His bloodline burns more intensely. A starlight, with a whistling Taiji Sword, slashed forward, trying hard and difficult to maintain this smooth blood path.

One by one, the villagers were crying and rushing on this bloody road, but each of them, before leaving, had to take a look at Ye Fei and Dongfang Yu, as if to remember their appearance, remember Stay with these two, use your life to protect the Heavenly God they left.

“These two people, I hate it! If I meet them outside, I must kill them!” The Blood Spirit suddenly said angrily, but he didn’t know why he was angry.

Obviously, a large number of wild beasts have rushed into the valley, Ye Fei and Dongfang Yu have also reached the level of an arrow at the end of its flight. At this time, he should be happy and should cheer. His victory is right, why, his heart is cheering does not raise.

“Blood Spirit, maybe we did something wrong.” A starry genius lowered his head and said in a low voice.


The answer to him was the angry and resounding slap in the face of the blood spirit, “What do you mean, is it because I did something wrong? Yes, my method is somewhat Ruthless, but I am not for myself, but for our entire star sect!”

“Yes, even if we make a move, it is impossible to withstand the attacks of so many wild beasts, this valley, sooner or later Will be razed to the ground by the wild beast, unless we can find the hidden beast king and kill that one…”

The man’s words have not been finished yet, the blood spirit child suddenly realized something, he He grabbed the man’s shirt and roared furiously: “Asshole, you found out there is a Beastmaster in it, damn it, why didn’t you say it earlier…”


As if to confirm that person’s words, in the sky outside the valley, there was a sudden roar of angry wild beasts, and the whole group of wild beasts who heard that roar became flustered a lot at this time. Obviously, this roar was made by the Beastmaster.

It was a quasi-emperor-level beast king. It was also very cunning. It was always hidden in the void without showing up. It was more careful to hide its aura, but secretly ordered ordinary beasts to attack this valley.

However, at this moment, the hidden Beastmaster, not knowing what irritation was received, suddenly ran out of in the sky in anger, accompanied by the Beastmaster, and there was a black silhouette like lightning, Constantly surrounding the Beastmaster, fighting hard.


Such a shock has completely messed up the attacking wild beasts. You must know that the wild beasts are a very peculiar beast, and they must have Only the leader or the beast king can pose a threat. Once the leader or the beast king is killed, the entire group of wild beasts will immediately fall into civil strife. This is also the reason why the blood spirit child is extremely angry. If he had known that there was a desolate beast king here, he would definitely not withdraw from the valley, but would concentrate all his strength to kill the beast king and become the greatest hero to protect the valley. But it’s a pity that this hero not only wants to be the blood spirit child, but also an expert who has always been hidden, but also wants to be this hero.

Blood Lingzi immediately became angry: “Who is that person and which starry sky sect he is from? How dare he use me, use all of us, and give me a chance to kill the Beastmaster!”

Ye Fei also saw the hidden beast king chased out of the void, and his heart was fiercely shocked. However, after seeing the silhouette of the beast king, his Fiercely shocked in my heart.

Dongfang Yu couldn’t help but exclaimed: “Holy Son in the dark prison! He has been hiding among us all the time, and he has taken advantage of all of us!”

“The enemy I knew that this time we were used by the Black Prison Holy Son. It was indeed our misstep. However, the Black Prison Holy Son still underestimated the strength of this Beastmaster. His assassination was unsuccessful. Once the Beastmaster escaped into the barren beasts, his The assassination will fail completely. Dongfang Yu!” Ye Fei suddenly shouted loudly.

“I understand, there is me here!” Dongfang Yu also responded loudly. At this time, all his strength broke out, and he punched all the surrounding wild beasts.


At this time, Ye Fei also suddenly recovered the power of the immortal Sword Soul. In the end, the power of Sword Soul also has its limit. It can only let Ye Fei killed part of the wild beasts, but could not kill all the wild beasts here. But if you kill the Beastmaster, the effect will be different.

Once the beast king dies, the desolate beast will be in chaos and will immediately flee without a fight. The Black Prison Holy Son also calculated this point accurately, and then he always forbeared it and planned to strike a certain kill against the Beastmaster, but this Beastmaster was very cunning, and he reacted in advance and successfully avoided the most deadly point.

This made Holy Son in the dark prison secretly annoyed, but at the same time he was extremely anxious, until he saw Ye Fei smashing void coming, his pupil light suddenly became brighter, “Ye Fei , Let’s work together?”


There is nothing to say, the moment Ye Fei rushed out of the void, Ye Fei’s entire body burned into the sky. Strength, wave Black Sword. But he still has the power to activate the bloodline god armor to fight for another chance for the assassination of Holy Son in the black prison.


The Beastmaster also felt the fatal crisis at this time. It roared more furiously, with huge horns, and suddenly at this moment, a terrifying force that penetrated the void burst out. , Rammed Ye Fei fiercely.

Touch! The huge animal horn, like a pillar of heaven, fiercely hit Ye Fei’s body, and the blood flame of Ye Fei that hit it collapsed on the spot.

Chapter 1587 Martial God

Ye Fei still did not retreat. At the critical moment, the powerful defense of the bloodline god armor turned Ye Fei into the strongest city wall to block Desperately hit by the Beastmaster.

The indifferent expression of Holy Son in the black prison also flashed a shock, seemingly unbelievable. In order to create a chance for him to assassinate, Ye Fei actually gave up his life and willingly became a physical shield. Then, Holy Son of Hell, a sudden emergence of murderous intention more terrifying than Hell.

The Gun of Killing Gods!

The murderous aura is monstrous, the world is shattered, and the black prison Holy Son is the domineering blood-colored divine spear at his hand, just like the stare of Death God, the terrifying spear glow, pierces directly from the abdomen of the Beastmaster, crushing all the internal organs of the Beastmaster At the same time, the flashing cold light spear blade stabbed from the head of the Beastmaster.

The spear blade, still dripping blood, just stayed in Ye Fei’s throat, one centimeter away. This centimeter is also the distance between life and death. Time is in this brief moment, and freeze frame is produced. There was even more furious roar from Xue Lingzi from a distance. Unfortunately, the move of Xue Lingzi to withdraw from the valley meant that he lost the first opportunity. Even if he reacted afterwards, he did not have the speed of Ye Fei. , You can use the Great Void

technique to rush to the Beastmaster’s side in time. What Xue Lingzi can do is to watch Ye Fei use the god armor to block the final blow of the Beastmaster. Then, it is the scene where the god-killing blade of Holy Son in the black prison pierces the heart and head of the Beastmaster. , The two vitals have been hit hard, even the most powerful barren beast has no chance to survive at this time.

Ye Fei even saw the soul of a desolate beast, pierced to pieces by the spear of the Godslayer Blade. But the broken soul of the wild beast, not at all disappeared, but was violently inhaled within the body by the vortex exploded by the Holy Son within the body.

“It turns out that this is why you are killing people everywhere!” Ye Fei suddenly woke up, Holy Son in the black prison, why did he kill people everywhere as soon as he woke up, so crazy that even peerless genius dared to assassinate.

Obviously, the murder of Holy Son in the black prison was actually for cultivation!


For Ye Fei, he even saw his cultivation knack. The eyes of Holy Son in the dark prison suddenly burst out with an amazing murderous intention. In the scene where Ye Fei gave up his life as a flesh shield, the murderous intention in his eyes gradually converged.

“This time we are working together, I will not kill you. When we meet next time, you will still be the target of my assassination.” Holy Son in the black prison indifferently closed his gun and said coldly.

“hmph, I’m waiting for you to kill, if you kill!” Ye Fei is also coldly snorted. Although they cooperate, they still look at each other, which is not pleasing to the eye.

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