ye Fei, I admit, this time you won, you almost used your sword and ruined my confidence, but unfortunately, you underestimated us peerless genius. , I admit, I’m not as good as you in Sword Dao, but so what, our martial artist, the strongest is martial arts, is the field! Why should I use my shortcomings, compared with yours, I just need to use my strengths and avoid weaknesses, Give full play to my strengths and combat your weaknesses. In my hands, you can support a few strokes, three strokes, two strokes

, no!” “To defeat you, I only need one stroke! Kill you, I There are only two moves! You wait, I can’t use my full strength this time. I will let you know the second test, if there is an opportunity, the horror of peerless genius, hahaha!” The blood spirit laughed loudly. In this laughter, the last trace of haze in his heart is the most

and it seems that with this burst of laughter, he is about to disappear.

Ye Fei looked at Xue Lingzi coldly, and suddenly said with a smile: “Blood Lingzi. I ask you one last thing, next time you fight, will you dare to shoot me a sword?”

Xue Lingzi’s laughter stopped abruptly. It was a smile, stiff on his face. It was Ye Fei’s words that gave Xue Lingzi the painful feeling of a fly stuck in his throat.

“hmph, don’t hesitate to take advantage of your tongue!” The blood soul was coldly snorted, turned and left, but the imposing manner that he managed to recover was inevitably weak.

Dongfang Yu also glanced at Ye Fei admiringly, “Faced with peerless genius, Brother Ye, you can still be so calm, do you have any secrets for winning?”

” hmph, wait and see, if you think you can kill me, Xue Lingzi will definitely hit his head and bleed!” Ye Fei is also coldly snorted, but he didn’t explain much. He doesn’t want to expose his cards too soon. .

However, the recovery of the blood spirit still made Ye Fei’s mood a bit heavy. He remembers Lu Qing saying that peerless genius is different from other martial artists. It is difficult for ordinary martial artists to get up if they fall, while peerless genius can quickly get up even if they fall and continue fighting.

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